I am writing a MIPS program that should only works with uppercase or lowercase characters as input. My program works using the ASCII values of the characters.
I need to check if each character in the input is in the ASCII range of 65-90 (A-Z) or else 97-122 (a-z). If it is not in either of those ranges, skip this character and repeat for the next character. How can this be done?
Here is a solution I just came up with but I'm sure there is a less ugly way to do this?
function: #increment $t0 to next char of input
blt $t0, 65, function
bgt $t0, 122, function
blt $t0, 91, continue
bgt $t0, 96, continue
j function
continue: ...
j function
No matter what you do, you'll need four branch insts.
The first thing I'd do is add sidebar comments to each instruction.
Good comments are part of any language, but crucial for asm. Virtually every line should have them. They address the logic of your algorithm (i.e. the "what/why"). The instructions themselves are the "how".
Notice that you're using decimal numbers for the ASCII chars. Without comments it's difficult to follow the logic to determine if the instructions are correct.
I'd adjust your grouping a bit to keep A-Z tests together and a-z tests together and not intermix them. This might be slightly slower, but the code is more intuitive.
I also did a third version that is very easy to understand. It uses character constants instead of hardwired decimal values.
Here's your original with annotations:
# increment $t0 to next char of input
blt $t0,65,function # less than 'A'? if yes, loop
bgt $t0,122,function # greater than 'z'? if yes, loop
blt $t0,91,continue # less than or equal to 'Z'? if yes, doit
bgt $t0,96,continue # greater than or equal to 'a'? if yes, doit
j function
# ...
j function
Here's the reordered version:
# increment $t0 to next char of input
blt $t0,65,function # less than 'A'? if yes, loop
blt $t0,91,continue # less than or equal to 'Z'? if yes, doit
bgt $t0,122,function # greater than 'z'? if yes, loop
bgt $t0,96,continue # greater than or equal to 'a'? if yes, doit
j function
# ...
j function
Here is the most straightforward version. This is the easiest to understand and, personally, I'd do this. It also eliminates an extra/extraneous j instruction.
The previous versions have to "know" that A-Z is lower in value than a-z. They could "get away" with this because the ASCII values were "hardwired" in decimal.
In C, that wouldn't [necessarily] be a good idea (i.e. you'd use the character constants). mips assemblers allow character constants, so the following is actually valid:
# increment $t0 to next char of input
blt $t0,'A',trylower # less than 'A'? if yes, try lowercase
ble $t0,'Z',continue # less than or equal to 'Z'? if yes, doit
blt $t0,'a',function # less than 'a'? if yes, loop
bgt $t0,'z',function # greater than 'z'? if yes, loop
# ...
j function
There's an old maxim: Make it right before you make it faster (From "Elements of Programming Style" by Brian Kernighan and P.J. Plauger)
Here's an extra version that builds a lookup table. It takes a bit more to pre-build it, but the actual loop is faster.
In the various versions blt and bgt are pseudo ops that generate slti,bne and addi,slti,bne respectively. So, we're really talking about 10 instructions and not just 4.
So, the table build may be worth it to get a simpler/faster loop.
isalpha: .space 256
la $s0,isalpha # get address of lookup table
li $t0,-1 # byte value
li $t2,1 # true value
# build lookup table
# increment $t0 to next char of input
addi $t0,$t0,1 # advance to next char
beq $t0,256,build_done # over edge? if so, table done
blt $t0,'A',build_lower # less than 'A'? if yes, try lowercase
ble $t0,'Z',build_set # less than or equal to 'Z'? if yes, doit
blt $t0,'a',build_loop # less than 'a'? if yes, loop
bgt $t0,'z',build_loop # greater than 'z'? if yes, loop
addiu $t1,$s0,$t0 # point to correct array address
sb $t2,0($t1) # mark as a-z, A-Z
j build_loop # try next char
# increment $t0 to next char of input
addu $t1,$s0,$t0 # index into lookup table
lb $t1,0($t1) # get lookup table value
beqz $t1,function # is char one we want? if no, loop
# ...
j function
Here's a version with a predefined lookup table:
.byte 0:65
.byte 1:26
.byte 0:6
.byte 1:26
.byte 0:133
la $s0,isalpha # get lookup table address
# increment $t0 to next char of input
addu $t1,$s0,$t0 # index into lookup table
lb $t1,0($t1) # get lookup table value
beqz $t1,function # is char one we want? if no, loop
# ...
j function
Since the ASCII ranges happen to be nicely arranged, you can ori to force upper-case characters to lower, then use sub / sltu as a range check. What is the idea behind ^= 32, that converts lowercase letters to upper and vice versa? explains how / why this works. (Or andi to clear the lower-case bit and force any alphabetic characters to upper case.) Or just do the addu / sltu part to only check for isupper or islower instead of isalpha.
