Perl compare individual elements of two arrays - perl

I have two files with two columns each:
1 #
2 #
3 !
4 %
5 %
3 #
4 !
2 &
1 %
5 ^
The Perl script must compare column A in both both files, and only if they are equal, column B of FIlE 2 must be printed
So far I have the following code but all I get is an infinite loop with # from column B
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
print "enter site:"."\n";
chomp(my $s = <>);
print "enter protein:"."\n";
chomp(my $p = <>);
open( FILE, "< $s" ) or die;
open( OUT, "> PSP.txt" ) or die;
open( FILE2, "< $p" ) or die;
my #firstcol;
my #secondcol;
my #thirdcol;
while ( <FILE> )
next if $. <2;
my #cols = split;
push #firstcol, $cols[0];
push #secondcol, $cols[1]."\t"."\t".$cols[3]."\t"."\t"."\t"."N\/A"."\n";
my #firstcol2;
my #secondcol2;
my #thirdcol2;
while ( <FILE2> )
next if $. <2;
my #cols2 = split(/\t/, $_);
push #firstcol2, $cols2[0];
push #secondcol2, $cols2[4]."\n";
my $size = #firstcol;
my $size2 = #firstcol2;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= #firstcol ; $i++) {
for (my $j = 0; $j <= #firstcol2; $j++) {
if ( $firstcol[$i] eq $firstcol2[$j] )
print $secondcol2[$i];

my (#first, #second);
my $foo = split / /, $_;
push #first , $foo;
my $bar = split / / , $_;
push #second, $bar;
my %first = #first;
my %second = #second;
Build a hash of the first file as %first and second file as %second with first column as key and second column as value.
for(keys %first)
print $second{$_} if exists $second{$_}
I couldn't check it as I am on mobile. hope that gives you an idea.

I assume that column A is ordered and that you actually want to compare the first entry in File 1 to the first entry in File 2, and so on.
If that's true, you have nested loop that you don't need. Simplify your last while as such:
for my $i (0..$#firstcol) {
if ( $firstcol[$i] eq $firstcol2[$i] )
print $secondcol2[$i];
Also, if you're at all concerned about the files being of different length, then you can adjust the loop:
use List::Util qw(min);
for my $i (0..min($#firstcol, $#firstcol2)) {
Additional Note: You aren't chomping your data in the second file loop while ( <FILE2> ). That might introduce a bug later.

If your files are called file1.txt and file2.txt the next:
use Modern::Perl;
use Path::Class;
my $files;
#{$files->{$_}} = map { [split /\s+/] } grep { !/^\s*$/ } file("file$_.txt")->slurp for (1..2);
for my $line1 (#{$files->{1}}) {
my $line2 = shift #{$files->{2}};
say $line2->[1] if ($line1->[0] eq $line2->[0]);
equals in column1 only the lines A and 5
without the CPAN modules - produces the same result
use strict;
use warnings;
my $files;
#{$files->{$_}} = map { [split /\s+/] } grep { !/^\s*$/ } do { local(#ARGV)="file$_.txt";<> } for (1..2);
for my $line1 (#{$files->{1}}) {
my $line2 = shift #{$files->{2}};
print $line2->[1],"\n" if ($line1->[0] eq $line2->[0]);


How can I calculate the geometric center of a protein in Perl?

