I'm getting a TinyMCE error on our admin site after upgrading from 2.2x to 2.3.5. Here are the errors I am seeing:
static/version1599523842/adminhtml/Magento/backend/en_US/tinymce.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404
1bf88a18ad7d25758b55791e3570de1a.js:166 Uncaught Error: Script error for: tinymce
at makeError (1bf88a18ad7d25758b55791e3570de1a.js:166)
at HTMLScriptElement.onScriptError (1bf88a18ad7d25758b55791e3570de1a.js:1681)
I've deployed the static content, I've cleared the cache, I've cleared all the magemojo cache (redis, varnish, etc...) but I still get this error. I've searched around the M2 forum and the github repo but am not having much luck locating why that file wouldn't be available. Instead of the tinymce.js file, I see a tiny_mce_4 folder in pub/static/adminhtml/Magento/backend/en_US
Any ideas what I may be missing here?
Okay, so I was able to finally figure out what the issue was. I found that a module we had installed needed to be updated as it was using "tinymce". I found this by running the following command against our app/code folder:
grep -rnw 'app/code' -e 'tinymce'
Posting here in case anyone else runs into this issue.
I have read other posts with people having issues with the 404 Not Found error when building their own local version of NuGet.Server. None of them specifically asked about what I am seeing as an issue.
I followed the instructions at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/hosting-packages/nuget-server and get the Default page just like it said. The only changes I made to the web.config were to set the requireApiKey=false since this will be a local server.
When I click on the "Click Here to View Packages", and get the 404 Not Found error, I noticed something on the page. It looks like it is trying to resolve to the same URL that is shown as the link for the Package Manager (https://localhost:44375/nuget), but then adds "Packages". Which might seem okay until you look at the "Physical Path" that is listed. It has a physical folder called "nuget" which is not there and was never created in the instructions or during the install of the NuGet.Server package.
Here is a screenshot of the 404 page.
There was nothing in the documentation about adding that folder, and it was not added when NuGet.Server was installed. Is this a configuration issue that I cannot seem to find, a setup step missed in the instructions or a bug in the NuGet.server ?
I am using php-cs-fixer for code formatting in Netbeans 8.2. When I try to format one file, it shows the error
Files that were not fixed due to errors reported during linting after fixing:
I searched for the fix in many websites, but couldn't get this fixed. Is there any way to fix this? I tried with both php-cs-fixer 1 and php-cs-fixer 2.
The error message means that PHP CS Fixer loaded some files from drive, apply changes on them, and then realised that files are not valid anymore (invalid PHP syntax) after those changes, thus it decided to not save it. That's one of the safety mechanism of PHP CS Fixer to not break your project.
This means that you have found an issue in PHP CS Fixer itself.
Please, verify you are using newest release, maybe the bug was already fixed!
If not, please consider to expose your configuration file (if any) and content of files you got listed at https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer/issues/new !
There is also an option to see what happen in progress.
$ ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix src/ErrorFile.php -vvv
The --verbose option will show the applied rules. When using the txt format it will also display progress notifications.
NOTE: if there is an error like "errors reported during linting after fixing", you can use this to be even more verbose for debugging purpose
-v: verbose
-vv: very verbose
-vvv: debug
I keep getting this error in my output when trying to package iOS through Ionic cloud "Error: Registry returned 404 for GET on https://registry.npmjs.org/[MyAppName]". I've followed a few other forum posts that I could find to no avail. Any help would be much appreciated!
in package.json you have [MyAppName] as package or something like that, which when trying to fetch from npmjs.com its not there since you havent publish it, post package.json to check it.
I was using [MyAppName] as a placeholder for my physical app name; for the post. The issue turned out to be the Cordova plugins directory.
To resolve I ran:
ionic state clear --plugins
This, however, resulted in only partial removal of the plugins. I further had to manually delete the rest. Finally I ran:
ionic state restore --plugins
I can build successfully now.
I am getting below error in magento 2 local system:
We're sorry, an error has occurred while generating this email.
It is not showing me the sample data installed in catalog. Please help me out to get solution of this problem.
Rakesh Kumar
The first thing you need to do is go to your .htaccess file. Uncomment
SetEnv MAGE_MODE developer
The error message is 90% of the time misleading and most likely you have an xml parsing issue. Either way turning on the developer environment and clearing the cache will pull the error.
Without seeing your error log it'd be hard to give an exact diagnosis. Some users will say sendmail will fix this error but generally this is because the error is trying to be emailed to you and that is because you are not in the correct developing environment to debug the issue. This could be because you are in default or production mode which is not ideal for fixing issue.
The sendmail module is meant to allow a site to operate and if any issues do occur with the site then the developer can be notified and hopefully the error hasn't caused a full site rendering issue. This way a site can still operate unbeknown to users and the issue can be resolved by a qualified developer behind the scenes.
This error is quite misleading. In my case an error in MySql query was causing this.
You should enable developer mode the get the exact error.
php ./bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer
In My case issue get solved by giving permissions to directory pub/media/catalog/product/
Enable developer mode using command line php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer
Clear cache using command line php bin/magento cache:flush
Reload the frontend page
After reloading the page the message will change to
Error filtering template: Unable to write file into directory \C:/xampp/htdocs/Magento/pub/media/catalog/product\cache\f073062f50e48eb0f0998593e568d857/m/b. Access forbidden.
Follow this link to fix Magento 2: Unable to write file into directory. Access forbidden
Clear cache
Reload the frontend page again
If you see another message after enabling developer mode you can search for it
In my case it was missing php-gd extension on my machine.
This was on my exception log (magento_root/var/log/exception.log):
main.CRITICAL: exception 'Exception' with message 'Required PHP extension 'gd' was not loaded.' in /var/www/html/magento2/vendor/magento/framework/Image/Adapter/Gd2.php:620
Solved by installing php-gd library on my Ubuntu machine with the following command:
sudo apt-get install php-gd
If you want to install for php5.6 then you may run:
sudo apt-get install php5.6-gd
This can be for any error occurred in the page. The notice is different. The notice is given when system tries to send error email to administrator and failed while in Production mode.
For actual error one should enable developer mode and enable display error in app/bootstrap.php and checking error logs. It can be any error like php or mysql.
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
Please check your /var/log/exception.log
This is issue raised because your product does not upload. so check your database or upload your sample database again .Let me know what error in exception.log
Like the header says I am getting an error when trying to work with Umbraco(6.2.1) back office
This is the error:
I already talked with goDaddy support, they says everything is OK from their side.
I flowed every "tutorial" I could find regarding this.
This is an error I am seeing in Goggle Chrome Console:
I am now clueless about what to do next.
*every help will be much appreciated.
This is the config folder:
This is the -- file -- it self
The error says you have an incorrect TinyMCE configuration. It will be a problem with that component and not the host. There is a [Umbraco support ticket] which suggested this may be fixed in release 6.2, but also a [forum post] where its said this could happen in all versions, when a style-sheet which is registered in the database is deleted.
Are you sure all the files are present in the deployed /config/ folder? Check that there is a /config/tinyMceConfig.config file present.