ori $t1, $t0, 0x20 # set lower-case bit (optional)
addiu $t1, $t1, -97 # -'a' index within alphabet
sltiu $t1, $t1, 26 # idx <= 'z'-'a' create a boolean
bnez $t1, alphabetic # branch on it, original char still in $t0
MARS's assembler unfortunately doesn't allow -'a' as a numeric literal so you have to write it out manually. Better assemblers like clang or the GNU assembler really would let you write addiu $t1, $t1, -'a'.
(If your character starts in memory, lbu $t0, 0($a0) or similar would be a good start. An lb sign-extending load is ok, too; this will correctly reject bytes with their high bit set whether they're zero- or sign-extended. The range we want to "accept" only includes signed-positive byte values.)
Compilers know this trick. For example:
int alpha(unsigned char *p) {
unsigned char c = *p;
c |= 0x20;
return (c>='a' && c <= 'z');
compiles with MIPS GCC to the same asm (Godbolt compiler explorer) as
int alpha(unsigned char *p) {
unsigned char c = *p;
unsigned lcase = c|0x20;
unsigned alphabet_idx = lcase - 'a'; // 0-index position in the alphabet
bool alpha = alphabet_idx <= (unsigned)('z'-'a');
return alpha;
In fact, clang can even optimize ((c>='a' && c <= 'z') || (c>='A' && c <= 'Z')); into equivalent asm for MIPS or RISC-V. (Also included in Godbolt link).
See also How can I implement if(condition1 && condition2) in MIPS? which also shows the range-check trick for '0' .. '9'.
I am trying to convert a (variable length) Hex String to Signed Integer (I need either positive or negative values).
[Int16] [int 32] and [int64] seem to work fine with 2,4+ byte length Hex Strings but I'm stuck with 3 byte strings [int24] (no such command in powershell).
Here's what I have now (snippet):
$start = $mftdatarnbh.Substring($DataRunStringsOffset+$LengthBytes*2+2,$StartBytes*2) -split "(..)"
$start = -join $start
if($StartBytes*8 -le 16){$startd =[int16]"0x$($start)"}
elseif($StartBytes*8 -in (17..48)){$startd =[int32]"0x$($start)"}
else{$startd =[int64]"0x$($start)"}
With the above code, a $start value of "D35A71" gives '13851249' instead of '-2925967'. I tried to figure out a way to implement two's complement but got lost. Any easy way to do this right?
Thank you in advance
Edit: Basically, I think I need to implement something like this:
int num = (sbyte)array[0] << 16 | array[1] << 8 | array[2];
as seen here.
Just tried this:
$start = "D35A71"
[sbyte]"0x$($start.Substring(0,2))" -shl 16 -bor "0x$($start.Substring(2,2))" -shl 8 -bor "0x$($start.Substring(4,2))"
but doesn't seem to get the correct result :-/
To parse your hex.-number string as a negative number you can use [bigint] (System.Numerics.BigInteger):
# Since the most significant hex digit has a 1 as its most significant bit
# (is >= 0x8), it is parsed as a NEGATIVE number.
# To force unconditional interpretation as a positive number, prepend '0'
# to the input hex string.
PS> [bigint]::Parse('D35A71', 'AllowHexSpecifier')
You can cast the resulting [bigint] instance back to an [int] (System.Int32).
The result is a negative number, because the most significant hex digit of the hex input string is >= 0x8, i.e. has its high bit set.
To force [bigint] to unconditionally interpret a hex. input string as a positive number, prepend 0.
The internal two's complement representation of a resulting negative number is performed at byte boundaries, so that a given hex number with an odd number of digits (i.e. if the first hex digit is a "half byte") has the missing half byte filled with 1 bits.
