returning matched element from array - perl

I would like to return an element of an array if it matches a pattern represented by a scalar. I would like to avoid looping so I've tried the following method:
use List::Util 'first';
my $match = first { /$pattern/ } #list_of_strings;
$match variable is not returning a value, even though, I know it matches exactly one element in array. What am I doing wrong?
my #amplicon_exon = ();
open(TXT5, "$amplicon_exon");
while (<TXT5>){
my $file_line = $_;
$file_line =~ s/\s+\z//g;
push (#amplicon_exon, $file_line);
foreach (#amplicon_exon){
my #matrix_lines = ();
open(TXT5, "$matrixfile");
while (<TXT5>){
my $matrixlineentry = $_;
$matrixlineentry =~ s/\s+\z//g;
push (#matrix_lines, $matrixlineentry);
foreach (#matrix_lines){
my #failedamplicons = ();
for my $vcf_file ( #vcf_files ) {
$vcf_file =~ m|([^/]+)_annotated.vcf$| or die "Can't extract Sample ID";
my $sample_id = $1;
my #myuniquearray = ();
my #amplicon_array = ();
my $entire_matrix_header = $matrix_lines[0]; print "The matrix header is ".$entire_matrix_header."\n";
$entire_matrix_header =~ s/\s+\z//g;
my #matrix_headers = split (/\t/, $entire_matrix_header);
push #matrix_headers, "endoffile";
my $matrix_column_number = "";
for (0..#matrix_headers){
my $onco_matrix_header = $matrix_headers[$_];
$onco_matrix_header =~ s/\s+\z//g;
if ((length $onco_matrix_header > 0) && (index($sample_id, $onco_matrix_header) != -1)) {
$matrix_column_number = $_;
print "The matrixcolumnnumber is ".$matrix_column_number."\n";
#print " The matrixcolumnnumber is ".$matrixcolumnnumber."\n";
for (1..#matrix_lines-1){
my #matrix_values = split (/\t/, $matrix_lines[$_]);
if ( ($matrix_values[$matrix_column_number]<201) && ($matrix_values[$matrix_column_number]>-1) ) {
my $f_amp = $matrix_values[1];#if ( grep( /^$value$/, #array ) )
print Dumper($f_amp, \#amplicon_exon);
my $match = first { /$f_amp/ } #amplicon_exon; print "#############the match is $match\n";
my #parts = split /:/, $match;
my $exon_amp = $parts[1]; my $gene_res = $parts[2];
print "less than 200 exists";
my #total_amps = ($run_folder, $sample_id, $gene_res, $exon_amp, $matrix_values[$matrix_column_number], $f_amp);
my $failedamplicon = join "\t", #total_amps;
push (#failedamplicons, $failedamplicon);
for (0..#failedamplicons-1){
my $failedamplicons = $failedamplicons[$_];
open (MYFILE, ">>$failed_amps_output");##opens files with header and adds the rest of the lines.
print MYFILE $failedamplicons."\n";
close (MYFILE);
Sample data:
#amplicon_exon lines:
$f_amp examples:
Gene Target barcode-1 barcode-2 barcode-3 barcode-4 barcode-5
MOTOR Focus_MTOR_1 22 786 123 456 456
JAK1 OCP1_JAK1_2 345 45 342 23 432
ALT OCP1_ALK_3 43 456 23 3 56

There is something wrong with part of the program that you haven't shown
Here is a short program that uses exactly the #amplicon_exon values that you have given as examples, and dumps the result of the first call for every value of $f_cmp. It works
Perhaps this will shake you from your insistence that you have done nothing wrong?
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use List::Util 'first';
use Data::Dump;
# Using sample #amplicon_exon lines
my #amplicon_exon = qw/
# Using $f_amp examples:
for my $f_amp (qw/
OCP1_MAP2K1_2 / ) {
my $match = first { /$f_amp/ } #amplicon_exon;
dd $match;
I'd risk £5 that your #matrix_values contains newlines


Perl: Compare Two CSV Files and Print out matches (modifying this code)

