Using bots on Facebook groups - facebook

I am new to Facebook messengers bots. I want to know how can I add a bot to a group (more than 1 people in the conversation). I read about the API in here
and I tried some bots like Mealou and getbirdiebot on my messanger. But in order to access them, I had to click on their link, which trigers an event for oppening a private conversation between me and the bot. How can I add a bot to a group then?
Is it even possible?
P.S: In this link facebook uses A.I to read the text and process it in the groups. I want to do something like that.


Getting data out of a private group

At our gym, we have a private Facebook group in which announcements are posted, photos and videos of our workouts etc.
I do not have a FB account anymore but I was wondering if I can get the data out of the group and digest it somewhere outside of Facebook.
Maybe by using the API and forwarding the posts in the group to Telegram or mail. It could be that I am overreacting because I do not like the FB business model and do not want to participate in it. But as my gym only posts in the closed FB group, I am looking for alternatives.
Or should I just create a FB account with nothing on it and only use Tor? :)
Looking forward to your suggestions.

Create a bot for a closed facebook group

What I'm trying to do is basically described in this particular
doc page from FB itself: click (post, comment content and listen for new content), but for a "normal" closed group instead of a group in a workplace.
According to the document, this would only be possible by storing the user access token of the group admin and use various graph API endpoints, but this does not seem like a good solution to me.
Is there any other known way (something like creating a Facebook app which will create posts, comment/like stuff and listens to new posts made in the group (similar to the group bots in workplaces))?
Thank you in advance!
Is there any other known way (something like creating a Facebook app wich will create posts, comment/like stuff and listens to new posts made in the group (similar to the group bots in workplaces)) ?
No, there is not.
Reading posts and creating them using the group admin's token would be possible, but that's about it.
Liking posts in the name of users has generally been removed (not just for group posts),
commenting will likely not be possible either for any non-admin in a closed group, and
Webhooks do not cover non-workplace group feeds as of now either, so you'd have to do constant pulling to get new posts.
And yet, the Facebook API clearly states:
In groups, bots can do many of the things that people can do. This means you can build bots that post new content, comment on content with new information and like posts to indicate acknowledgment or approval.

Use Facebook Messenger bot to interact with Shared Days

I have just started looking into Facebook Messenger's bots and am thinking of making one.
Recently, Facebook Messenger has introduced the idea of Shared Days, which are basically Snapchat-like stories that people can post to and share for their friends to see.
Does Facebook's APIs allow one to use a bot to create stories (post pictures to shared days)?
I am looking at the APIs and cannot find anyway to do this. I want to create a bot that can post stories on Facebook Messenger's Shared Days. I want the bot to post stories periodically on its own story that only its subscribers can see, if that's possible.
Any reference to some documentation, and perhaps a simple toy example would be helpful.
Currently, you cannot post to a user's or page's "My Day" using the Send API or any other apis.
That doesn't cut you off entirely from using them in your bot, however. Facebook is making it easier to share content from bots to your friends or my day with each iteration of messenger.
When your bot puts an image file into chat as an upload, your user can click the share arrow next to the image, or at the bottom left when fullscreened, and share it to their day, their friends, group chats, etc.
IMO, This is a very powerful viral tool that no one is using yet.

Can I give my facebook messenger chat bot the exclusivity of answering users?

I connected a Facebook messenger bot to a page with several admins. I am not yet very familiar with the facebook messenger platform but it looks like when a user messages our page. Admins see the incoming message and can respond to it. Can I deactivate this ? I want my bot and only my bot to handle incoming message, I don't want admins of the page to be able to interfere in the user experience. I was thinking it should be easy to do but I cannot find how to do that. To recap : I would like my chat bot to have the exclusivity of chatting with users from my facebook page, do you know how to do this ?
Thank you very much
Admins see the incoming message and can respond to it. Can I deactivate this ?
No, you can not.
Bots are meant to be able to help with page tasks regarding answering user messages, but not to take over control completely.
Well, according to this Facebook help article, the roles available to your page admins are listed there. Use it as your guide.
After searching, I was unable to find anyway to make the conversation between a Facebook messenger bot and a Facebook user private (in the sense that no page admin, editor or moderator would be able to see the conversation from the page inbox). If you want your bot to have a private conversation with your users for certain sensitive actions, your only option as of now seems to be using a webview.
Using a Webview can complicate a little bit your workflow because Webviews are not supported the same way on all platforms but at least, it will enable you to gather direct inputs from your users that your Facebook page moderators will not be able to see from the admin page.

Script to track who is liking or sharing through Facebook

I was wondering if it's possible to find who is liking or sharing my website or facebook page by running a script. Obviously, you would have to use the Facebook API, but what I'm wondering is if it is able to do the following:
It is an incentive based share/like. I am trying to create a members section where they can share our website and receive a "credit" in their member account. Also, if they physically click the "like" button on our page, a "credit" should be updated to their account. I would need to make it so that they cannot use multiple facebook accounts to try to obtain multiple credits, but after they click the 'like' button in their account, the FB Like button should disappear, which I believe can be done through some PHP code (if).
The third "credit" they can receive would be if they 'share' our page on their own wall.
The way I see the process is that they do one of the above, and we have a cron script that runs every 5 minutes or so to check our DB of e-mails/usernames to see if they liked/shared/or liked page, then it will be an easy process to add the 'credit' automatically.
Is this possible? If so, can someone please guide me to the part of FQL that I should read on? I haven't dealt with FQL yet, but I'm sure it shouldn't be too much of a battle for something like this.
It is an incentive based share/like.
Facebook Platform Policies, IV. Application Integration Points, 1.:
“You must not incentivize users to use (or gate content behind the use of) Facebook social channels, or imply that an incentive is directly tied to the use of our channels.”
Just FYI …