Code Golf - Word Scrambler - word

Please answer with the shortest possible source code for a program that converts an arbitrary plaintext to its corresponding ciphertext, following the sample input and output I have given below. Bonus points* for the least CPU time or the least amount of memory used.
Example 1:
Plaintext: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
Ciphertext: eTh kiquc nobrw xfo smjup rvoe eth yalz .odg !uioiapeislgriarpSueclfaiitcxildcos
Example 2:
Plaintext: 123 1234 12345 123456 1234567 12345678 123456789
Ciphertext: 312 4213 53124 642135 7531246 86421357 975312468
Punctuation is defined to be included with the word it is closest to.
The center of a word is defined to be ceiling((strlen(word)+1)/2).
Whitespace is ignored (or collapsed).
Odd words move to the right first. Even words move to the left first.
You can think of it as reading every other character backwards (starting from the end of the word), followed by the remaining characters forwards. Corporation => XoXpXrXtXoX => niaorCoprto.
Thank you to those who pointed out the inconsistency in my description. This has lead many of you down the wrong path, which I apologize for. Rule #4 should clear things up.
*Bonus points will only be awarded if Jeff Atwood decides to do so. Since I haven't checked with him, the chances are slim. Sorry.

Python, 50 characters
For input in i:
' '.join(x[::-2]+x[len(x)%2::2]for x in i.split())
Alternate version that handles its own IO:
print ' '.join(x[::-2]+x[len(x)%2::2]for x in raw_input().split())
A total of 66 characters if including whitespace. (Technically, the print could be omitted if running from a command line, since the evaluated value of the code is displayed as output by default.)
Alternate version using reduce:
' '.join(reduce(lambda x,y:y+x[::-1],x) for x in i.split())
59 characters.
Original version (both even and odd go right first) for an input in i:
' '.join(x[::2][::-1]+x[1::2]for x in i.split())
48 characters including whitespace.
Another alternate version which (while slightly longer) is slightly more efficient:
' '.join(x[len(x)%2-2::-2]+x[1::2]for x in i.split())
(53 characters)

J, 58 characters
>,&.>/({~(,~(>:#+:#i.#-#<.,+:#i.#>.)#-:)#<:##)&.><;.2,&' '

Haskell, 64 characters*)[0..]$cycle[-1,1])).words
Well, okay, 76 if you add in the requisite "import List".

Python - 69 chars
(including whitespace and linebreaks)
This handles all I/O.
for w in raw_input().split():
for c in w:o=c+o[::-1]
print o,

Perl, 78 characters
For input in $_. If that's not acceptable, add six characters for either $_=<>; or $_=$s; at the beginning. The newline is for readability only.
for(split){$i=length;print substr$_,$i--,1,''while$i-->0;
print"$_ ";}print $/

C, 140 characters
Nicely formatted:
main(c, v)
char **v;
for( ; *++v; )
char *e = *v + strlen(*v), *x;
for(x = e-1; x >= *v; x -= 2)
for(x = *v + (x < *v-1); x < e; x += 2)
putchar(' ');

130 char function, 147 char functioning program
Lua doesn't get enough love in code golf -- maybe because it's hard to write a short program when you have long keywords like function/end, if/then/end, etc.
First I write the function in a verbose manner with explanations, then I rewrite it as a compressed, standalone function, then I call that function on the single argument specified at the command line.
I had to format the code with <pre></pre> tags because Markdown does a horrible job of formatting Lua.
Technically you could get a smaller running program by inlining the function, but it's more modular this way :)
t = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!"
T = t:gsub("%S+", -- for each word in t...
function(w) -- argument: current word in t
W = "" -- initialize new Word
for i = 1,#w do -- iterate over each character in word
c = w:sub(i,i) -- extract current character
-- determine whether letter goes on right or left end
W = (#w % 2 ~= i % 2) and W .. c or c .. W
return W -- swap word in t with inverted Word
-- code-golf unit test
assert(T == "eTh kiquc nobrw xfo smjup rvoe eth yalz .odg !uioiapeislgriarpSueclfaiitcxildcos")
-- need to assign to a variable and return it,
-- because gsub returns a pair and we only want the first element
f=function(s)c=s:gsub("%S+",function(w)W=""for i=1,#w do c=w:sub(i,i)W=(#w%2~=i%2)and W ..c or c ..W end return W end)return c end
-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
-- 130 chars, compressed and written as a proper function
-- 16 (+1 whitespace needed) chars to make it a functioning Lua program,
-- operating on command line argument
$ lua insideout.lua 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!'
eTh kiquc nobrw xfo smjup rvoe eth yalz .odg !uioiapeislgriarpSueclfaiitcxildcos
I'm still pretty new at Lua so I'd like to see a shorter solution if there is one.
For a minimal cipher on all args to stdin, we can do 111 chars:
for _,w in ipairs(arg)do W=""for i=1,#w do c=w:sub(i,i)W=(#w%2~=i%2)and W ..c or c ..W end io.write(W ..' ')end
But this approach does output a trailing space like some of the other solutions.

