Create a link in backend to a frontend page - typo3

I would link to create a link to a frontend page inside a backend module.
< pageUid="40" >Link</>
Doesn't work. It generates a link to the current backend module.
Any solution ?

Since TYPO3 v9 you can use the following lines of code:
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Site\SiteFinder;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Site\Entity\Site;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Routing\PageRouter;
$siteFinder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(SiteFinder::class);
$site = $siteFinder->getSiteByPageId($pageId);
$router = $site->getRouter();
$frontendUrl = (string) $router->generateUri($pageId);
Thanks to Benni Mack # TYPO3Camp Mitteldeutschland

This is a very long story but the gist is: it is not possible to create FE links in BE/CLI context without a lot of workarounds and dummy objects/values.
If possible you should use solutions like pagepath which generate URLs for an eID script which performs the actual URL generation on demand.


Magento 2 with Full Page Cache: How to get product ID from a product page?

I am trying to find a solution to what seems to be a FPC-linked issue.
In my code I am using the following method in order to get the current product ID from a Product page.
This worked just fine until I tried it on a website with Full Page Cache: in this case, it returns an empty value (maybe because the session data cannot be accessed from cache).
Does anyone know an alternative method to get the product ID from the current context?
I have tried this alternative synthax:
While not the best solution and definitely not best practice, you can use objectmanager:
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$product = $objectManager->get('Magento\Framework\Registry')->registry('current_product');
$id = $product->getId();
This will get you the id but, as stated above, it's not suggested and you should create a block and inject the registry there and call it in your code.
You can see this post

Typo3 RealURL: show page id

I want to use RealUrl extension in my typo3 site.
What I want to do:
change the usual url
(I wanto to hide "index.php?id=")
Is it possible to do it using RealUrl? Can someone help me? (conf example)
Thank you
In this way you probably do not need realurl.
Any url of type https://mydomain.tld/?{pageid} will be mapped by TYPO3 core to index.php?id={pageid} so you need just a small htaccess rewrite to insert the questionmark.
It is just that links are not generated in this short form. But that could be done by a lastplace replacement (do a stdWrap.replacement on the PAGEobject):
page = PAGE
page {
10 = ...
stdWrap.replacement { = index.php?id=
1.replace =
Your request reminds to the core-extension simulate static, but that might be obsolete and the pattern differs from your request. It was https://mydomain.tld/{pagetitle}.{pageid}[.{pagetype}].html. For the default-pagetype 0 the pagetype does not need to render.

react-jsonschema-form How to use it via cdn?

I am trying to use this library "react-jsonschema-form" to create forms using react and jsonschema.
I am trying to use it in my project as described in the example from the website by including the .js file via cdn. It is not working. The exported component "Form" is undefined.
I had a look at this similar question Using React component from js source maps but I could not understand the solution offered. I am supposed to alias the default export of JSONSchemaForm. But what is JSONSchemaForm? and where can I find it? Is it another library to be included?
Here is what I tried to do:
Using Require.js I have imported the cdn library:
var require = {
baseUrl: "/js/",
waitSeconds: 600,
paths: {
'react-forms': ['']
Then in my code I import the library:
var rf = require('react-forms')
But now when I access Form (rf.Form), it is undefined. I had a look at the "react-jsonschema-form.js" source code. "Form" is defined no where.
From the instructions of the library page it is said:
You'll also need to alias the default export property to use the Form component:
const Form = JSONSchemaForm.default;
// or
const {default: Form} = JSONSchemaForm;
But JSONSchemaForm is also undefined.
So I don't know what I am doing wrong. How can I use "react-jsonschema-form" library by including it as a script tag?
Thank you community.
1. Include the cdn path
<script src=""></script>
2.By using field get the access of jsonformDefaultValues;
` <script type="text/babel"
const fields = JSONSchemaForm.default
I was able to solve this problem and I am reporting here the solution for any one facing a simlilar issue. To use react-jsonschema-form via cdn script tag (with require.js):
include this library via require.js by indicating the url path :
paths: {
'react-forms': ['']
include this polyfill library:
Make sure to use the latest react version ( version v15)
In you code, require the library and alias its default export like this:
var rf = require("react-forms");
const Form = rf.default;
(This is because I am using require.js module system. For another module system, you may use JSONSchemaForm.default)

Magnolia HierarchyManager and Content are depreciated. How do I replicate functionality using Session and jcrNode?

I'm trying to do some logic in my Spring controller where I route to a website node based on the template used in another website node.
I can use LifeTimeJCRSessionUtil.getHierarchyManager("website").getContent("mynodepath").getTemplate() to do this, but I see that the HierarchyManager and Content classes are depreciated.
I looked at the Session class, but I have thus far been unable to figure out how to get the Template id based on the jcrNode.
You can use instead:
javax.jcr.Session jcrSession = LifeTimeJCRSessionUtil.getSession("website");
Node mynode = jcrSession.getNode("/my/node/path");
info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData metaData = info.magnolia.jcr.util.MetaDataUtil.getMetaData(mynode);
String template = metaData.getTemplate();
Basically, instead of getHierarchyManager("website").getContent("mynodepath") you should use

Typo3 eID, how to access config

I've just created an eID in Typo3. I can't figure out how to access the config data for my plugin from the Typo3 instance.
I've tried the code from the link but it doesn't want to work. I keep getting an exception "No TypoScript template found! " on the call " $TSFE->getConfigArray(); "
Any ideas?
In eID mode, only a small part of the regular TYPO3 frontend is loaded. Unfortunately TypoScript is not loaded. To still access the TypoScript configuration you need manually load the components it needs to do so. Unfortunately this can be a bit of a pain in the butt. So in some cases it might be easier to just load a page containing a single plugin that doesn't contain anything else (without headers etc.).
If you do want to load the TypoScript templates yourself, you can try something like the following:
require_once(PATH_t3lib.'class.t3lib_userauth.php' );
require_once(PATH_tslib.'class.tslib_content.php') ;
$TSFEclassName = t3lib_div::makeInstanceClassName('tslib_fe');
$id = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['id'])?$HTTP_GET_VARS['id']:0;
$GLOBALS['TSFE'] = new $TSFEclassName($TYPO3_CONF_VARS, $id, '0', 1, '','','','');
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->getFileName_backPath = PATH_site;
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->forceTemplateParsing = 1;
$cObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');
This initializes the TSFE and cObj but is also used to load and parse the TypoScript templates. You might need to make some modifications to (probably kick some things out)
The code came from one of the comments on the following blog post:
Good luck!