I have a PDB file which contains information about a specific protein. One of the information it holds is the positions of the different atoms (xyz coordinates).
The file is the following . With this file I want to calculate the geometric center of the atoms. In theory I know what I need to do, but the script I wrote does not seem to work.
The first part of the program, before the for loop, is another part of the assignment which requires me to read the sequence and convert it from the 3 letter nomenclature to the 1 letter one. The part that interests me is the for loop until the end. I tried to pattern match in order to isolate the XYZ coordinates. Then I used a counter that I had set up in the beginning which is the $k variable. When I check the output on cygwin the only output I get is the sequence 0 0 0 instead of the sum of each dimension divided by $k. Any clue what has gone wrong?
open (IN, '6U9D.pdb.txt');
%amino_acid_conversion = (
while (<IN>) {
if ($_=~m/HEADER\s+(.*)/){
print ">$1\n"; }
if ($_=~m/^SEQRES\s+\d+\s+\w+\s+\d+\s+(.*)/){
$seq=~s/ //g;
for ($i=0;$i<=length $seq; $i+=3) {
print "$amino_acid_conversion{substr($seq,$i,3)}";
if ($_=~m/^ATOM\s+\d+\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+\d+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
$x+=$1; $y+=$2; $z+=$3; $k++;
print "\n";
#print $k;
$xgk=($x/$k); $ygk=($y/$k); $zgk=($z/$k);
print "$xgk $ygk $zgk \n";
I do not know bioinformatics but it seems like you should do something like this:
use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;
my $fn = '6U9D.pdb';
open ( my $IN, '<', $fn ) or die "Could not open file '$fn': $!";
my $seq = '';
my $x = 0;
my $y = 0;
my $z = 0;
my $k = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
if ($_ =~ m/HEADER\s+(.*)/) {
say ">$1";
if ($_=~m/^SEQRES\s+\d+\s+\w+\s+\d+\s+(.*)/){
$seq .= $1;
if ($_ =~ m/^ATOM\s+\d+\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+\d+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
$x+=$1; $y+=$2; $z+=$3; $k++;
close $IN;
$seq =~ s/ //g;
my %amino_acid_conversion = (
my %unknown_keys;
my $conversion = '';
say "Sequence length: ", length $seq;
for (my $i=0; $i < length $seq; $i += 3) {
my $key = substr $seq, $i, 3;
if (exists $amino_acid_conversion{$key}) {
$conversion.= $amino_acid_conversion{$key};
else {
say "Conversion: $conversion";
say "Unknown keys: ", join ",", keys %unknown_keys;
say "Number of atoms: ", $k;
my $xgk=($x/$k);
my $ygk=($y/$k);
my $zgk=($z/$k);
say "Geometric center: $xgk $ygk $zgk";
This gives me the following output:
Number of atoms: 76015
Geometric center: 290.744642162734 69.196842162731 136.395842938893

How to identify nth lines of n files in while<>

I have a code which adds all vectors in all files.
There can be any number of input files. For example first input file is:
0.55 0 0.3335 1.2
0.212 0 2.2025 1
and the second one is:
0.25 0 0.3333 1.0
0.1235 0 0.2454 1
What I get is the sum of all vectors, thus in result i get one vector
which is:
1.13550 0 3.1147 4.2
But I'm trying to sum the first vector of the first file with the first vector of the second file and so on. In result according to this example I should get 2 vectors.
For now I have this:
use strict;
use warnings;
if ($ARGV[0] ne "vector1.dat"){
die ("vector1.dat is necessary as first argument");
my #sum = 0;
my $dim = 0;
while (<>) {
#Ignore blank lines, hashtags
#and lines starting with $
if ($_ =~ /#/ || $_ =~ /^$/ || $_ =~ /^\s$/){
my #vectors = split(" ", $_);
my $vector_length = #vectors;
if ($dim eq 0) {
$dim = $vector_length;
else {
if ($dim ne $vector_length) {
die ("Vector dimensions do not match. : $!");
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#vectors; $i++) {
$sum[$i] += $vectors[$i];
$" = "\t\t";
print "\n --- \n #sum \n";
What I need is just to find out how to identify each file's nth line