For an input in s:
f=lambda t,r="":t and f(t[1:],len(t)&1and t[0]+r or r+t[0])or r
" ".join(map(f,s.split()))
Python, 90 characters including whitespace.

125 characters
set s set f foreach l {}
$f w [gets stdin] {$s r {}
$f c [split $w {}] {$s r $c[string reverse $r]}
$s l "$l $r"}
puts $l

Bash - 133, assuming input is in $w variable
for x in $w; do
for l in `echo $x|sed 's/\(.\)/ \1/g'`; do
if ((${#z}%2)); then
echo -n "$z ";
for x in $w;do z="";for l in `echo $x|sed 's/\(.\)/ \1/g'`;do if ((${#z}%2));then z=$z$l;else z=$l$z;fi;done;echo -n "$z ";done;echo
Ok, so it outputs a trailing space.


Find a string for which hash() starts with 0000

I've got a task from my professor and unfortunately I'm really confused.
The task:
Find a string D1 for which hash(D1) contains 4 first bytes equal 0.
So it should look like "0000....."
As I know we cannot just decrypt a hash, and checking them one by one is kind of pointless work.
I've got a task from my professor...
Find a string D1 for which hash(D1) contains 4 first bytes equal 0. So it should look like "0000....."
As I know we cannot just decrypt a hash, and checking them one by one is kind of pointless work.
In this case it seem like the work is not really "pointless." Rather, you are doing this work because your professor asked you to do it.
Some commenters have mentioned that you could look at the bitcoin blockchain as a source of hashes, but this will only work if your hash of interest is the same one use by bitcoin (double-SHA256!)
The easiest way to figure this out in general is just to brute force it:
Pseudo-code a la python
for x in range(10*2**32): # Any number bigger than about 4 billion should work
x_str = str(x) # Any old method to generate some bytes to hash should work
x_bytes = x_str.encode('utf-8')
hash_bytes = hash(x_bytes) # assuming hash() returns bytes
if hash_bytes[0:4] == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00':
print("Found string: {}".format(x_str))
I wrote a short python3 script, which repeatedly tries hashing random values until it finds a value whose SHA256 hash has four leading zero bytes:
import secrets
import hashlib
if(h[0:8]=='00000000'): break
print('SHA256(' + p.hex() + ')=' + h)
After running for a few minutes (on my ancient Dell laptop), it found a value whose SHA256 hash has four leading zero bytes:
The following command-line command verifies this result:
echo -n '21368dc16afcb779fdd9afd57168b660b4ed786872ad55cb8355bdeb4ae3b8c9891606dc35d9f17c44219d8ea778d1ee3590b3eb3938a774b2cadc558bdfc8d4' | xxd -r -p | sha256sum
As expected, this produces:
Edit 5/8/21
Optimized version of the script, based on my conversation with kelalaka in the comments below.
import secrets
import hashlib
if(h.hex()[0:8]=='0'*8): break
print('SHA256(' + p.hex() + ')=' + h.hex())
print('N=' + str(N))
Instead of generating a new random number in each iteration of the loop to use as the input to the hash function, this version of the script uses the output of the hash function from the previous iteration as the input to the hash function in the current iteration. On my system, this quadruples the number of iterations per second. It found a match in 1483279719 iterations in a little over 20 minutes:
$ time python3
real 20m47.445s
user 20m46.126s
sys 0m0.088s
The sha256 hash of the string $Eo is 0000958bc4dc132ad12abd158073204d838c02b3d580a9947679a6
This was found using the code below which restricts the string to only UTF8 keyboard characters. It cycles through the hashes of each 1 character string (technically it hashes bytes, not strings), then each 2 character string, then each 3 character string, then each 4 character string (it never had to go to 4 characters, so I'm not 100% sure the math for that part of the function is correct).
The 'limit" value is included to prevent the code from running forever in case a match is not found. This ended up not being necessary as a match was found in 29970 iterations and the execution time was nearly instantaneous.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from hashlib import sha256
utf8_chars = list(range(0x21,0x7f))
def make_str(attempt):
if attempt < 94:
c0 = [attempt%94]
elif attempt >= 94 and attempt < 8836:
c2 = attempt//94
c1 = attempt%94
c0 = [c2,c1]
elif attempt >= 8836 and attempt < 830584:
c3 = attempt//8836
c2 = (attempt-8836*c3)//94
c1 = attempt%94
c0 = [c3,c2,c1]
elif attempt >= 830584 and attempt < 78074896:
c4 = attempt//830584
c3 = (attempt-830584*c4)//8836
c2 = ((attempt-830584*c4)-8836*c3)//94
c1 = attempt%94
c0 = [c4,c3,c2,c1]
return bytes([utf8_chars[i] for i in c0])
target = '0000'
limit = 1200000
attempt = 0
hash_value = sha256()
while hash_value.hexdigest()[0:4] != target and attempt <= limit:
hash_value = sha256()
attempt += 1
t = ''.join([chr(i) for i in make_str(attempt)])
print([t, attempt])

