MSCRM 2011: Sending a reply email via code? - email

[Sending a reply email via code]
Currently i am opening an email activity and manually sending replies to them by clicking on the reply button in the form.
I have written a plugin which triggers on creation of an email activity and sends out an notification email to the sender of that email activity.
But it goes out as a fresh email activity and not a reply.
Email should go out as a reply and not a fresh email.
Please help.
Aamir Nawaz

If the e-mail you reply to does not have anything in the "Regarding" field, then the reply would also not have.
Depending on your use case, the incoming e-mail could be connected to a case, an account or an activity (typically).
In your code you should set the Regarding accordingly. If you do not have a Regarding in the original e-mail I would suggest reviewing your business case and decide on the flow.
In our system, if an e-mail is recieved it is scanned for CAS-###### reference in subject and body. If found it is connected to the existing case, if not a new case is created using either the known contact as customer or a place holder account (awaiting a CSR to create/correct contact and case). The creation of the case triggers an acknowledgement e-mail to the contact with case reference information. This e-mail is connected to the case.
I hope this helps you.
Br Nicolai


(Google Workspace) Email not being received from one sender only

I have a Google Workspace (I think that is what it is called) that I use to manage a private email address for a small business.
Everything has been working fine, and I can see the user (richard) in the admin area with associated email set up. I have sent test emails to and from their email account to make sure it is working okay and everything seems to be working fine.
I have two email addresses associated with the domain, for example: (me) and (richard)
I use the first email address as an admin account, and they use the second one.
They've had this email account for a long time, and have had no problems, however recently they have stopped receiving emails from one sender (their accountant).
I can still send emails to the account from my own personal email address to them, and they are receiving emails from other businesses, but just this one person is sending emails to them and they aren't being received.
Things I've tried:
Checked the spam/junk folders and no emails are there
Checked to make sure the sender isn't on the blocked list
Looked at the email logs as per this suggested article and don't see any record of the incoming email that has been sent
Sent a test email to and from and they both receive my email. When the accountant presses "reply all" the email only gets received by and never arrives at
Sent a test email from to and she receives the email. When she replies, he doesn't get the reply.
All I can think of is she has somehow blocked him via her email client, but I need to check out all the possibilities of it being a problem at our end as she's not great with email and not sure how I'm going to navigate that one :)
Any suggestions welcome!

Sending emails from a community application (best concept)

I have a community where users can send emails to each other and/or multiple users.
Problem: I often get the feedback that emails are being received, not even in the Spam folder.
Currently I do the following:
The problem is that I see from bounces that emails are rejected because the "From" and "Reply-to" do not match.
What I tried?
Putting the original sender address "" in the "From" field. Result: Even more emails get rejected by the servers, because I am not allowed to send emails on behalf of this user (I totally understand that behaviour from the mail-servers)
Removing the "Reply-to" Header. Result: Users click on reply and send answers to "" and they never get to the intended recipient.
What I plan to do?
Next idea that I have is to send emails from and have a individual user hash for each sender. e.g.:
When the recipient hits the reply button and replies to, then I need to send a new email with the content of that email to, if this was the user assigned to
My questions:
Is this a "Best practice" or are there better solutions?
Are there any tools/libraries (preferrably in typescript) which would help me to do this last step of email forwarding to the original sender
Thanks a lot for all kind of feedback, thoughts, links to helpful pages, etc.

sendgrid/mail wont allow sending 'from' to be dynamically

I have a form on my portfolio that allows a user fill in a form with a question they have and send that to me by email.
When i try to use sendgrid it only allows me as a verified user to send emails from my own email address. but i want the 'from' field to be dynamically filled in by that user and then sent to me.
note: I also tried 'emailjs' but that works fine in development but fails in production.
Any suggestions on how to fix this or any other platforms i can use for that preferabally free since it is a hobby project.
Twilio SendGrid developer evangelist here.
You do need to use a verified email address to send emails from SendGrid, this is to stop people using a form like you describe to spoof anyone's email address.
A better idea is to send emails created in your form from a verified email address and set the reply-to address as the submitted email. That way you can send with SendGrid and then when you reply in your email client it will return to the person that submitted the form.
I added more detail and example code (in Python) in this answer.

Identify email message related to received webhook

Today I started to learn about webhooks and I was wondering if it is possible to know exactly what message is related to a received webhook.
For example, I have a website where customers can register and, after a successful registration, I'm sending them a confirmation via email. Is it possible to know that the customer clicked on that specific email message? (Considering that the customer can receive other types of email messages like password recovery, newsletters, etc). I know I can use the subject (something like if subject == 'Welcome to My Site' then do-email-post-registration-clicked-routine) but if the subject changes, or if they change it (when we reply to a message, usually the email client prepends "Re:" to the subject, I won't be able to track it.
Thanks in advance!
Yes. You can use custom arguments to track individual emails. Custom arguments get sent with event webhooks.
More documentation can be found here:

Are there other methods than emailing a verification link to verify account info?

At the moment, we are sending an email address verification email each time someone signs up. This email has been causing a number of problems: people don't get it, they just don't click the link in the email or the email gets block by spam or some other method. We are working on resolving the spam issue, although I don't think it's possible to completely resolve it.
I'm wondering what other methods there might be for verifying and email address. Is there any other way to verify an email address without sending an email? Or is there another method of ensuring people aren't signing up with fake information?
I'm not sure if there are other good methods, but sending an email and having them click a link is definitely the simplest and most accurate.
A main feature to sending that email, is for the person to verify that it's actually them that requested it.
The only way to verify someone owns an email address is to have him use it.
As for verifying users don't enter fake information - not even sending an email can help. With so many disposable/temporary email services out there (like GuerrillaMail) , someone can fill up your form with false info, post a temp email address, log to that address and click the link in your email - manually or programatically.
You have to trust your users to come back for your content, and ignore spammers. offers a paid web service to verify if an email exists without sending a message to that email. try it out here is the link: strick