and to sum the column values of those lines while keeping in mind, that there can be n number of files.
I saw filehandling question over here with similar issue, however
I didn't find my answer there.
Just looking for some suggestions and guidance. Got stuck on this.
Open each file yourself and use the $. variable to know which line you are on (or count the files yourself). Here's the basic structure:
foreach my $file ( #files ) {
open my $fh, '<', $file or die ...;
while( <$fh> ) {
$sum[ $. ] = ...; # $. is the line number
If you don't like $., you can use its longer name. You have to turn on English (which comes with Perl):
use English;
## use English qw( -no_match_vars ); # for v5.16 and earlier
foreach my $file ( #files ) {
open my $fh, '<', $file or die ...;
while( <$fh> ) {
$sum[ $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER ] = ...;
Or, you can count yourself, which might be handy if the vectors in the files don't line up by strict line number (perhaps because of comments or some other formatting oddity):
foreach my $file ( #files ) {
open my $fh, '<', $file or die ...;
my $line = -1;
while( <$fh> ) {
$sum[ $line ] = ...;
The harder way is the answer bart gives which inspects eof at the end of every line to see if the magical ARGV handle is looking at a new file, and resetting $. if it is. It's an interesting trick but hardly anyone is going to understand what it's doing (or even notice it).
For the other part of the problem, I think you're doing the vector sum wrong, or using confusing variable names. A line is a vector, and the numbers in the lines are a component. A two dimensional array will work. The first index is the line number and the second in the component index:
while( <$fh> ) {
... skip unwanted lines
my #components = split;
... various dimension checks
foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#components ) {
$sum[ $. ][ $i ] += $components[ $i ];
The Data::Dumper module is handy for complex data structures. You can also see the perldsc (Perl Data Structures Cookbook) documentation. The $. variable is found in perlvar.
$. is the line number of the most recently read file handle. close(ARGV) if eof; can be used to reset the file number between files (as documented in eof). (Note: eof() is different than eof.) So you now have line numbers.
The second problem you have is that you are adding vector components ($vectors[$i]) to a vectors ($sum[$i]). You need to add vector components to vectors components. Start by using more appropriate variable names.
This is what we get:
my #sum_vectors;
while (<>) {
s/#.*//; # Remove comments.
next if /^\s*$/; # Ignore blank lines.
my #vector = split;
if ($sum_vectors[$.] && #{ $sum_vectors[$.] } != #vector) {
die("$ARGV:$.: Vector dimensions do not match\n");
for my $i (0..$#vector) {
$sum_vectors[$.][$i] += $vector[$i];
} continue {
close(ARGV) if eof; # Reset line numbers for each file.
Two other errors fixed:
$! did not contain anything meaningful when you used it.
You ignored lines that contain comments, even if they contained valid data too.
Try this:
use strict;
use warnings;
if ($ARGV[0] ne "vector1.dat"){
die ("vector1.dat is necessary as first argument");
my %sum;
my $dim = 0;
my $vector_length;
my $line_number;
while (<>) {
#Ignore blank lines, hashtags
#and lines starting with $
if ($_ =~ /#/ || $_ =~ /^$/ || $_ =~ /^\s$/){
my #vectors = split(" ", $_);
$vector_length = #vectors;
if ($dim eq 0) {
$dim = $vector_length;
else {
if ($dim ne $vector_length) {
die ("Vector dimensions do not match. : $!");
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#vectors; $i++) {
$sum{$.}{$i} += $vectors[$i];
$line_number = $.;
$. = 0 if eof;
$" = "\t\t";
for (my $line=1; $line<=$line_number; $line++)
print $line;
for (my $vector=0; $vector<$vector_length; $vector++)
print " " . $sum{$line}{$vector};
print "\n";