Therefore, a hex-number string whose most significant digit is >= 0x8 (parses as a negative number) results in the same number as prepending one or more Fs (0xF == 1111) to it; e.g., the following calls all result in -2048:
[bigint]::Parse('800', 'AllowHexSpecifier'),
[bigint]::Parse('F800', 'AllowHexSpecifier'),
[bigint]::Parse('FF800', 'AllowHexSpecifier'), ...
See the docs for details about the parsing logic.
# First digit (7) is < 8 (high bit NOT set) -> positive number
[bigint]::Parse('7FF', 'AllowHexSpecifier') # -> 2047
# First digit (8) is >= 8 (high bit IS SET) -> negative number
[bigint]::Parse('800', 'AllowHexSpecifier') # -> -2048
# Prepending additional 'F's to a number that parses as
# a negative number yields the *same* result
[bigint]::Parse('F800', 'AllowHexSpecifier') # -> -2048
[bigint]::Parse('FF800', 'AllowHexSpecifier') # -> -2048
# ...
# Starting the hex-number string with '0'
# *unconditionally* makes the result a *positive* number
[bigint]::Parse('0800', 'AllowHexSpecifier') # -> 2048
I was reading some example code snippet for the module Net::Pcap::Easy, and I came across this piece of code
my $l3protlen = ord substr $raw_bytes, 14, 1;
my $l3prot = $l3protlen & 0xf0 >> 2; # the protocol part
return unless $l3prot == 4; # return unless IPv4
my $l4prot = ord substr $packet, 23, 1;
return unless $l4prot == '7';
After doing a total hex dump of the raw packet $raw_bytes, I can see that this is an ethernet frame, and not on a TCP/UDP packet. Can someone please explain what the above code does?
For parsing the frame, I looked up this page.
Now onto the Perl...
my $l3protlen = ord substr $raw_bytes, 14, 1;
Extract the 15th byte (character) from $raw_bytes, and convert to its ordinal value (e.g. a character 'A' would be converted to an integer 65 (0x41), assuming the character set is ASCII). This is how Perl can handle binary data as if it were a string (e.g. passing it to substr) but then let you get the binary values back out and handle them as numbers. (But remember TMTOWTDI.)
In the IPv4 frame, the first 14 bytes are the MAC header (6 bytes each for destination and source MAC address, followed by 2-byte Ethertype which was probably 0x8000 - you could have checked this). Following this, the 15th byte is the start of the Ethernet data payload: the first byte of this contains Version (upper 4 bytes) and Header Length in DWORDs (lower 4 bytes).
Now it looks to me like there is a bug in the next line of this sample code, but it may well normally work by a fluke!
my $l3prot = $l3protlen & 0xf0 >> 2; # the protocol part
In Perl, >> has higher precedence than &, so this will be equivalent to
my $l3prot = $l3protlen & (0xf0 >> 2);
or if you prefer
my $l3prot = $l3protlen & 0x3c;
So this extracts bits 2 - 5 from the $l3prot value: the mask value 0x3c is 0011 1100 in binary. So for example a value of 0x86 (in binary, 1000 0110) would become 0x04 (binary 0000 0100).
In fact a 'normal' IPv4 value is 0x45, i.e. protocol type 4, header length 5 dwords. Mask that with 0x3c and you get... 4! But only by fluke: you have tested the top 2 bits of the length, not the protocol type!
This line should surely be
my $l3prot = ($l3protlen & 0xf0) >> 4;
(note brackets for precedence and a shift of 4 bits, not 2). (I found this same mistake in the CPAN documentation so I guess it's probably quite widely spread.)
return unless $l3prot == 4; # return unless IPv4
For IPv4 we expect this value to be 4 - if it isn't, jump out of the function right away. (So the wrong code above gives the result which lets this be interpreted as an IPv4 packet, but only by luck.)
my $l4prot = ord substr $packet, 23, 1;
Now extract the 24th byte and convert to ordinal value in the same way. This is the Protocol byte from the IP header:
return unless $l4prot == '7';
We expect this to be 7 - if it isn't jump out of the function right away. (According to IANA, 7 is "Core-based trees"... but I guess you know which protocols you are interested in!)
say pack "A*", "asdf"; # Prints "asdf"
say pack "s", 0x41 * 256 + 0x42; # Prints "BA" (0x41 = 'A', 0x42 = 'B')
The first line makes sense: you're taking an ASCII encoded string, packing it into a string as an ASCII string. In the second line, the packed form is "\x42\x41" because of the little endian-ness of short integers on my machine.