I am very new at perl and had discovered the solution at:
Perl: Compare Two CSV Files and Print out differences
I have gone through dozens of other solutions and this comes closest, except that instead of finding the differences between 2 CSV files, I want to find where the second CSV file matches the first one in column and row. How could I modify the following script to find the matches in column/row instead of the differences. I am hoping to dissect this code and learn arrays from there, but wanted to find out the solution to this application. Much thanks.
use strict;
my #arr1;
my #arr2;
my $a;
open(FIL,"a.txt") or die("$!");
while (<FIL>)
{chomp; $a=$_; $a =~ s/[\t;, ]*//g; push #arr1, $a if ($a ne '');};
open(FIL,"b.txt") or die("$!");
while (<FIL>)
{chomp; $a=$_; $a =~ s/[\t;, ]*//g; push #arr2, $a if ($a ne '');};
my %arr1hash;
my %arr2hash;
my #diffarr;
foreach(#arr1) {$arr1hash{$_} = 1; }
foreach(#arr2) {$arr2hash{$_} = 1; }
foreach $a(#arr1)
if (not defined($arr2hash{$a}))
push #diffarr, $a;
foreach $a(#arr2)
if (not defined($arr1hash{$a}))
push #diffarr, $a;
print "Diff:\n";
foreach $a(#diffarr)
print "$a\n";
# You can print to a file instead, by: print FIL "$a\n";
ok, I realize that this was more what I was looking for:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
use autodie;
use constant {
FILE_1 => "file1.txt",
FILE_2 => "file2.txt",
# Load Hash #1 with value from File #1
my %hash1;
open my $file1_fh, "<", FILE_1;
while ( my $value = <$file1_fh> ) {
chomp $value;
$hash1{$value} = 1;
close $file1_fh;
# Load Hash #2 with value from File #2
my %hash2;
open my $file2_fh, "<", FILE_2;
while ( my $value = <$file2_fh> ) {
chomp $value;
$hash2{$value} = 1;
close $file2_fh;
Now I want to search file2's hash to check if there are ANY matches from file1's hash. That is where I am stuck
With new code suggestion, code now looks like this
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
use autodie;
use constant {
FILE_1 => "masterlist.csv",
FILE_2 => "pastebin.csv",
# Load Hash #1 with value from File #1
my %hash1;
open my $file1_fh, "<", FILE_1;
while ( my $value = <$file1_fh> ) {
chomp $value;
$hash1{$value} = 1;
close $file1_fh;
my %hash2;
open my $file2_fh, "<", FILE_2;
while ( my $value = <$file2_fh> ) {
chomp $value;
if ( $hash1{$value} ) {
print "Match found $value\n";
close $file2_fh;
print "Matches found:\n";
foreach my $key ( keys %hash2 ) {
print "$key found $hash2{$key} times\n";
I updated one part with split() and it seems to work, but have to test more to confirm if it fits the solution I'm looking for or I have more work to do one it
# Load Hash #1 with value from File #1
my %hash1;
open my $file1_fh, "<", FILE_1;
while ( my $value = <$file1_fh> ) {
chomp $value;
$hash1{$value} = ( %hash1, (split(/,/, $_))[1,2] );
close $file1_fh;
So, with your code there - you've read in 'file1' to a hash.
Why not instead of reading file 2 into a hash, do instead:
my %hash2;
open my $file2_fh, "<", FILE_2;
while ( my $value = <$file2_fh> ) {
chomp $value;
if ( $hash1{$value} ) {
print "Match found $value\n";
close $file2_fh;
print "Matches found:\n";
foreach my $key ( keys %hash2 ) {
print "$key found $hash2{$key} times\n";
I think this code identifies every place that a data field in file A matches a data field in file B (at least it does on my limited test data):
use strict;
use warnings;
my #arr1;
my #arr2;
# a.txt -> #arr1
my $file_a_name = "poster_a.txt";
open(FIL,$file_a_name) or die("$!");
my $a_line_counter = 0;
while (my $a_line = <FIL>)
$a_line_counter = $a_line_counter + 1;
my #fields = (split /,/,$a_line);
my $num_fields = scalar(#fields);
s{^\s+|\s+$}{}g foreach #fields;
push #arr1, \#fields if ( $num_fields ne 0);
my $file_b_name = "poster_b.txt";
open(FIL,$file_b_name) or die("$!");
while (my $b_line = <FIL>)
my #fields = (split /,/,$b_line);
my $num_fields = scalar(#fields);
s{^\s+|\s+$}{}g foreach #fields;
push #arr2, \#fields if ( $num_fields ne 0)
# b.txt -> #arr2
#print "\n",#arr2, "\n";
my #match_array;
my $file_a_line_ctr = 1;
foreach my $file_a_line_fields (#arr1)
my $file_a_column_ctr = 1;
foreach my $file_a_line_field (#{$file_a_line_fields})
my $file_b_line_ctr = 1;
foreach my $file_b_line_fields(#arr2)
my $file_b_column_ctr = 1;
foreach my $file_b_field (#{$file_b_line_fields})
if ( $file_b_field eq $file_a_line_field )
my $match_info =
"$file_a_name line $file_a_line_ctr column $file_a_column_ctr" .
" (${file_a_line_field}) matches: " .
"$file_b_name line $file_b_line_ctr column $file_b_column_ctr ";
push(#match_array, $match_info);
print "$match_info \n";
$file_b_column_ctr = $file_b_column_ctr + 1;
$file_b_line_ctr = $file_b_line_ctr + 1;
$file_a_column_ctr = $file_a_column_ctr + 1;
$file_a_line_ctr = $file_a_line_ctr + 1;
print "there were ", scalar(#match_array)," matches\n";