Perl: Compare Two CSV Files and Print out matches (modifying this code)

I am very new at perl and had discovered the solution at:
Perl: Compare Two CSV Files and Print out differences
I have gone through dozens of other solutions and this comes closest, except that instead of finding the differences between 2 CSV files, I want to find where the second CSV file matches the first one in column and row. How could I modify the following script to find the matches in column/row instead of the differences. I am hoping to dissect this code and learn arrays from there, but wanted to find out the solution to this application. Much thanks.
use strict;
my #arr1;
my #arr2;
my $a;
open(FIL,"a.txt") or die("$!");
while (<FIL>)
{chomp; $a=$_; $a =~ s/[\t;, ]*//g; push #arr1, $a if ($a ne '');};
open(FIL,"b.txt") or die("$!");
while (<FIL>)
{chomp; $a=$_; $a =~ s/[\t;, ]*//g; push #arr2, $a if ($a ne '');};
my %arr1hash;
my %arr2hash;
my #diffarr;
foreach(#arr1) {$arr1hash{$_} = 1; }
foreach(#arr2) {$arr2hash{$_} = 1; }
foreach $a(#arr1)
if (not defined($arr2hash{$a}))
push #diffarr, $a;
foreach $a(#arr2)
if (not defined($arr1hash{$a}))
push #diffarr, $a;
print "Diff:\n";
foreach $a(#diffarr)
print "$a\n";
# You can print to a file instead, by: print FIL "$a\n";
ok, I realize that this was more what I was looking for:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
use autodie;
use constant {
FILE_1 => "file1.txt",
FILE_2 => "file2.txt",
# Load Hash #1 with value from File #1
my %hash1;
open my $file1_fh, "<", FILE_1;
while ( my $value = <$file1_fh> ) {
chomp $value;
$hash1{$value} = 1;
close $file1_fh;
# Load Hash #2 with value from File #2
my %hash2;
open my $file2_fh, "<", FILE_2;
while ( my $value = <$file2_fh> ) {
chomp $value;
$hash2{$value} = 1;
close $file2_fh;
Now I want to search file2's hash to check if there are ANY matches from file1's hash. That is where I am stuck
With new code suggestion, code now looks like this
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
use autodie;
use constant {
FILE_1 => "masterlist.csv",
FILE_2 => "pastebin.csv",
# Load Hash #1 with value from File #1
my %hash1;
open my $file1_fh, "<", FILE_1;
while ( my $value = <$file1_fh> ) {
chomp $value;
$hash1{$value} = 1;
close $file1_fh;
my %hash2;
open my $file2_fh, "<", FILE_2;
while ( my $value = <$file2_fh> ) {
chomp $value;
if ( $hash1{$value} ) {
print "Match found $value\n";
close $file2_fh;
print "Matches found:\n";
foreach my $key ( keys %hash2 ) {
print "$key found $hash2{$key} times\n";
I updated one part with split() and it seems to work, but have to test more to confirm if it fits the solution I'm looking for or I have more work to do one it
# Load Hash #1 with value from File #1
my %hash1;
open my $file1_fh, "<", FILE_1;
while ( my $value = <$file1_fh> ) {
chomp $value;
$hash1{$value} = ( %hash1, (split(/,/, $_))[1,2] );
close $file1_fh;
So, with your code there - you've read in 'file1' to a hash.
Why not instead of reading file 2 into a hash, do instead:
my %hash2;
open my $file2_fh, "<", FILE_2;
while ( my $value = <$file2_fh> ) {
chomp $value;
if ( $hash1{$value} ) {
print "Match found $value\n";
close $file2_fh;
print "Matches found:\n";
foreach my $key ( keys %hash2 ) {
print "$key found $hash2{$key} times\n";
I think this code identifies every place that a data field in file A matches a data field in file B (at least it does on my limited test data):
use strict;
use warnings;
my #arr1;
my #arr2;
# a.txt -> #arr1
my $file_a_name = "poster_a.txt";
open(FIL,$file_a_name) or die("$!");
my $a_line_counter = 0;
while (my $a_line = <FIL>)
$a_line_counter = $a_line_counter + 1;
my #fields = (split /,/,$a_line);
my $num_fields = scalar(#fields);
s{^\s+|\s+$}{}g foreach #fields;
push #arr1, \#fields if ( $num_fields ne 0);
my $file_b_name = "poster_b.txt";
open(FIL,$file_b_name) or die("$!");
while (my $b_line = <FIL>)
my #fields = (split /,/,$b_line);
my $num_fields = scalar(#fields);
s{^\s+|\s+$}{}g foreach #fields;
push #arr2, \#fields if ( $num_fields ne 0)
# b.txt -> #arr2
#print "\n",#arr2, "\n";
my #match_array;
my $file_a_line_ctr = 1;
foreach my $file_a_line_fields (#arr1)
my $file_a_column_ctr = 1;
foreach my $file_a_line_field (#{$file_a_line_fields})
my $file_b_line_ctr = 1;
foreach my $file_b_line_fields(#arr2)
my $file_b_column_ctr = 1;
foreach my $file_b_field (#{$file_b_line_fields})
if ( $file_b_field eq $file_a_line_field )
my $match_info =
"$file_a_name line $file_a_line_ctr column $file_a_column_ctr" .
" (${file_a_line_field}) matches: " .
"$file_b_name line $file_b_line_ctr column $file_b_column_ctr ";
push(#match_array, $match_info);
print "$match_info \n";
$file_b_column_ctr = $file_b_column_ctr + 1;
$file_b_line_ctr = $file_b_line_ctr + 1;
$file_a_column_ctr = $file_a_column_ctr + 1;
$file_a_line_ctr = $file_a_line_ctr + 1;
print "there were ", scalar(#match_array)," matches\n";