Matlab: Function that returns a string with the first n characters of the alphabet

I'd like to have a function generate(n) that generates the first n lowercase characters of the alphabet appended in a string (therefore: 1<=n<=26)
For example:
generate(3) --> 'abc'
generate(5) --> 'abcde'
generate(9) --> 'abcdefghi'
I'm new to Matlab and I'd be happy if someone could show me an approach of how to write the function. For sure this will involve doing arithmetic with the ASCII-codes of the characters - but I've no idea how to do this and which types that Matlab provides to do this.
I would rely on ASCII codes for this. You can convert an integer to a character using char.
So for example if we want an "e", we could look up the ASCII code for "e" (101) and write:
This also works for arrays:
char([101, 102])
The nice thing in your case is that in ASCII, the lowercase letters are all the numbers between 97 ("a") and 122 ("z"). Thus the following code works by taking ASCII "a" (97) and creating an array of length n starting at 97. These numbers are then converted using char to strings. As an added bonus, the version below ensures that the array can only go to 122 (ASCII for "z").
function output = generate(n)
output = char(97:min(96 + n, 122));
Note: For the upper limit we use 96 + n because if n were 1, then we want 97:97 rather than 97:98 as the second would return "ab". This could be written as 97:(97 + n - 1) but the way I've written it, I've simply pulled the "-1" into the constant.
You could also make this a simple anonymous function.
generate = #(n)char(97:min(96 + n, 122));
To write the most portable and robust code, I would probably not want those hard-coded ASCII codes, so I would use something like the following:
output = 'a':char(min('a' + n - 1, 'z'));
...or, you can just generate the entire alphabet and take the part you want:
function str = generate(n)
alphabet = 'a':'z';
str = alphabet(1:n);
Note that this will fail with an index out of bounds error for n > 26, so you might want to check for that.
You can use the char built-in function which converts an interger value (or array) into a character array.
Bug fixed (ref. Suever's comment)
function [str]=generate(n)
% str=char(a:a+n)
Hope this helps.

