HighCharts gauge big figure and congested percentage issues - charts

I am having follow issues in the highchart gauges:
Sales Revenue the gauges does not start with the ranges i have assigned to it check Sales/Revenue block, ranges that i provide to the gauge is:
511721.61 604761.90 604761.91 744322.34 744322.35 1116483.52
another issue is in the profit percentage block, ranges are too closely bound. does not look good, ranges are, 40.01 41.87 41.88 44.19 44.20 46.52
third issue is if the dialer figure is exceeding the range values, the needle circles over the dialer again and stops on a wrong figure, i want that if the needle should not recircle and stop on the end of the green end.


Vertical synchronized bar on multiple plots, following user cursor

I'm trying to create an app for data analysis.
I have multiple channels of acquisition of the same length, including a time vector.
Vectors as therefore synchronized (same index value corrispond to the same time instant for every array).
I display data on different figures (UIAxes) in my app figure.
To better and more easily use the application I would like the following to happen: each time the user hovers the cursor on any plot a vertical bar at the corrisponding x position of the cursor is displayed, on all the figures. All the figures display the same range of x values.
I also have a scatter figure with points from gps, still with the same length of the other arrays.
On that figure I'd really like to have, instead of the vertical line, a crosshair.
I've found this part of code here but I can't adapt it to App Designer and it's also pretty old.
Any kind of help is very welcome.
EDIT: Matlab Version 2020b

Tableau - Fixed count of datapoints per pane

I'm trying to build a shewhart-style control chart in Tableau and having trouble with setting a fixed sample size for the data points plotted on the chart. Consistent sample sizes are critical for setting accurate control limits so I'm dead in the water until I can specify that tableau only use 10-30 random rows to calculate each point on the chart.
I thought I could accomplish this by returning a random number in my query and filtering on the top N results for each pane but I can't seem to wrap my head around how to actually execute that.

Using the Overlay feature in panel but showing only an averaged line

I have created an overlay of 100 curves. I thought the image looked impressive but one of my reviewers stated that I should only show the averaged line. Meaning, only show a line that is the average of the 100 curves. Is this possible using the xtline feature, or do I need to get deeper into programming code to produce the graphic? Alternatively, it would be great if I could show both (the 100 curves and the averaged curve) in the same graphic.
You don't need anything complicated here. Just calculate the mean across the panel and show it directly. Here is some technique. I am guessing that in your real example with 100 curves a legend is pointless. Note the c(L) and read the help to find what it does.
webuse grunfeld, clear
set scheme s1color
gen log_invest = log(invest)
egen mean_log_invest = mean(log_invest), by(year)
line log_invest year, legend(off) lc(gs12) c(L) || line mean_log_invest year, c(L) scheme(s1color) ytitle(something sensible)

Show Separate Mark Labels alongside Measure Value Labels

(source: tableau.com)
I'm using Measure Values for combining two measures:
1)Count of Clients (As a percentage)
2)% Retention (Calculated field which uses another calculated field called Numerator Retention in it's formula over the total to calculate the %)
Measure Value Mark Labels successfully show the respective percentages for the two measures. Now I wanna show the respective count of clients or numbers behind these percentages but I'm unable to do so since I've already used Measure Value Mark Labels to do something similar.
When I try editing the Labels text, it edits it for all labels together and hence I'm getting all labels for all rows and not how I want it to show selectively as I described.
Example Solution: For Private Residence, I only want 125 to show with 60% which is the actual number behind the percentage. And I want only 119 to show with 95%
You can do this, but not using Measure Values. You should mirror what I have done here. I do not know your calculation for the Respective Retention, so use your calculation.
You need to move both of your measures to the Columns shelf and make them a Dual Axis:
After doing that, you will have access to the individual measures - so you can give labels independently:
Just make sure you place the measures that you want for each axis respectively.

Cognos Chart with "No Data Available" although list shows data

I am completely new to Cognos, so sorry if I don't state some necessary information. I can't go into specifics about my chart, but here is the background:
I have a SQL code running into my Query
My chart and list use the same Query and have the exact same fields
My chart is a basic line graph
When I change my aggregate function to total for my y-axis, then I can see the data points
I do not want to use an aggregate function (I need to see all the points for my x and y-axis)
My x-axis is only one object, but it has multiple y-axis values within a year (which is my series). Ex:product-cost-year list,
where my product is the x-axis, cost is the y-axis, and series is year.
How can I get my chart to appear with all my data points? Eventually, I would like to add an upper and lower confidence interval to this chart.
One way to solve this issue is to create another column that simply counts the number of products (1,2,3,...9). We will call this column count. Keep all your fields the same (product for x-axis, cost for y-axis, and year for series). You will want to add count underneath product on the x-axis. You should see your mouse pointer turn to a horizontal line and it will place it under and to the right of product. Make sure not to place it just to the right of product.