Writing a custom panel plugin for grafana - grafana

So I need to write a custom grafana plugin, that works like a funnel. I decided to try and integrate this funnel. Note that it is supposed to get the data from a mysql Server and use it just as a table and not as time series.
So far I read the grafana documentation and then watched this video. In the video a dataFormat is declared in the plugin.json file, however when I checked other working Plugins I didn't see that part written in the plugin.json. The GitHub repos in the video are also gone. I stumbled upon this one though, so then I copied it in the data/plugin directory. I restarted the Server and it was detected but when I tried making a new Panel I got an error saying that it could not be found. I was planning on starting with this example and then working my way towards integrating the funnel part but I can't seem to get it working. Any ideas where to start?

I have reproduced your problem with the same actions and got same error:
Panel plugin not found: myorgid-simple-panel
Just a guess: there is a dependency section in plugin.json file
"dependencies": {
"grafanaVersion": "6.3.x",
"plugins": []
My Grafana version is v6.2.5. Isn't this plugin template for future Grafana release (master or developement version)?

I had the same problem with simple-react-panel. To solve it, I ran in the simple-react-panel-master directory :
npm i #grafana/toolkit
npm i #grafana/ui
yarn build
and after I restart grafana service


how to create Grafana Custom Plugins?

I am new to grafana and I have to make custom plugins in grafana.
I have searched the web and also read the documentations in grafana org and found the following way on how to make a custom panel plugin:
npx #grafana/toolkit plugin:create [plugin_name]
now, what happens after I run the above command it creates an environment and after completion ask me to execute yarn Install and when I execute this it throws the following error:
how can I resolve this ? I have search a lot but couldn't find any solution I have also tried downgrading node version but that also didn't help.

Plugin-helpers not found in wazuh-kibana-app

I have cloned the Wazuh-Kibana-app source code from https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app
I have made some changes in the styling. So, i am making build of the app by running npm run build but i am getting this error
Command "plugin-helpers" not found
I think it is because in package.json file, it gets like that "plugin-helpers": "node ../../scripts/plugin_helpers" as it is getting out of the directory. So how to resolve this issue?
The Wazuh Kibana plugin uses the Kibana plugin_helpers to build a distributable archive of the plugin, information on how to create a Kibana development installation which is capable of building the Wazuh plugin can be found here: https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/wiki/Develop-new-features
There is also the option of building the Kibana plugin using the wazuh-packages tools as explained here: https://documentation.wazuh.com/current/development/packaging/generate-wazuh-kibana-app.html , however as of right now this only accepts branches from the official Wazuh plugin.
Let me know if you have any more questions!

Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘fs’

Below are the two error (image) I’m facing
I’m using Ionic 4.
everything works but as soon I start calling WooCommerce API and use it in constructor I get the below two errors.
I have imported Woocommerce API, but when I initialize it in constructr it shows both of this error.
It looks like you are using this package which has an obsolete warning:
2019-07-29: This client is obsolete and will no longer receive updates, a new JavaScript library is available under the name of #woocommerce/woocommerce-rest-api.
However, that's a node.js package. It's failing because fs stands for filesystem and that doesn't exist in the browser.
Node.js is for local development, not for browser packages, which is what Ionic 4 is built with.
However, if you really want to use it then this guide will show you how to wrap it up using browserify:
Transforming a Node.js Module to A Browser Library
The solution is to use Browserify to bundle the module with all its dependencies inside one JavaScript file so we will not need any external Node.js dependencies which are not available inside the Cordova webview (a headless browser) used by Ionic 4.
I don't know how far you'll get as it's for Ionic 2 but I'm just showing you this to demonstrate that node.js packages are not for Ionic.
Based on your comments you say you are having problems with global not being defined.
Searching Google this seems to be a solved issue, try:
I think for now the best option would be to include
(window as any).global = window;
In your polyfills.ts file, as mentioned here:
angular/angular-cli#9827 (comment)
You have to go to folder \node_modules\#angular-devkit\build-angular\src\angular-cli-files\models\webpack-configs\browser.js and replace node: false, by node: { crypto: true, stream: true, fs: "empty", net: "empty", tls: "empty" },
It's working for me.

Error occurred while starting the build in Openshift 3

I have been trying to deploy a war file as an OpenShift project. The server used is jboss-webserver30-tomcat8. I have followed the below steps -
Put ROOT.war file under 'deployments' directory in local system.
Upload the changes in github.
Create a new JAVA project in OpenShift 3 and provide the github repository details.
No automatic build or deployment starts. On manually clicking on Start Build button, the below error is displayed:
An error occurred while starting the build. Reason: Error resolving
ImageStreamTag jboss-webserver30-tomcat8-openshift:1.2 in namespace
openshift: unable to find latest tagged image
Please suggest how can I resolve the error.
This is an issue with how the jboss-webserver30-tomcat8-openshift imagestream is defined in the cluster. We are working to correct this, it is not currently importing the correct set of tags and as a result the 1.2 tag was stopped being a valid tag, when it should be.
However the short term solution is change your buildconfig to reference one of the tags that has a valid image reference associated (e.g. 1.3) instead of the 1.2 tag it is currently referencing. Your build should then be able to run.
A (temporarily) unavailable builder image may be related to this platform upgrade that correlates with the time of posting your question.
Generally, the best place to check for any incident reports or scheduled maintenance is the Status Page (Starter | Pro clusters; it's linked in the web console too, in the upper right corner of the interface).
If this does not seem to be related (e.g. you're not on the starter-us-west-2 cluster where the platform upgrade is taking place) or persists after the maintenance is over, I would encourage you to check the open issues, and log a new bug report, if it's not in the list.
Thank you.

How can I fix this Android SDK build problem in Eclipse?

I am using Eclipse for Android dev and everything was going fine until I tried to incorporate the facebook SDK. Now when I tried to back it out, there appears to be an artifact left behind that Eclipse tries to link the FB library?!?
[2010-11-17 18:50:22 - Library Project] Unable to set linked path var '_android_com.facebook.android' for library /Users/mobibob/Projects/workspace/facebook-android-sdk/facebook: Path variable name cannot contain character: ..
Any clue where this command / reference is in the build configuration? I have scoured it as best that I can, but I still get the same error.
Problem solved ... as it turns out, it was not so much the Facebook SDK but something that I did in the process of configuring the library reference. I am not entirely certain of how I misconfigured, but I was tweaking the various "path" settings such that, once when the automatic build tried to build my project, an import for android.R was added to my source module. This superseded com.myproject.R and would not resolve the values for resource references.
There were other problems with path order and setting that I modified during the troubleshooting that made it worse. Recreating the project without Facebook was the first step to discovery and fixing.
Either way, the lesson I learned is that the build error messages can misdirect one to the configuration when the problem is in the source code.