match columns on different lines and sum

I have a csv with about 160,000 lines, it looks like this:
I would like to pair lines where column 1 is the same, column 3 matches column 2 and where column 6 is a '+' while on the other line it is a '-'. If this is true I would like to sum column 4 and column 5.
My desired out put would be
the best solution I can think of is to duplicate the file and then match columns between the file and it's duplicate with perl:
use strict;
use warnings;
open my $firstfile, '<', $ARGV[0] or die "$!";
open my $secondfile, '<', $ARGV[1] or die "$!";
my ($chr_a, $chr_b,$start,$end,$begin,$finish, $sum_a, $sum_b, $total_a,
while (<$firstfile>) {
my #col = split /,/;
$chr_a = $col[0];
$start = $col[1];
$end = $col[2];
$sum_a = $col[3];
$total_a = $col[4];
$sign_a = $col[5];
while (<$secondfile>) {
my #seccol = split /,/;
$chr_b = $seccol[0];
$begin = $seccol[1];
$finish = $seccol[2];
$sum_b = $seccol[3];
$total_b = $seccol[4];
$sign_b = $seccol[5];
print join ("\t", $col[0], $col[1], $col[2], $col[3]+=$seccol[3],
$col[4]+=$seccol[4], $col[5]),
"\n" if ($chr_a eq $chr_b and $end==$begin and $sign_a ne $sign_b);
And that works fine, but ideally I'd like to be able to do this within the file itself without having to duplicate it, because I have many files and so I would like to run a script over all of them that is less time-consuming.
In the absence of a response to my comment, this program will do as you ask with the data you provide.
use strict;
use warnings;
my #last;
while (<DATA>) {
my #line = split /,/;
if (#last
and $last[0] eq $line[0]
and $last[2] eq $line[1]
and $last[5] eq '+' and $line[5] eq '-') {
$last[3] += $line[3];
$last[4] += $line[4];
print join(',', #last), "\n";
#last = ()
else {
print join(',', #last), "\n" if #last;
#last = #line;
print join(',', #last), "\n" if #last;

