react-jsonschema-form How to use it via cdn? - forms

I am trying to use this library "react-jsonschema-form" to create forms using react and jsonschema.
I am trying to use it in my project as described in the example from the website by including the .js file via cdn. It is not working. The exported component "Form" is undefined.
I had a look at this similar question Using React component from js source maps but I could not understand the solution offered. I am supposed to alias the default export of JSONSchemaForm. But what is JSONSchemaForm? and where can I find it? Is it another library to be included?
Here is what I tried to do:
Using Require.js I have imported the cdn library:
var require = {
baseUrl: "/js/",
waitSeconds: 600,
paths: {
'react-forms': ['']
Then in my code I import the library:
var rf = require('react-forms')
But now when I access Form (rf.Form), it is undefined. I had a look at the "react-jsonschema-form.js" source code. "Form" is defined no where.
From the instructions of the library page it is said:
You'll also need to alias the default export property to use the Form component:
const Form = JSONSchemaForm.default;
// or
const {default: Form} = JSONSchemaForm;
But JSONSchemaForm is also undefined.
So I don't know what I am doing wrong. How can I use "react-jsonschema-form" library by including it as a script tag?
Thank you community.

1. Include the cdn path
<script src=""></script>
2.By using field get the access of jsonformDefaultValues;
` <script type="text/babel"
const fields = JSONSchemaForm.default

I was able to solve this problem and I am reporting here the solution for any one facing a simlilar issue. To use react-jsonschema-form via cdn script tag (with require.js):
include this library via require.js by indicating the url path :
paths: {
'react-forms': ['']
include this polyfill library:
Make sure to use the latest react version ( version v15)
In you code, require the library and alias its default export like this:
var rf = require("react-forms");
const Form = rf.default;
(This is because I am using require.js module system. For another module system, you may use JSONSchemaForm.default)


Specifying window (global) variable type hinting in VSCode from external JS file without typescript

This may be a silly question but I really don't know where to look.
I'm creating a browser testing environment for a pretty large-scale API written in typescript. This API uses esbuild to build the typescript files into a /dist/ folder with a single index.js entry-point and its appropriate d.ts file.
I've created a /tests/ folder to hold some browser files that includes an index.html file with Mocha and Chai imported. It also imports /dist/index.js which is set globally to a window.myAPI variable.
In /tests/index.html:
import * as myAPI from "./dist/index.js"
Alongside index.html in the tests folder, there are separate JS files included for different tests that run things on window.myAPI... to do assertion tests.
I then run a server to host at the root. These separate tests are then imported from /tests/index.html. The separate tests look like this inside:
const { chai, mocha } = window;
const { assert } = chai;
describe("Search", function() {
describe("Setup", function() {
it("Setting URL should work", function() {
const call = myAPI.someCall()
Everything works, but I have no code hinting for myAPI. I'd like to be able to see what functions are available when I type myAPI, and what parameters they take, and what they should return - along with all my comments on each function.
In typescript you can do things like ambient declarations, but I don't want to make my tests typescript because then I add an unnecessary build step to the tests. But it would be as easy as:
/// <reference path = "/dist/index.d.ts" />
How can I tell VSCode that window.myAPI is an import of /dist/index.js and should import the types as well so I can see them ?
I'm open to different solutions to this, but I feel like this should be pretty simple. I don't know if ESLint is capable of doing something like this, but I tagged it because I feel it's relevant.

How to dynamically import a json file

I'm trying to import a JSON file on my Vite app, whose paths are dynamically generated. So the import path for this JSON includes variables.
I know it's possible to do it with require, but I'm working with Svelte, and I cant use requires.
You can use a dynamic import() statement for that. This will return a promise, which has to be awaited, though. E.g.
<script lang="ts">
import meta from './meta.json';
const filePromise = import(/* #vite-ignore */ `./${meta.file}.json`);
{#await filePromise then file}
There are some limitations to dynamic imports in Vite so the application can be built properly. The #vite-ignore comment silences a warning output about these limitations.

Create a link in backend to a frontend page

I would link to create a link to a frontend page inside a backend module.
< pageUid="40" >Link</>
Doesn't work. It generates a link to the current backend module.
Any solution ?
Since TYPO3 v9 you can use the following lines of code:
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Site\SiteFinder;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Site\Entity\Site;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Routing\PageRouter;
$siteFinder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(SiteFinder::class);
$site = $siteFinder->getSiteByPageId($pageId);
$router = $site->getRouter();
$frontendUrl = (string) $router->generateUri($pageId);
Thanks to Benni Mack # TYPO3Camp Mitteldeutschland
This is a very long story but the gist is: it is not possible to create FE links in BE/CLI context without a lot of workarounds and dummy objects/values.
If possible you should use solutions like pagepath which generate URLs for an eID script which performs the actual URL generation on demand.

How to extend confluence autocomplete-content

I try to extend autocomplete-content macro by own logic witch should be call some rest.
I finded autocomplete-content.js file where autocomplete-content is defined, but I dont have idea how to extend it by own autocompleteModule.
I tried create own JS file as resource in own add-on, but it execute before autocomplete-content.js on confluence, and autocompleteContent object was undefined.
In the end I need to have own autocomplete tool with own rest service witch will be fatch data from other DB.
If possible use AUI Select2.
Please note: AUI Select2 is based on older Select2. You have to refer to this documentation:
Something else would be to use QuickSearchDropDown
It is not really documented, but quite easy to use. Look for a file quicksearchdropdown.js in Confluence sources.
You can use it like this:
AJS.$('#myinput').quicksearch(URL_RELATIVE_TO_CONFLUENCE_BASE, false, {
makeParams: function (params) {
return {
username: params.term,
staticParam: 'blabla'

sails.js setup: How to make a node module available across the sails project (controller / model, etc)?

I just getting started with SailsJS as my first web framework on Node. Let's say I wanna add MomentJS in and use across the app. How to set it up?
you can use the bootstrap.js (in config/)
module.exports.bootstrap = function (cb) {
sails.moment = require('moment');
in all Sails-Files you can use
If you're trying to include your node_modules into the client side, such as jQuery, AngularJS or one of the various many font libraries, then you can npm install them as normal, but just to be sure in sails you edit your tasks/config/copy.js and add a new block, example:
grunt.config.set('copy', {
dev: {
files: [{
cwd: './node_modules/font-awesome/fonts',
src: ['**/*'],
dest: '.tmp/public/fonts'
LESS can be #imported like normal without being copied around. Other assets will need to be copied as above. If you're using the sails linker then don't forget to add your JS paths to tasks/pipeline.js too (if necessary).
You can read more here:
It's not directly obvious how to sync npm modules to the web accessible directories.
SailsJS is no different to any other NodeJS app. So on top of your (say) Controller.js file, you do
var m = require("moment");
And you're good to go. #mdunisch's method will obviously let you use the moment package throughout your app, without having to do "require" in each file.