Brainfuck challenge

I have a any challenge. I must write brainfuck-code.
For a given number n appoint its last digit .
Input will consist of only one line in which there is only one integer n ( 1 < = n < = 2,000,000,000 ) , followed by a newline ' \ n' (ASCII 10).
On the output has to find exactly one integer denoting the last digit of n .
example I
entrance: 32
exit: 2
example II:
entrance: 231231132
exit: 2
This is what I tried, but it didn't work:
The last input is the newline. So you have to go two memory positions back to get the last digit of the number. And maybe you don't have to return a newline character, so the code is
Nope sorry, real answer is
because your answer was getting one too far ;)
Depending on the interpreter, you might have to escape the return key by yourself. considering the return key is ASCII: 10, your code should look like this :
>,----- -----[+++++ +++++>,----- -----]<.
broken down :
> | //first operation (just in case your interpreter does not
support a negative pointer index)
,----- ----- | //first entry if it's a return; you don't even get in the loop
+++++ +++++ | //if the value was not ASCII 10; you want the original value back
>, | //every next entry
----- ----- | //check again for the the return,
you exit the loop only if the last entered value is 10
<. | //your current pointer is 0; you go back to the last valid entry
and you display it
Your issue is that a loop continues for forever until at the end of the loop the cell the pointer is currently on in equal to 0. Your code never prints in the loop, and never subtracts, so your loop will never end, and all that your code does is take an ASCII character as input, move one forward, take an ASCII character as input, and so on. All of your code after the end of the loop is useless, because that your loop will never end.

Unicode character transformation in SPSS

I have a string variable. I need to convert all non-digit characters to spaces (" "). I have a problem with unicode characters. Unicode characters (the characters outside the basic charset) are converted to some invalid characters. See the code for example.
Is there any other way how to achieve the same result with procedure which would not choke on special unicode characters?
new file.
set unicode = yes.
show unicode.
data list free
/T (a10).
begin data
end data.
string Z (a10).
comp Z = T.
loop #k = 1 to char.len(Z).
if ~range(char.sub(Z, #k, 1), "0", "9") sub(Z, #k, 1) = " ".
end loop.
comp Z = normalize(Z).
comp len = char.len(Z).
list var = all.
The result:
T Z len
1234 1234 4
5678 5678 4
absd 0
12as 12 2
12(a 12 2
12(vi 12 2
12(vī 12 � 6
>Warning # 649
>The first argument to the CHAR.SUBSTR function contains invalid characters.
>Command line: 1939 Current case: 8 Current splitfile group: 1
12āčž 12 �ž 7
Number of cases read: 8 Number of cases listed: 8
The substr function should not be used on the left hand side of an expression in Unicode mode, because the replacement character may not be the same number of bytes as the character(s) being replaced. Instead, use the replace function on the right hand side.
The corrupted characters you are seeing are due to this size mismatch.
How about instead of replacing non-numeric characters, you cycle though and pull out the numeric characters and rebuild Z? (Note my version here is pre CHAR. string functions.)
data list free
/T (a10).
begin data
end data.
STRING Z (a10).
STRING #temp (A1).
LOOP #i = 1 to #len.
COMPUTE #temp = SUBSTR(T,#i,1).
DO IF INDEX('0123456789',#temp) > 0.
COMPUTE Z = CONCAT(SUBSTR(Z,1,#i-1),#temp).

How does the Brainfuck Hello World actually work?