Perl compare individual elements of two arrays

I have two files with two columns each:
1 #
2 #
3 !
4 %
5 %
3 #
4 !
2 &
1 %
5 ^
The Perl script must compare column A in both both files, and only if they are equal, column B of FIlE 2 must be printed
So far I have the following code but all I get is an infinite loop with # from column B
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
print "enter site:"."\n";
chomp(my $s = <>);
print "enter protein:"."\n";
chomp(my $p = <>);
open( FILE, "< $s" ) or die;
open( OUT, "> PSP.txt" ) or die;
open( FILE2, "< $p" ) or die;
my #firstcol;
my #secondcol;
my #thirdcol;
while ( <FILE> )
next if $. <2;
my #cols = split;
push #firstcol, $cols[0];
push #secondcol, $cols[1]."\t"."\t".$cols[3]."\t"."\t"."\t"."N\/A"."\n";
my #firstcol2;
my #secondcol2;
my #thirdcol2;
while ( <FILE2> )
next if $. <2;
my #cols2 = split(/\t/, $_);
push #firstcol2, $cols2[0];
push #secondcol2, $cols2[4]."\n";
my $size = #firstcol;
my $size2 = #firstcol2;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= #firstcol ; $i++) {
for (my $j = 0; $j <= #firstcol2; $j++) {
if ( $firstcol[$i] eq $firstcol2[$j] )
print $secondcol2[$i];
my (#first, #second);
my $foo = split / /, $_;
push #first , $foo;
my $bar = split / / , $_;
push #second, $bar;
my %first = #first;
my %second = #second;
Build a hash of the first file as %first and second file as %second with first column as key and second column as value.
for(keys %first)
print $second{$_} if exists $second{$_}
I couldn't check it as I am on mobile. hope that gives you an idea.
I assume that column A is ordered and that you actually want to compare the first entry in File 1 to the first entry in File 2, and so on.
If that's true, you have nested loop that you don't need. Simplify your last while as such:
for my $i (0..$#firstcol) {
if ( $firstcol[$i] eq $firstcol2[$i] )
print $secondcol2[$i];
Also, if you're at all concerned about the files being of different length, then you can adjust the loop:
use List::Util qw(min);
for my $i (0..min($#firstcol, $#firstcol2)) {
Additional Note: You aren't chomping your data in the second file loop while ( <FILE2> ). That might introduce a bug later.
If your files are called file1.txt and file2.txt the next:
use Modern::Perl;
use Path::Class;
my $files;
#{$files->{$_}} = map { [split /\s+/] } grep { !/^\s*$/ } file("file$_.txt")->slurp for (1..2);
for my $line1 (#{$files->{1}}) {
my $line2 = shift #{$files->{2}};
say $line2->[1] if ($line1->[0] eq $line2->[0]);
equals in column1 only the lines A and 5
without the CPAN modules - produces the same result
use strict;
use warnings;
my $files;
#{$files->{$_}} = map { [split /\s+/] } grep { !/^\s*$/ } do { local(#ARGV)="file$_.txt";<> } for (1..2);
for my $line1 (#{$files->{1}}) {
my $line2 = shift #{$files->{2}};
print $line2->[1],"\n" if ($line1->[0] eq $line2->[0]);

Print in single line with consecutive elements

So I have an array like this:
Now, I want to print a line when W=X=Y and Z are consecutive numbers.
Expected Output:
How do I implement this on Perl?
Here is my script:
while ( $output_line = <FILE_C> ) {
chomp $output_line;
my ( $W, $X, $Y, $C, $D, $E, $F, $Z ) = ( split /\s/, $output_line );
if ( $Y == $Block_previous ) {
push( #Z_array, $Z );
push( #Y_array, $Y );
else {
push( #Z_array_nonblkmatch, $Z );
foreach $Z_printer (#Z_array) {
if ( ( $Z_delta == 1 ) || ( $Z_delta == -1 ) ) {
push( #Z_adj, $Z_printer, $Z_printer_prev );
#~ print ("pair: $Z_printer_prev-$Z_printer\n");
else {
#~ print ("$Z_printer\n");
$Z_printer_prev = $Z_printer;
#Z_adj = ();
#Z_array = ();
#Y_array = ();
#Z_array_nonblkmatch = ();
$Block_previous = $Y;
#~ <STDIN>;
Thanks, raina77ow! However, this is what the output look like:
One possible approach (ideone demo):
use warnings;
use strict;
my $prev;
while (<DATA>) {
next unless /\S/;
my #numbers = split /,/;
if (defined $prev && $numbers[3] == $prev + 1) {
print '-' . ++$prev;
print "\n" if defined $prev;
print join ',', #numbers;
$prev = $numbers[3];
I choose not to collect this data into intermediate array, as you did, as the question was simple: print it grouped. The key is storing the value of the last (Z) column, then checking each new line against it: if it matches, you print just the incremented value (that's what print '-' . ++$prev line for), if not, you end this line (for all but the first case) and start a new one with the numbers of this line.