However, I can't shake the feeling that somehow, I should be able to treat the packed string from the second line as a number, since that's how (I assume) Perl stores numbers, as little-endian sequence of bytes. Is there a way to do so without unpacking it? I'm trying to get the correct mental model for the thing that pack() returns.
For instance, in C, I can do this:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
char c[2];
short * x = c;
c[0] = 0x42;
c[1] = 0x41;
printf("%d\n", *x); // Prints 16706 == 0x41 * 256 + 0x42
return 0;
If you're really interested in how Perl stores data internally, I'd recommend PerlGuts Illustrated. But usually, you don't have to care about stuff like that because Perl doesn't give you access to such low-level details. These internals are only important if you're writing XS extensions in C.
If you want to "cast" a two-byte string to a C short, you can use the unpack function like this:
$ perl -le 'print unpack("s", "BA")'
However, I can't shake the feeling that somehow, I should be able to treat the packed string from the second line as a number,
You need to unpack it first.
To be able to use it as a number in C, you need
char* packed = "\x42\x41";
int16_t int16;
memcpy(&int16, packed, sizeof(int16_t));
To be able to use it as a number in Perl, you need
my $packed = "\x42\x41";
my $num = unpack('s', $packed);
which is basically
use Inline C => <<'__EOI__';
SV* unpack_s(SV* sv) {
char* buf;
int16_t int16;
buf = SvPVbyte(sv, len);
if (len != sizeof(int16_t))
Copy(buf, &int16, 1, int16_t);
return newSViv(int16);
my $packed = "\x42\x41";
my $num = unpack_s($packed);
since that's how (I assume) perl stores numbers, as little-endian sequence of bytes.
Perl stores numbers in one of following three fields of a scalar:
IV, a signed integer of size perl -V:ivsize (in bytes).
UV, an unsigned integer of size perl -V:uvsize (in bytes). (ivsize=uvsize)
NV, a floating point numbers of size perl -V:nvsize (in bytes).
In all case, native endianness is used.
I'm trying to get the correct mental model for the thing that pack() returns.
pack is used to construct "binary data" for interfacing with external APIs.
I see pack as a serialization function. It takes as input Perl values, and outputs a serialized form. The fact the output serialized form happens to be a Perl bytestring is more of an implementation detail than a core functionality.
As such, all you're really expected to do with the resulting string is feed it to unpack, though the serialized form is convenient to have it move around processes, hosts, planets.
If you're interested in serializing it to a number instead, consider using vec:
say vec "BA", 0, 16; # prints 16961
To take a closer look at the string's internal representation, take a look at Devel::Peek, though you're not going to see anything surprising with a pure ASCII string.
use Devel::Peek;
Dump "BA";
SV = PV(0xb42f80) at 0xb56300
PV = 0xb60cc0 "BA"\0
CUR = 2
LEN = 16
i'm trying very hard on implementing the sha-256 algorithm. I have got problems with the padding of the message. for sha-256 you have to append one bit at the end of the message, which I have reached so far with $message .= (chr 0x80);
The next step should be to fill the emtpy space(512bit block) with 0's.
I calculated it with this formula: l+1+k=448-l and append it then to the message.
My problem comes now:Append in the last 64bit block the binary representation of the length of the message and fill the rest with 0's again. Since perl handles their data types by themself, there is no "byte" datatype. How can I figure out which value I should append?
please see also the official specification:
If at all possible, pull something off the shelf. You do not want to roll your own SHA-256 implementation because to get official blessing, you would have to have it certified.
That said, the specification is
5.1.1 SHA-1, SHA-224 and SHA-256
Suppose that the length of the message, M, is l bits. Append the bit 1 to the end of the message, followed by k zero bits, where k is the smallest, non-negative solution to the equation
l + 1 + k ≡ 448 mod 512
Then append the 64-bit block that is equal to the number l expressed using a binary representation. For example, the (8-bit ASCII) message “abc” has length 8 × 3 = 24, so the message is padded with a one bit, then 448 - (24 + 1) = 423 zero bits, and then the message length, to become the 512-bit padded message
423 64
.-^-. .---^---.
