Ionic Cloud: Getting Error Registry returned 404 for Get - ionic-framework

I keep getting this error in my output when trying to package iOS through Ionic cloud "Error: Registry returned 404 for GET on[MyAppName]". I've followed a few other forum posts that I could find to no avail. Any help would be much appreciated!

in package.json you have [MyAppName] as package or something like that, which when trying to fetch from its not there since you havent publish it, post package.json to check it.

I was using [MyAppName] as a placeholder for my physical app name; for the post. The issue turned out to be the Cordova plugins directory.
To resolve I ran:
ionic state clear --plugins
This, however, resulted in only partial removal of the plugins. I further had to manually delete the rest. Finally I ran:
ionic state restore --plugins
I can build successfully now.


Magento 2 tinymce missing from pub/static

I'm getting a TinyMCE error on our admin site after upgrading from 2.2x to 2.3.5. Here are the errors I am seeing:
static/version1599523842/adminhtml/Magento/backend/en_US/tinymce.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404
1bf88a18ad7d25758b55791e3570de1a.js:166 Uncaught Error: Script error for: tinymce
at makeError (1bf88a18ad7d25758b55791e3570de1a.js:166)
at HTMLScriptElement.onScriptError (1bf88a18ad7d25758b55791e3570de1a.js:1681)
I've deployed the static content, I've cleared the cache, I've cleared all the magemojo cache (redis, varnish, etc...) but I still get this error. I've searched around the M2 forum and the github repo but am not having much luck locating why that file wouldn't be available. Instead of the tinymce.js file, I see a tiny_mce_4 folder in pub/static/adminhtml/Magento/backend/en_US
Any ideas what I may be missing here?
Okay, so I was able to finally figure out what the issue was. I found that a module we had installed needed to be updated as it was using "tinymce". I found this by running the following command against our app/code folder:
grep -rnw 'app/code' -e 'tinymce'
Posting here in case anyone else runs into this issue.

Writing a custom panel plugin for grafana

So I need to write a custom grafana plugin, that works like a funnel. I decided to try and integrate this funnel. Note that it is supposed to get the data from a mysql Server and use it just as a table and not as time series.
So far I read the grafana documentation and then watched this video. In the video a dataFormat is declared in the plugin.json file, however when I checked other working Plugins I didn't see that part written in the plugin.json. The GitHub repos in the video are also gone. I stumbled upon this one though, so then I copied it in the data/plugin directory. I restarted the Server and it was detected but when I tried making a new Panel I got an error saying that it could not be found. I was planning on starting with this example and then working my way towards integrating the funnel part but I can't seem to get it working. Any ideas where to start?
I have reproduced your problem with the same actions and got same error:
Panel plugin not found: myorgid-simple-panel
Just a guess: there is a dependency section in plugin.json file
"dependencies": {
"grafanaVersion": "6.3.x",
"plugins": []
My Grafana version is v6.2.5. Isn't this plugin template for future Grafana release (master or developement version)?
I had the same problem with simple-react-panel. To solve it, I ran in the simple-react-panel-master directory :
npm i #grafana/toolkit
npm i #grafana/ui
yarn build
and after I restart grafana service

Cannot start the application. TypeError: Cannot read property 'definition' of undefined at getFieldsJsonSchemaFor

I'm getting an extremely weird error when trying to npm start my loopback application. I literally did nothing to the code and then this all of a sudden started to happen
Cannot start the application. TypeError: Cannot read property
'definition' of undefined
at getFieldsJsonSchemaFor (/Users/vikramkhemlani/Desktop/loopback/node_modules/#loopback/repository-json-schema/dist/filter-json-schema.js:101:64)
I have the same exact code in another file (which i actually created a git repo from using this repo) but this one is throwing this error for some reason
I went through the same issue.
Apparently there are caches which need to clean up before starting the application. (Expired caches also appear in openapi before I get into this issue)
The project needs to be clean and re-install packages by following:
npm run clean
npm install
I have the same problem.
However, I solved it when I tried the following.
delete node_modules directory.
npm install.
Hello from the LoopBack team 👋
This may be a bug in LoopBack introduced by recent changes. Please create a small application reproducing the problem (see our Bug reporting instructions) and open a new GitHub issue in

Ionic 2 serve error

I got the following errors after ionic serve --lab:
Any Idea why the error above is occurred?
Ionic cli version 3.9.0
App scripts version 1.4.1
Typescript 2.3.9
Stylesheets don't get applied and javascript is not executed, because your browser reports wrong MIME types for these requested documents. They're all sent as text/html.
It seems to be the same problem, as reported here.
You may try to go to any of the .ts files like user.ts or app.ts and save them again. This will trigger the automatic build, once finished, your app should run fine again.
After some investigations I found very similar problems.
Could you try the following:
Add <base href="/"> in head before linking all css files
I faced the same issue many times.when i close the console and run it again as ionic serve it worked for me properly.Try this once.

Typesafe stack not get project template - Exception fetching from github Unexpected response code: 403

I'm trying typesafe stack.
Yesterday, I can get project template of typesafe stack.
$sudo g8 typesafehub/akka-java-maven
Today: I can't get project template.
$sudo g8 typesafehub/play-java
Exception fetching from github Unexpected response code: 403
{"message":"Missing or invalid User Agent string. See"}
I think that github have changed their API rules.
I have seen a similar problem cited by someone using .
I will try to have a look at how to control the user agent sent, if I get a chance today.
Only sorry to not have a complete solution for you straight away.
As a workaround:
1. Clone the github repo into your computer
2. Upgrade to the latest giter8 ( see
3. Check where the new giter8 has been installed, for me it was /home//bin/g8
4. Execute the local template with the new giter8
/home/<username>/bin/g8 file://home/<username>/path/to/the/template.g8