Fluid with PhpStorm view helper can't be found - typo3

My PhpStorm IDE does not recognize the fluid view helper. Currently working with PhpStorm 2017.3.3
I installed the Fluid Plugin from sgalinski and added in the Schema and DTDs following xsd file https://fluidtypo3.org/schemas/fluid-master.xsd and linked it to following URI http://typo3.org/ns/TYPO3/CMS/Fluid/ViewHelpers
Does anyone know how I can fix this? It would be great when autocompletion would work for fluid html files

Try adding the Typo3 core as external library in your PhpStorm Projekt.

Have a look for these blog posts:

You may also check out the PhpStorm Plugins - there is one available for FLUID.


How to get rendered links of a HTML element in TYPO3 7.6

IN TYPO3 versions before 7.6 it was possible to render links inside the content element HTML by using the TypoScript
tt_content.html.parseFunc.tags.link < lib.parseFunc.tags.link
This does not work anymore since 7.6. How can it be solved?
If you use fluid_styled_content, override the HTML.html and want to use forms and have the Typo3 link tags <link>text</link> converted to html links, you will have to use this (at least this worked for me, both custom html forms were working and links were converted):
<f:format.html parseFuncTSPath="lib.parseFunc">
There are a couple of possible solutions for this question.
1.) Use fluid_styled_content.
I guess that now fluid_styled_content instead of css_styled_content is used. Therefore the used TypoScript does not work anymore. A valid solution would be to switch back to css_styled_content. However that is the old ancient way and for newer projects you shouldn't do this.
2.) Override the template of fluid_styled_content.
If you open the template of fluid_styled_content and the HTML element, found at typo3/sysext/fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Templates/Html.html you will see
this must be changed to
Overriding is described in the docs, see https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/fluid_styled_content/7.6/Configuration/OverridingFluidTemplates/Index.html

TYPO3 include plugin in fluid

I have TYPO3 version 7.6.18, do you know how include extension plugin right on fluid template? I found this link Insert plugin into a fluid template?
but I can't understand how I can find path to my plugin ? There described something about some typoscript browser.. Can you tell me how to do it, please )
Normally all plugins are registered in the same location in typoscript, tt_content.list.20 - you'll just have to add your pluginname tt_content.list.20.your_plugin_name. If you're unsure you can use the typoscript object browser (in the backend module "template") to look the exact path up.

Elastic Search in TYPO3 7.6 custom extension?

I want implement ElasticSearch in TYPO3 7.6 But i don't know how to implement it inside my custom extension. Please help me here..!!
Thanks In Advance.
There is the mksearch extension, but it does not work on 7.6. You can still take a look at the code to see if you can re-use some parts of it.
Another place I would go to borrow some code is the Elastic Search integration package for FLOW

How to place TYPO3 frontend output in anywhere

I am new to TYPO3 and creating a TYPO3 extension. Extension can be added to a given place by the BE using the wizard. No problem.
My question is how can I add/call extension manually any place I want. For example among text.
What i mean is like Joomlas Mambots. Call the extension inside {myextentionName} among text for example.
Please any idea/help with an example is kindly appreciate.
You can find the TypoScript definition for each plugin below tt_content.list.20.<plugin-key>.
On top of that, most plugins provide a fully working version below plugin.<ext-key>.
If all fails, you can use the USER object to call the plugin directly. You will find an example in one of the above paths, because that is what the plugins to after all.
You can use typoscript tree and plugin keyword with the extension name for example plugin.xxxx.pi1.

How to enable dr_blob extension in the frontend in TYPO3?

I am trying to use the dr_blob extension just to list uploaded files to a TYPO3 site. The problem is after following the tutorial for the basic (which is all what I need) I get no output in the frontend. I didn't create a template file (I use TemplaVoila for templating) as it said there's a basic one included with the extension (copied and tried to use this also) I am unsure of the missing step. Any pointers would be appreciated.
I use TYPO3 4.7.4 with v2.3.2 of the extension.
Did you include the static template from the extension?