Someone sent this to me and claimed it is a hello world in Brainfuck (and I hope so...)
I know the basics that it works by moving a pointer and increment and decrementing stuff...
Yet I still want to know, how does it actually work? How does it print anything on the screen in the first place? How does it encode the text? I do not understand at all...
1. Basics
To understand Brainfuck you must imagine infinite array of cells initialized by 0 each.
When brainfuck program starts, it points to any cell.
If you move pointer right > you are moving pointer from cell X to cell X+1
If you increase cell value + you get:
If you increase cell value again + you get:
If you decrease cell value - you get:
If you move pointer left < you are moving pointer from cell X to cell X-1
2. Input
To read character you use comma ,. What it does is: Read character from standard input and write its decimal ASCII code to the actual cell.
Take a look at ASCII table. For example, decimal code of ! is 33, while a is 97.
Well, lets imagine your BF program memory looks like:
Assuming standard input stands for a, if you use comma , operator, what BF does is read a decimal ASCII code 97 to memory:
You generally want to think that way, however the truth is a bit more complex. The truth is BF does not read a character but a byte (whatever that byte is). Let me show you example:
In linux
$ printf ł
which is specific polish character. This character is not encoded by ASCII encoding. In this case it's UTF-8 encoding, so it used to take more than one byte in computer memory. We can prove it by making a hexadecimal dump:
$ printf ł | hd
which shows:
00000000 c5 82 |..|
Zeroes are offset. 82 is first and c5 is second byte representing ł (in order we will read them). |..| is graphical representation which is not possible in this case.
Well, if you pass ł as input to your BF program that reads single byte, program memory will look like:
Why 197 ? Well 197 decimal is c5 hexadecimal. Seems familiar ? Of course. It's first byte of ł !
3. Output
To print character you use dot . What it does is: Assuming we treat actual cell value like decimal ASCII code, print corresponding character to standard output.
Well, lets imagine your BF program memory looks like:
If you use dot (.) operator now, what BF does is print:
Because a decimal code in ASCII is 97.
So for example BF program like this (97 pluses 2 dots):
Will increase value of the cell it points to up to 97 and print it out 2 times.
4. Loops
In BF loop consists of loop begin [ and loop end ]. You can think it's like while in C/C++ where the condition is actual cell value.
Take a look BF program below:
++ increments actual cell value twice:
And [] is like while(2) {}, so it's infinite loop.
Let's say we don't want this loop to be infinite. We can do for example:
So each time a loop loops it decrements actual cell value. Once actual cell value is 0 loop ends:
...[0][0][*2*][0][0]... loop starts
...[0][0][*1*][0][0]... after first iteration
...[0][0][*0*][0][0]... after second iteration (loop ends)
Let's consider yet another example of finite loop:
This example shows, we haven't to finish loop at cell that loop started on:
...[0][0][*2*][0][0]... loop starts
...[0][0][2][*0*][0]... after first iteration (loop ends)
However it is good practice to end where we started. Why ? Because if loop ends another cell it started, we can't assume where the cell pointer will be. To be honest, this practice makes brainfuck less brainfuck.
Wikipedia has a commented version of the code.
+++++ +++++ initialize counter (cell #0) to 10
[ use loop to set the next four cells to 70/100/30/10
> +++++ ++ add 7 to cell #1
> +++++ +++++ add 10 to cell #2
> +++ add 3 to cell #3
> + add 1 to cell #4
<<<< - decrement counter (cell #0)
> ++ . print 'H'
> + . print 'e'
+++++ ++ . print 'l'
. print 'l'
+++ . print 'o'
> ++ . print ' '
<< +++++ +++++ +++++ . print 'W'
> . print 'o'
+++ . print 'r'
----- - . print 'l'
----- --- . print 'd'
> + . print '!'
> . print '\n'
To answer your questions, the , and . characters are used for I/O. The text is ASCII.
The Wikipedia article goes on in some more depth, as well.
The first line initialises a[0] = 10 by simply incrementing ten times
from 0. The loop from line 2 effectively sets the initial values for
the array: a[1] = 70 (close to 72, the ASCII code for the character
'H'), a[2] = 100 (close to 101 or 'e'), a[3] = 30 (close to 32, the
code for space) and a[4] = 10 (newline). The loop works by adding 7,
10, 3, and 1, to cells a[1], a[2], a[3] and a[4] respectively each
time through the loop - 10 additions for each cell in total (giving
a[1]=70 etc.). After the loop is finished, a[0] is zero. >++. then
moves the pointer to a[1], which holds 70, adds two to it (producing
72, which is the ASCII character code of a capital H), and outputs it.
The next line moves the array pointer to a[2] and adds one to it,
producing 101, a lower-case 'e', which is then output.
As 'l' happens
to be the seventh letter after 'e', to output 'll' another seven are
