Function app binding issue - Value cannot be null. Parameter name: hostAccount - powershell

When I try to upload the zip file to an azure function app using kudu REST API, it throws an error while I try to view the c# code in Function App editor in the browser. The error is:
Function ($Source) Error: Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host: Error indexing method 'Functions.Source'. Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: hostAccount.
Session Id: xxxxxxxxxxx
Timestamp: 2016-12-02T18:35:00.083Z"
Please note that I have automated end to end of Application Insights starting from creation of a resource group till exporting the multi-setep web test results to our Splunk - All using Powershell.
In this process of automation, I am forming a storage connection string and setting it to the app settings of the function app and then providing that key in my function.json binding.
But still I get this error.
Here is the issue I created in the Azure Function App - Git:

The error points to missing host configuration (e.g. the host storage account).
If you're automating the creation process, you need to make sure the required environment variables are properly set. The recommended way would be to use an ARM template manage that for you.
I have some details on how you can get the ARM template for a resource (which you could use to look at the required settings for your Function App) here.
We also have some sample templates you can use linked here
I hope this helps!


ADF Error code 2011: Required property 'connectionString' is not provided in connection properties

I am trying to connect to snowflake using linked service and copy data from adls to SF using adf pipeline. I created the linked service and tested the connection. It works fine. Even the debug over the pipeline works fine. althogh when I manually try to trigger the pipeline I get "Required property 'connectionString' is not provided in connection properties"
Thanks in advance.
This looks like a configuration issue and this behavior is noticed when the linked service is configured to use parameters (linked service parameterization), or a key vault is used, and if the connection string value isn't passed to the linked serviced during runtime.
Since it is working in debug mode, I would recommend publishing your linked service and in case if it is parameterized or using AKV, then please make sure that the connection string value is being passed and evaluated at runtime.

Azure Data Factory CICD error: The document creation or update failed because of invalid reference

All, when running a build pipeline using Azure Devops with ARM template, the process is consistently failing when trying to deploy a dataset or a reference to a dataset with this error:
ARM Template deployment: Resource Group scope (AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment)
BadRequest: The document creation or update failed because of invalid reference 'dataset_1'.
I've tried renaming the dataset and also recreating it to see if that would help.
I then deleted the dataset_1.json file from the repo and still get the same message so it's some reference to this dataset and not the dataset itself I think. I've looked through all the other files for references to this but they all look fine.
Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?
try this
Looks like you have created 'myTestLinkedService' linked service, tested connection but haven't published it yet and trying to reference that linked service in the new dataset that you are trying to create using Powershell.
In order to reference any data factory entity from Powershell, please make sure those entities are published first. Please try publishing the linked service first from the portal and then try to run your Powershell script to create the new dataset/actvitiy.
I think I found the issue. When I went into the detailed logs I found that in addition to this error there was an error message about an invalid SQL connection string, so I though it may be related since the dataset in question uses Azure SQL database linked service.
I adjusted the connection string and this seems to have solved the issue.

Dreamfactory - Why is my server event script not called?

I have a bitnami instance that I use to run DF 2.12.0, on which I added a custom “Remote service” (a HTTP REST API). I would like to use server-side event scripting functionalities to pre-process request data before sending it. I have this pre-processing Node js test script, that is linked to the “pre_process” event of my resource :
But it seems that this script is not executed, after having a look at the DF log file :
However, all DF built-in functionalities such as the user management service seem to work with event scripting. Here is the same log file about a script linked to the user.session.get.pre_process event, that is indeed called :
Strangely, the complete path of my main event script is, but the first log file image only mentions a call to the event “” (without my resource “search”).
I included the “X-DreamFactory-Api-Key” in my request header, which references an app with a full-access role to API and script sources for all HTTP methods :
I also set APP_DEBUG=true and APP_LOG_LEVEL=debug in my .env file, without any luck.
Any ideas ?
Problem finally solved : seems like the log_events variable wasn't set to true by default (even if the official documentation says so) in my {$HOME}/apps/dreamfactory/htdocs/vendor/dreamfactory/df-core/config/df.php file.

Not Able to Publish ADF Incremental Package

As Earlier Posted a thread for syncing Data from Premises Mysql to Azure SQL over here referring this article, and found that lookup component for watermark detection is only available for SQL Server Only.
So tried a work Around, that while using "Copy" Data Flow task ,will pick data greater than last watermark stored from Mysql.
Able to validate package successfully but not able to publish same.
Question :
In Copy Data Flow Task i'm using below query to get data from MySql greater than watermark available.
Can't we use Query like below on other relational sources like Mysql
select * from #{item().TABLE_NAME} where #{item().WaterMark_Column} > '#{activity('LookupOldWaterMark').output.firstRow.WatermarkValue}'
CopyTask SQL Query Preview
Validate Successfully
Error With no Details
Debug Successfully
Error After following steps mentioned by Franky
Azure SQL Linked Service Error (Resolved by re configuring connection /edit credentials in connection tab)
Source Query got blank (resolved by re-selection source type and rewriting query)
Could you verify if you have access to create a template deployment in the azure portal?
1) Export the ARM Template: int he top-right of the ADFv2 portal, click on ARM Template -> Export ARM Template, extract the zip file and copy the content of the "arm_template.json" file.
2) Create ARM Template deployment: Go to and log in with the same credentials you use in the ADFv2 portal (you can also get to this page going in the Azure portal, click on "Create a resource" and search for "Template deployment"). Now click on "Build your own template in editor" and paste the ARM template from the previous step in the editor and Save.
3) Deploy template: Click on existing resource group and select the same resource group as the one where your Data Factory is. Fill out the parameters that are missing (for this testing it doesn't really matter if the values are valid); Factory name should already be there. Agree the terms and click purchase.
4) Verify the deployment succeeded. If not let me know the error, it might be an access issue which would explain why your publish fails. (ADF team is working on giving a better error for this issue).
Did any of the objects publish into your Data Factory?

Google Vision API - tatusCode.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED

I am new to the Google Vision API and I would like to conduct a label detection of approx. 10 images and I would like to run the vision file. However when I do this with only 3 images then it is successful. With more than 3 images I am getting the error message below. I know that I would need to change something at my setup, but I do not know what I should change.
Here is my error message:
google.gax.errors.RetryError: GaxError(Exception occurred in retry method
that was not classified as transient, caused by <_Rendezvous of RPC that
terminated with (StatusCode.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, Insufficient tokens for
quota 'DefaultGroup' and limit 'USER-100s' of service
'' for consumer 'project_number: XXX'.)>)
Does anybody know what I need to do?
Any help would be much appreciated
I ran into the same problem and fixed it with these steps:
Make sure you have the Google Cloud SDK properly installed:
Setup a Service Account in the Google Cloud backend:
Create a Service Account Key and download it as a JSON file to a local folder. You need to keep the key private.
Export the filepath to the key-file as an environment variable: gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file path/to/your/keyfile/here
Log out/in of the console.
Make sure, the environment variable is properly set with printenv
Try your py-script again...
Good luck...
Edit: In addition to the mentioned steps 1.-3. you can just do vision_client = vision.Client.from_service_account_json('/path/to/your/keyfile.json') in your script. No need for the env variable then.