01100001 01100010 01100011 1 00…00 00…011000
“a” “b” “c” '-v-'
Then length of the padded message should now be a multiple of 512 bits.
You might be tempted to use vec because it allows you to address single bits, but you would have to work around funky addressing.
If bits is 4 or less, the string is broken into bytes, then the bits of each byte are broken into 8/BITS groups. Bits of a byte are numbered in a little-endian-ish way, as in 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80. For example, breaking the single input byte chr(0x36) into two groups gives a list (0x6, 0x3); breaking it into 4 groups gives (0x2, 0x1, 0x3, 0x0).
Instead, a pack template of B* specifies
A bit string (descending bit order inside each byte).
and N
An unsigned long (32-bit) in "network" (big-endian) order.
The latter is useful for assembling the message length. Although pack has a Q parameter for quad, the result is in the native order.
Start with a bit of prep work
use Config;
die "$0: $^X not configured for 64-bit ints"
unless $Config{use64bitint};
# create non-portable 64-bit masks as constants
no warnings "portable";
*UPPER32BITS = \0xffff_ffff_0000_0000;
*LOWER32BITS = \0x0000_0000_ffff_ffff;
Then you can defined pad_message as
sub pad_message {
use bytes;
my($msg) = #_;
my $l = bytes::length($msg) * 8;
my $extra = $l % 512; # pad to 512-bit boundary
my $k = 448 - ($extra + 1);
# append 1 bit followed by $k zero bits
$msg .= pack "B*", 1 . 0 x $k;
# add big-endian length
$msg .= pack "NN", (($l & $UPPER32BITS) >> 32), ($l & $LOWER32BITS);
die "$0: bad length: ", bytes::length $msg
if (bytes::length($msg) * 8) % 512;
Say the code prints the padded message with
my $padded = pad_message "abc";
# break into multiple lines for readability
for (unpack("H*", $padded) =~ /(.{64})/g) {
print $_, "\n";
Then the output is
which matches the specification.
First of all I hope you do this just as an exercise -- there is a Digest module in core that already computes SHA-256 just fine.
Note that $message .= (chr 0x80); appends one byte, not one bit. If you really need bitwise manipulation, take a look at the vec function.
To get the binary representation of an intger, you should use pack. To get it to 64 bit, do something like
$message .= pack 'Q', length($message)
Note that the 'Q' format is only available on 64 bit perls; if yours isn't one, simply concatenate four 0-bytes with a 32 bit value (pack format L).
Please answer with the shortest possible source code for a program that converts an arbitrary plaintext to its corresponding ciphertext, following the sample input and output I have given below. Bonus points* for the least CPU time or the least amount of memory used.
Example 1:
Plaintext: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
Ciphertext: eTh kiquc nobrw xfo smjup rvoe eth yalz .odg !uioiapeislgriarpSueclfaiitcxildcos
Example 2:
Plaintext: 123 1234 12345 123456 1234567 12345678 123456789
Ciphertext: 312 4213 53124 642135 7531246 86421357 975312468
Punctuation is defined to be included with the word it is closest to.
The center of a word is defined to be ceiling((strlen(word)+1)/2).
Whitespace is ignored (or collapsed).
Odd words move to the right first. Even words move to the left first.
You can think of it as reading every other character backwards (starting from the end of the word), followed by the remaining characters forwards. Corporation => XoXpXrXtXoX => niaorCoprto.
Thank you to those who pointed out the inconsistency in my description. This has lead many of you down the wrong path, which I apologize for. Rule #4 should clear things up.
*Bonus points will only be awarded if Jeff Atwood decides to do so. Since I haven't checked with him, the chances are slim. Sorry.
Python, 50 characters
For input in i:
' '.join(x[::-2]+x[len(x)%2::2]for x in i.split())
Alternate version that handles its own IO:
print ' '.join(x[::-2]+x[len(x)%2::2]for x in raw_input().split())
A total of 66 characters if including whitespace. (Technically, the print could be omitted if running from a command line, since the evaluated value of the code is displayed as output by default.)
Alternate version using reduce:
' '.join(reduce(lambda x,y:y+x[::-1],x) for x in i.split())
59 characters.