added (+++++++) to a[2] and the result is output twice.
'o' is the
third letter after 'l', so a[2] is incremented three more times and
output the result.
The rest of the program goes on in the same way.
For the space and capital letters, different array cells are selected
and incremented or decremented as needed.
same as its name.
It uses only 8 characters > [ . ] , - + which makes it the quickest programming language to learn but hardest to implement and understand.
….and makes you finally end up with f*cking your brain.
It stores values in array: [72 ][101 ][108 ][111 ]
let, initially pointer pointing to cell 1 of array:
> move pointer to right by 1
< move pointer to left by 1
+ increment the value of cell by 1
- increment the value of element by 1
. print value of current cell.
, take input to current cell.
[ ] loop, +++[ -] counter of 3 counts bcz it have 3 ′+’ before it, and - decrements count variable by 1 value.
the values stored in cells are ascii values:
so referring to above array: [72 ][101 ][108 ][108][111 ]
if you match the ascii values you’ll find that it is Hello writtern
Congrats! you have learned the syntax of BF
——-Something more ———
let us make our first program i.e Hello World, after which you’re able to write your name in this language.
+++++ +++++[> +++++ ++ >+++++ +++++ >+++ >+ <<<-]>++.>+.+++++ ++..+++.++.+++++ +++++ +++++.>.+++.----- -.----- ---.>+.>.
breaking into pieces:
+++++ +++++[> +++++ ++
>+++++ +++++
Makes an array of 4 cells(number of >) and sets a counter of 10 something like :
—-psuedo code—-
array =[7,10,3,1]
while i>0:
element +=element
because counter value is stored in cell 0 and > moves to cell 1 updates its value by+7 > moves to cell 2 increments 10 to its previous value and so on….
<<< return to cell 0 and decrements its value by 1
hence after loop completion we have array : [70,100,30,10]
moves to 1st element and increment its value by 2(two ‘+’) and then prints(‘.’) character with that ascii value. i.e for example in python:
chr(70+2) # prints 'H'
moves to 2nd cell increment 1 to its value 100+1 and prints(‘.’) its value i.e chr(101)
chr(101) #prints ‘e’
now there is no > or < in next piece so it takes present value of latest element and increment to it only
+++++ ++..
latest element = 101 therefore, 101+7 and prints it twice(as there are two‘..’) chr(108) #prints l twice
can be used as
for i in array:
for j in range(i.count(‘.’)):
———Where is it used?——-
It is just a joke language made to challenge programmers and is not used practically anywhere.
To answer the question of how it knows what to print, I have added the calculation of ASCII values to the right of the code where the printing happens:
> just means move to the next cell
< just means move to the previous cell
+ and - are used for increment and decrement respectively. The value of the cell is updated when the increment/decrement happens
+++++ +++++ initialize counter (cell #0) to 10
[ use loop to set the next four cells to 70/100/30/10
> +++++ ++ add 7 to cell #1
> +++++ +++++ add 10 to cell #2
> +++ add 3 to cell #3
> + add 1 to cell #4
<<<< - decrement counter (cell #0)
> ++ . print 'H' (ascii: 70+2 = 72) //70 is value in current cell. The two +s increment the value of the current cell by 2
> + . print 'e' (ascii: 100+1 = 101)
+++++ ++ . print 'l' (ascii: 101+7 = 108)
. print 'l' dot prints same thing again
+++ . print 'o' (ascii: 108+3 = 111)
> ++ . print ' ' (ascii: 30+2 = 32)
<< +++++ +++++ +++++ . print 'W' (ascii: 72+15 = 87)
> . print 'o' (ascii: 111)
+++ . print 'r' (ascii: 111+3 = 114)
----- - . print 'l' (ascii: 114-6 = 108)
----- --- . print 'd' (ascii: 108-8 = 100)
> + . print '!' (ascii: 32+1 = 33)
> . print '\n'(ascii: 10)
All the answers are thorough, but they lack one tiny detail: Printing.
In building your brainfuck translator, you also consider the character ., this is actually what a printing statement looks like in brainfuck. So what your brainfuck translator should do is, whenever it encounters a . character it prints the currently pointed byte.
suppose you have --> char *ptr = [0] [0] [0] [97] [0]...
if this is a brainfuck statement: >>>. your pointer should be moved 3 spaces to right landing at: [97], so now *ptr = 97, after doing that your translator encounters a ., it should then call
write(1, ptr, 1)
or any equivalent printing statement to print the currently pointed byte, which has the value 97 and the letter a will then be printed on the std_output.
I think what you are asking is how does Brainfuck know what to do with all the code. There is a parser written in a higher level language such as Python to interpret what a dot means, or what an addition sign means in the code.
So the parser will read your code line by line, and say ok there is a > symbol so i have to advance memory location, the code is simply, if (contents in that memory location) == >, memlocation =+ memlocation which is written in a higher level language, similarly if (content in memory location) == ".", then print (contents of memory location).
Hope this clears it up. tc