match columns on different lines and sum

I have a csv with about 160,000 lines, it looks like this:
I would like to pair lines where column 1 is the same, column 3 matches column 2 and where column 6 is a '+' while on the other line it is a '-'. If this is true I would like to sum column 4 and column 5.
My desired out put would be
the best solution I can think of is to duplicate the file and then match columns between the file and it's duplicate with perl:
use strict;
use warnings;
open my $firstfile, '<', $ARGV[0] or die "$!";
open my $secondfile, '<', $ARGV[1] or die "$!";
my ($chr_a, $chr_b,$start,$end,$begin,$finish, $sum_a, $sum_b, $total_a,
while (<$firstfile>) {
my #col = split /,/;
$chr_a = $col[0];
$start = $col[1];
$end = $col[2];
$sum_a = $col[3];
$total_a = $col[4];
$sign_a = $col[5];
while (<$secondfile>) {
my #seccol = split /,/;
$chr_b = $seccol[0];
$begin = $seccol[1];
$finish = $seccol[2];
$sum_b = $seccol[3];
$total_b = $seccol[4];
$sign_b = $seccol[5];
print join ("\t", $col[0], $col[1], $col[2], $col[3]+=$seccol[3],
$col[4]+=$seccol[4], $col[5]),
"\n" if ($chr_a eq $chr_b and $end==$begin and $sign_a ne $sign_b);
And that works fine, but ideally I'd like to be able to do this within the file itself without having to duplicate it, because I have many files and so I would like to run a script over all of them that is less time-consuming.
In the absence of a response to my comment, this program will do as you ask with the data you provide.
use strict;
use warnings;
my #last;
while (<DATA>) {
my #line = split /,/;
if (#last
and $last[0] eq $line[0]
and $last[2] eq $line[1]
and $last[5] eq '+' and $line[5] eq '-') {
$last[3] += $line[3];
$last[4] += $line[4];
print join(',', #last), "\n";
#last = ()
else {
print join(',', #last), "\n" if #last;
#last = #line;
print join(',', #last), "\n" if #last;

Perl hash does not print value if it begins with 2 or 22 under certain conditions

This is really frustrating me. The script I'm writing is indexing coordinates in a hash and then using those index numbers to pull out values from an array.
The weird thing is that if the value begins with 2 or 22 it will not print. Any other number works. I'll show you two variations and output of the script.
First variation. This is what I want the script to do. Print chromosome, position, value.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
open IN, "/home/big/scratch/affy_map.txt" or die "Cannot open reference\n";
my %ref;
my $head = <IN>;
my $index = 0;
chomp $_;
my #row = split /\t/, $_;
my $value = join "\t", $row[1],$row[2];
if($row[1] == 2 && $row[2] <= 50000 && $row[2] <= 51113178) { $ref{$index}=$value; print $index."\t".$value."\n";}
if($row[1] == 22 && $row[2] <= 16300001 && $row[2] <= 20500000) { $ref{$index}=$value; print $index."\t".$value."\n"; }
my #files;
my $masterDirect = "/nfs/archive02/big/Norm/norm_gcc/";
find(\&file_names, $masterDirect);
sub file_names {
if( -f && $File::Find::name=~/\.nzd$/)
push #files, $File::Find::name;
my $count=0;
if($count % 100 == 0 ){ print "\n","-" x 10, " $count ", "-" x 10,"\n";}
undef my #probes;
open IN, $_;
#file name handling
my #inDir = split "\/", $_;
my $id = pop(#inDir);
$id =~ s/\.gcc.nzd$//;
#header test
$head =<IN>;
if(looks_like_number($head)) { push #probes, $head; }
#open output
open OUT, ">/home/big/scratch/phase1_affy/".$id."_select_probeset.txt";
#load probe array
#probes = <IN>;
foreach my $key (sort keys %ref){
#intended function
print OUT $ref{$key}."\t".$probes[$key];
my #temp = split "\t", $ref{$key};
foreach(#temp){if($temp[0] == 2){print $key."\t".$ref{$key}."\t".$probes[$key];}}
Here's the output for the test. The printing from the reference file is flawless. The first number is the $key or index number. The second is frome $probes[$key] why is the $ref{$key} missing?
146529 0.777314368326637
146529 0.777314368326637
146530 0.116241153901913
146530 0.116241153901913
146531 0.940593233609167
146531 0.940593233609167
Variation 2.
foreach my $key (sort keys %ref){
print OUT $ref{$key}."\t".$probes[$key];
my #temp = split "\t", $ref{$key};
foreach(#temp){if($temp[0] == 2){print $key."\t".$ref{$key}."\n";}}
And its output. See now it's printing correctly. $key and $ref{$key}
146542 2 31852
146542 2 31852
146543 2 37693
146543 2 37693
146544 2 40415
146544 2 40415
146545 2 40814
I thought it might be a DOS->UNIX file problem but I performed perl -pi -e 's/\R/\n/g' input_files.txt for all the input the script sees. It prints the same value twice because there are two elements in the #temp array. I'm really at a loss right now.
Here is a hint for possible issue. In the beginning part,
if($row[1] == 2 && $row[2] <= 50000 && $row[2] <= 51113178) { $ref{$index}=$value; print $index."\t".$value."\n";}
Note that you used two "<=" for $row[2], which looks peculiar. The next line has such "problem" too. Please double check it first otherwise you may have filtered them out in the first place.