Original version (both even and odd go right first) for an input in i:
' '.join(x[::2][::-1]+x[1::2]for x in i.split())
48 characters including whitespace.
Another alternate version which (while slightly longer) is slightly more efficient:
' '.join(x[len(x)%2-2::-2]+x[1::2]for x in i.split())
(53 characters)
J, 58 characters
>,&.>/({~(,~(>:#+:#i.#-#<.,+:#i.#>.)#-:)#<:##)&.><;.2,&' '
Haskell, 64 characters
unwords.map(map snd.sort.zip(zipWith(*)[0..]$cycle[-1,1])).words
Well, okay, 76 if you add in the requisite "import List".
Python - 69 chars
(including whitespace and linebreaks)
This handles all I/O.
for w in raw_input().split():
for c in w:o=c+o[::-1]
print o,
Perl, 78 characters
For input in $_. If that's not acceptable, add six characters for either $_=<>; or $_=$s; at the beginning. The newline is for readability only.
for(split){$i=length;print substr$_,$i--,1,''while$i-->0;
print"$_ ";}print $/
C, 140 characters
Nicely formatted:
main(c, v)
char **v;
for( ; *++v; )
char *e = *v + strlen(*v), *x;
for(x = e-1; x >= *v; x -= 2)
for(x = *v + (x < *v-1); x < e; x += 2)
putchar(' ');
130 char function, 147 char functioning program
Lua doesn't get enough love in code golf -- maybe because it's hard to write a short program when you have long keywords like function/end, if/then/end, etc.
First I write the function in a verbose manner with explanations, then I rewrite it as a compressed, standalone function, then I call that function on the single argument specified at the command line.
I had to format the code with <pre></pre> tags because Markdown does a horrible job of formatting Lua.
Technically you could get a smaller running program by inlining the function, but it's more modular this way :)
t = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!"
T = t:gsub("%S+", -- for each word in t...
function(w) -- argument: current word in t
W = "" -- initialize new Word
for i = 1,#w do -- iterate over each character in word
c = w:sub(i,i) -- extract current character
-- determine whether letter goes on right or left end
W = (#w % 2 ~= i % 2) and W .. c or c .. W
return W -- swap word in t with inverted Word
-- code-golf unit test
assert(T == "eTh kiquc nobrw xfo smjup rvoe eth yalz .odg !uioiapeislgriarpSueclfaiitcxildcos")
-- need to assign to a variable and return it,
-- because gsub returns a pair and we only want the first element
f=function(s)c=s:gsub("%S+",function(w)W=""for i=1,#w do c=w:sub(i,i)W=(#w%2~=i%2)and W ..c or c ..W end return W end)return c end
-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
-- 130 chars, compressed and written as a proper function
-- 16 (+1 whitespace needed) chars to make it a functioning Lua program,
-- operating on command line argument
$ lua insideout.lua 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!'
eTh kiquc nobrw xfo smjup rvoe eth yalz .odg !uioiapeislgriarpSueclfaiitcxildcos
I'm still pretty new at Lua so I'd like to see a shorter solution if there is one.
For a minimal cipher on all args to stdin, we can do 111 chars:
for _,w in ipairs(arg)do W=""for i=1,#w do c=w:sub(i,i)W=(#w%2~=i%2)and W ..c or c ..W end io.write(W ..' ')end
But this approach does output a trailing space like some of the other solutions.
For an input in s:
f=lambda t,r="":t and f(t[1:],len(t)&1and t[0]+r or r+t[0])or r
" ".join(map(f,s.split()))
Python, 90 characters including whitespace.
125 characters
set s set f foreach l {}
$f w [gets stdin] {$s r {}
$f c [split $w {}] {$s r $c[string reverse $r]}
$s l "$l $r"}
puts $l
Bash - 133, assuming input is in $w variable
for x in $w; do
for l in `echo $x|sed 's/\(.\)/ \1/g'`; do
if ((${#z}%2)); then
echo -n "$z ";
for x in $w;do z="";for l in `echo $x|sed 's/\(.\)/ \1/g'`;do if ((${#z}%2));then z=$z$l;else z=$l$z;fi;done;echo -n "$z ";done;echo
Ok, so it outputs a trailing space.