How can I skip some block content while reading in Perl

I plan to skip the block content which include the start line of "MaterializeU4()" with the subroutin() read_block below. But failed.
# Read a constant definition block from a file handle.
# void return when there is no data left in the file.
# Otherwise return an array ref containing lines to in the block.
sub read_block {
my $fh = shift;
my #lines;
my $block_started = 0;
while( my $line = <$fh> ) {
# how to correct my code below? I don't need the 2nd block content.
$block_started++ if ( ($line =~ /^(status)/) && (index($line, "MaterializeU4") != 0) ) ;
if( $block_started ) {
last if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
push #lines, $line;
return \#lines if #lines;
Data as below:
status DynTest = <dynamic 100>
vid = 10002
name = "DynTest"
units = ""
status VIDNAME9000 = <U4 MaterializeU4()>
vid = 9000
name = "VIDNAME9000"
units = "degC"
status DynTest = <U1 100>
vid = 100
name = "Hello"
units = ""
<SVID logicalName="DynTest" type="L" value="100" vid="10002" name="DynTest" units=""></SVID>
<SVID logicalName="DynTest" type="L" value="100" vid="100" name="Hello" units=""></SVID>
I print the value of index($line, "MaterializeU4"), it output 25.
Then I updated the code as below
$block_started++ if ( ($line =~ /^(status)/) && (index($line, "MaterializeU4") != 25)
Now it works.
Any comments are welcome about my practice.
Perl already has an operator to keep track of blocks. It's called the "flip-flop" operator:
Try this out:
while ( <DATA> ) {
next if /\Q<U4 MaterializeU4()>\E/../^\s*$/;
push #lines, $_;
The value of /\Q<U4 MaterializeU4()>\E/../^\s*$/ will be true when it sees a line that matches the starting regex and it will stop being true after it sees a line matching the second expression.
First, using a regex instead of index is probably better since you can tune it to the exact format of status string if you may decide to be stricter than just "substring exists"
I would suggest as one solution adding a second flag to skip the block contents if it's a MaterializeU4 block, as follows:
# Read a constant definition block from a file handle.
# void return when there is no data left in the file.
# Empty return for skippable (Materialize4U) block!!!
# Otherwise return an array ref containing lines to in the block.
sub read_block {
my $fh = shift;
my #lines = ();
my $block_started = 0;
my $block_ignore = 0;
while (my $line = <$fh> ) {
if ($line =~ /^status.*?((MaterializeU4)?)/) {
$block_started = 1;
$block_ignore = 1 if $1;
last if $line =~ /^\s*$/ && $block_started;
push #lines, $line unless $block_ignore;
return \#lines if #lines || $block_started;
Here's a slightly modified sample I tested using
use Data::Dumper;
my #all_lines = (
"s 1" ,"b 1" ,""
, "s MaterializeU4" ,"b 2" ,""
, "s 3" ,"b 3" ,""
while (#all_lines) {
my $block = read_block();
print Data::Dumper->Dump([$block]);
exit 0;
sub read_block {
my #lines = ();
my $block_started = 0;
my $block_ignore = 0;
while (my $line = shift #all_lines) {
if ($line =~ /^s .*?((MaterializeU4)?)/) {
$block_started = 1;
$block_ignore = 1 if $1;
last if $line =~ /^\s*$/ && $block_started;
push #lines, $line unless $block_ignore;
return \#lines if #lines || $block_started;
$VAR1 = [
's 1',
'b 1'
$VAR1 = [];
$VAR1 = [
's 3',
'b 3'
On successful match of a substring, index returns the position of the substring, which could be any value >= 0. On "failure", index returns -1.
The way you are using index
index($line, "MaterializeU4") != 0
will be true for all lines except for a line that begins with the string "MaterializeU4".
It looks like you already know a little bit about Perl regular expressions. Why not use one in this case, too?
++$block_started if $line =~ /status/ && $line =~ /MaterializeU4/;
Another issue I see is that you set $block_started to begin capturing lines, but you never set it to zero at the end of the "block", say, when $line is empty. I'm not sure if that's what you wanted to do.