Dot is missed in email link - email

We send email to our customers and have link like this
The problem that sometimes some of dots is missed, for example
like this:
we use sendgrid to send messages and use link tracking feature there
Does anybody meet that issue? or what can we do to avoid that?

Can you ensure that the links are correct before you send the email? What happens when you send a test to yourself?
I've worked with various ESPs and have never had this issue, even with link tracking which should just append some parameter or create a redirect link.


List-Unsubscribe header doesn't show unsubscribe link in gmail

I manage an email newsletter for a customer. It uses a custom list management utility, but the emails are being delivered through SendGrid.
In order to integrate correctly with our list management unsubscribe. I'm manually creating the "List-Unsubscribe" header, with a mailto address, which goes to an email parser, and unsubscribes the user from the correct publication etc.
The email parsing etc. works fine. However for some reason gmail is not displaying the "Unsubscribe" link in the header, as it does with other newsletters I receive.
Another newsletter I manage for a different customer, uses SendGrid's built-in unsubscribe management, and for these ones gmail does display the link.
What I want to know, is why is my custom "Unsubscribe-Link" ignored by gmail, but SendGrid's works?
SendGrid's "List-Unsubscribe" looks like this ...
List-Unsubscribe: <*q*user_id=[SHA hash...==]>
My custom "List-Unsubscribe" looks like this ...
List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:u-[custom-encoded-user-id+publication-id]>
My email parser reads the incoming "to" address, and interprets the encoded user-id and publication-id, to unsubscribe the person from the correct list.
Can anyone suggest why gmail might not like my link? It's extremely difficult to find detailed information about the requirements for this header.
One obvious difference, is that mine doesn't have a subject, but that's because it doesn't need it. It gets all it needs from the "to" address. Could this actually make a difference though? Does the "to" address need to remain static?
I thought perhaps it just needed time, for gmail to familiarise itself with this newsletter. However it has been running for months, and still no link.
The list is very clean, and all recipients have opted-in. We don't get any spam reports, and very few bounces.
I've gone to a great deal of trouble to ensure that everything works correctly from my end, and it's very frustrating that I cannot find out what I need to do to make this work.
I found a similar question at the gmail forums, and the official response to that question was to "contact a professional about constructing html emails".
Not very helpful for me, as in my case, I'm supposed to be that professional.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

when I used an anchor tag in email body it's going to spam folder

Actually I am facing a lot of problem about email sending. When I am trying to send a email using a module named phpmailer that contains an anchor tag or hyperlink as like
click here
email go to the spam folder but when i remove this anchor tag or remove the link from the body of the email its send properly and goes to inbox.
i do not get what was the problem.
i am using a shared hosting with cpanel.
please anybody help me.
For all links? Or just links to a particular site?
You might want to check that the site you're linking to isn't listed in SURBL or similar blacklist.
It's also worth inspecting headers on received messages - spam filters will often add headers telling you why it classified a message as spam.
Generally there is nothing specific you can do - if there was an obvious way to avoid spam filters then spam senders would use it and the filters would be useless. That said, almost every receiver uses entirely different spam filtering, so your results may vary enormously anyway.

Google gmail quickbutton action

I'm reading about the new development of Google quick action buttons in the mail inbox.
I'm a little bit lost in this topic and not understand how I can include this function in my emails.
I have read about DKIM/SPF but I don't know if this functionality could need to do an google app.
I have my mail server with marketing segmentation and I want this button is visible when email come to client (destiny) gmail inbox (guess only works in gmail....). If i have included the markup code in html in my emails, why i can't see this button?
would it need create a specific mail application to implement this feature and send emails from this app? Someone tried this?
I know maybe this has been reply before but i think must start more down... so.. sorry.
Thanks and regards!
When you are ready to launch your marked up emails to your users, you will need to register with Google. Please follow this process:
1.Send a real-life email coming from your production servers (or a server with similar DKIM/SPF/From:/Return-Path: headers) including the markup / schema to
2.If you send a test/blank email, an email that does not contain schema or if you don't send an email for review your application will be silently discarded.
3.Make sure that the markup is correct prior to sending the email. For more details see Testing your Schema. Especially make sure the email passes the Email markup Tester and that there are no errors, also make sure to include as much data as possible.
4.Gmail removes all markup when forwarding an email. Do not forward the email but send it directly.
Fill out the registration form available here.
Here is the link for the documentation.
Hope this helps!!
Are you sending a promotional email (offers, etc.)?
If yes, then you are likely to be delivered to the Promotions tab, where quick actions do not work (according to Litmus -
Quick Actions work best in the Inbox for transactional emails.
("Here is your booking confirmation" [Check-in now] quick action)
These typically arrive directly in the Inbox.

Hyperlinks are being overwritten in emails

I am sending out emails from my website using Zend_Mail and Send Grid. I have hyperlinks in the email that are being overwritten with what appears to be garbage by the time it gets to the user's inbox.
For example,
href="" is becoming href="".
I do not have this problem when I remove the 'http://' from the href. This is not a solution for me however, because links without 'http://' do not work in some email clients.
I checked the Zend Mail content and the links appear to be fine, so I am wondering if this is a problem with Send Grid or the email client. I have looked all over the web and have found very little information on this. I have seen some people with similar issues, but no one has been able to provide a real solution.
Has anyone seen anything like this? I'll be happy to provide more information if needed.
It looks like Send Grid is re-writing the URLs for click tracking. Try disabling this feature in your Send Grid account.

Preventing spam through e-mail frontend

I've written a bug reporter for my game, and after it launches, the user can review the data and submit the report to my web server via HTTP. If the submission fails, the user has the option to save the report and try again later, using the bug reporter itself, uploading the file with a web form, or attaching the report to an e-mail. I know that I can prevent spam over HTTP by analyzing the source IP, but I'm not sure how to go about this when receiving reports over e-mail. Any ideas?
The attachment will always be in JSON format; any other will be rejected. I'm just worried someone will do this:
for i = 1, 10000 do
json = generate_valid_json()
and flood my bug tracker with noise.
Other than regular spam filters, etc I do have a suggestion for this.
If, in your application, or page, you can specify a Subject= with the Mailto: link, put a unique ID in the Subject of your message that you will be expecting to receive.
That way you accomplish 2 goals - recognizing the ID in the subject, you will know it's not spam, and if that ID is associated with your bug report, you'll already know where to put it when it arrives.
EDIT: This doesn't necessarily have to be in the subject, either - could be in the body, or you could simply give them a unique ID e-mail address to send to if you can support a catchall... like
How about saving the report when the first attempt to upload fails. When the user starts the game, start a background thread which tries to deliver the report again. Eventually, it should work and the user will have to do anything.
Sounds like you're trying to tell the difference between e-mail from random people you've never talked to before, that are sending you attachments, from spam e-mail.
Good luck!
Can you change the e-mail address every so often?
Require a certain subject line?
Require plain-text e-mail?