when I used an anchor tag in email body it's going to spam folder - email

Actually I am facing a lot of problem about email sending. When I am trying to send a email using a module named phpmailer that contains an anchor tag or hyperlink as like
click here
email go to the spam folder but when i remove this anchor tag or remove the link from the body of the email its send properly and goes to inbox.
i do not get what was the problem.
i am using a shared hosting with cpanel.
please anybody help me.

For all links? Or just links to a particular site?
You might want to check that the site you're linking to isn't listed in SURBL or similar blacklist.
It's also worth inspecting headers on received messages - spam filters will often add headers telling you why it classified a message as spam.
Generally there is nothing specific you can do - if there was an obvious way to avoid spam filters then spam senders would use it and the filters would be useless. That said, almost every receiver uses entirely different spam filtering, so your results may vary enormously anyway.


List-Unsubscribe header doesn't show unsubscribe link in gmail

I manage an email newsletter for a customer. It uses a custom list management utility, but the emails are being delivered through SendGrid.
In order to integrate correctly with our list management unsubscribe. I'm manually creating the "List-Unsubscribe" header, with a mailto address, which goes to an email parser, and unsubscribes the user from the correct publication etc.
The email parsing etc. works fine. However for some reason gmail is not displaying the "Unsubscribe" link in the header, as it does with other newsletters I receive.
Another newsletter I manage for a different customer, uses SendGrid's built-in unsubscribe management, and for these ones gmail does display the link.
What I want to know, is why is my custom "Unsubscribe-Link" ignored by gmail, but SendGrid's works?
SendGrid's "List-Unsubscribe" looks like this ...
List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:unsubscribe#email.mycustomdomain.com?subject=http://links.mycustomdomain.com/asm/unsubscribe/*q*user_id=[SHA hash...==]>
My custom "List-Unsubscribe" looks like this ...
List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:u-[custom-encoded-user-id+publication-id]#list-management.mycustomdomain.com>
My email parser reads the incoming "to" address, and interprets the encoded user-id and publication-id, to unsubscribe the person from the correct list.
Can anyone suggest why gmail might not like my link? It's extremely difficult to find detailed information about the requirements for this header.
One obvious difference, is that mine doesn't have a subject, but that's because it doesn't need it. It gets all it needs from the "to" address. Could this actually make a difference though? Does the "to" address need to remain static?
I thought perhaps it just needed time, for gmail to familiarise itself with this newsletter. However it has been running for months, and still no link.
The list is very clean, and all recipients have opted-in. We don't get any spam reports, and very few bounces.
I've gone to a great deal of trouble to ensure that everything works correctly from my end, and it's very frustrating that I cannot find out what I need to do to make this work.
I found a similar question at the gmail forums, and the official response to that question was to "contact a professional about constructing html emails".
Not very helpful for me, as in my case, I'm supposed to be that professional.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Suggest link to add to contacts for email recipients

I am trying to avoid going into the spam folder when I send an email to users on my website.
Mainly I need them to activate their newly registered account and if it's in the spam folder, they most likely will never activate it.
I noticed that for the most part, it's Hotmail that blocks my emails.
I read a lot that the more people mark it as not-spam, and if they add the email to their contacts, that why it increases the chances of not going to spam folders in the future.
Is there a way to offer a link for "add this email to your contacts" in the html body of the email?
Also, what can I do to not get to the spam in general? I tried stripping all the html and just send plain text but still went to spam...
To prevent your emails from going to spam can entail optimizing a number of things such as
Text of the email (even if it's plain text.. spammy/salesy wording will still trigger spam
The domain in which your sending the email from
Whether or not your sending domain is authenticated (e.g. SPF, DKIM)
Checking that your not on spam lists
What people usually do is create a link to a page which provides step by step instructions on how users can whitelist the sender in various email clients and providers.
This website will actually auto-generate the instructions page for you: http://www.emaildeliveryjedi.com/email-whitelist.php
Mailchimp offers a solution which allows you to add an 'Add-to-Address-Book' link to your campaigns but it's not very broadly compatible with all clients. What they're doing is embedded hcard microdata.
Mailchimp Add-to-Address-Book Links
I'd recommend sending a test email to http://isnotspam.com/
They run a SpamAssassin test (and a few others) on the email and give you an output, which is a good metric to judge most spam filters by.
Another thing to look out for is that GMail's doesn't like when you mention money at all, especially large amounts.

HTML email going to spam

Not sure if this is in the right place, but it's all stemming from a PHP email send script that isn't working.
I have an email server for my clients that exists at email.thoughtspacedesigns.com. I run multiple domains from this server (e.g. pittsburghphotography.co). I've set up SPF and DKIM for these external domains, and plain text messages are going through just fine, but anything that contains an HTML attachment (even if it's accompanied by plain text) is going directly to spam when sent to any gmail account. So for example, if I send an HTML email from contact#pittsburghphotography.co, regardless of the client I use (Mac Mail, WordPress, pure PHP script), it goes into spam. I'm not sure what I can do to circumvent this issue as I've already set up just about all of the verification factors I thought were possible. Any insight?
Emails can get sent to the spam folder for a variety of reasons. Here are some things you might look into:
Every email server has a numbered rating and that can effect how your email is delivered. Check that at senderscore.org.
Another thing you might look into is if your email server is on any "Black lists" meaning that you tanked your senders score and got put on a list as a know spammer. Don't feel bad if you are, it's easy to wind up on one. Check for that at blacklistmonitoring.com.
Also, a simple way to check for spam keywords is isnotspam.com. There are other spam checkers out there but that's the one I like.
EDIT: I also forgot to mention gmail can be a bit more fickle than other email clients when it comes to spam. It's just something in their spam filtering algorithm that is more sensitive than other applications.
Best of luck!

Cakephp emails going to spam

I am sending email using cakephps email function. The email sends correctly but it is going to the spam folder.
Can anyone sugggest?
There can be many causes:
The email's content looks like spam (lots of links within a little amount of text, too much alpha-numeric gibberish, certain common spam words)
The server from which you're sending the emails has been black-listed
The email is not properly formatted (so in your case, check that you're using CakePHP's email function fully correctly)
I would try to send a good length, regular email without any links, as if you were writing to a friend, and see if it's a content issue. If the server you're emailing from has been identified as a source of spam and is black-listed by an ISP, there's not a whole lot you can change about that.
It can happen due to your mail content.
Check your mail contents that contain somethings that spam filter count.

Email notifications sent by Drupal have broken links sometimes

I'm using the Subscriptions module of Drupal to send out subscribed emails on a regular basis and I've noticed that the links embedded in the email will break if the link is too long, but only for some users. The email client that user is using is Entourage. The crazy thing is that I use Entourage, also, but I don't have that problem with the links in my subscription emails that are sent to me. Here's what's happening:
The top line of the link will be underlined and part of the link, but the bottom part will not be underlined (even though it should be) and so, the link is broken. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
AFAIK, there is not much you can do about this. As long as the links do not contain line breaks in the original mails sent by your server, it is up to the receivers mail client to add line breaks for readability, usually based on some user preference settings (Which could explain the difference to your own Entourage client).
Also, some clients try to detect links and avoid breaking them, others don't, and some even have plugins for this.
A possible workaround would be sending HTML mails instead, but that opens a huge different can of worms concerning mail client compatibility, so I do not recommend it.