Dreamfactory - Why is my server event script not called? - dreamfactory

I have a bitnami instance that I use to run DF 2.12.0, on which I added a custom “Remote service” (a HTTP REST API). I would like to use server-side event scripting functionalities to pre-process request data before sending it. I have this pre-processing Node js test script, that is linked to the “pre_process” event of my resource :
But it seems that this script is not executed, after having a look at the DF log file :
However, all DF built-in functionalities such as the user management service seem to work with event scripting. Here is the same log file about a script linked to the user.session.get.pre_process event, that is indeed called :
Strangely, the complete path of my main event script is netwrixapi.search.post.pre_process, but the first log file image only mentions a call to the event “netwrixapi.post.pre_process” (without my resource “search”).
I included the “X-DreamFactory-Api-Key” in my request header, which references an app with a full-access role to API and script sources for all HTTP methods :
I also set APP_DEBUG=true and APP_LOG_LEVEL=debug in my .env file, without any luck.
Any ideas ?

Problem finally solved : seems like the log_events variable wasn't set to true by default (even if the official documentation says so) in my {$HOME}/apps/dreamfactory/htdocs/vendor/dreamfactory/df-core/config/df.php file.


Voximal with Google Streaming as STT

I installed latest voximal stack.
Calls are working.
I setup recognition to use Google Cloud Streaming for STT pasting the JSON credentials into browser, the credentials file created at /usr/share/voximal.
But when I try to test parrot.vxml with a call it fail to create the google_streaming resource and drop the call.
Any clues?
Please enable the logs (interpreter debug) and check the /var/log/voximal/debig.log...
You probably see in the root cause there.

Datahandler (TCEmain) in cli_dispatch.phpsh (Extbase Command)

is it possible to to use Datahander Scripts (TCEmain) in a Extbase Command Controller via cli_dispatch.phpsh? I tried but i got no result - no error message and no entry in the tables.
Perhaps there is no backend available in cli scripts ...
You find the documentation for using DataHandler in CLI scripts here.
CLI scripts use the backend user _cli_ (should be created automatically). You can take a look at the source of \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Console\CliRequestHandler::boot if you're interested in how it works.
You can check the public instance variable $dataHandler->errorLog for any errors, DataHandler won't output anything else.
Mind that cli_dispatch.phpsh & Co. are deprecated, you can already use Symfony Commands in TYPO3 CMS 8.

Function app binding issue - Value cannot be null. Parameter name: hostAccount

When I try to upload the zip file to an azure function app using kudu REST API, it throws an error while I try to view the c# code in Function App editor in the browser. The error is:
Function ($Source) Error: Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host: Error indexing method 'Functions.Source'. Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: hostAccount.
Session Id: xxxxxxxxxxx
Timestamp: 2016-12-02T18:35:00.083Z"
Please note that I have automated end to end of Application Insights starting from creation of a resource group till exporting the multi-setep web test results to our Splunk - All using Powershell.
In this process of automation, I am forming a storage connection string and setting it to the app settings of the function app and then providing that key in my function.json binding.
But still I get this error.
Here is the issue I created in the Azure Function App - Git: https://github.com/Azure/azure-webjobs-sdk-script/issues/1020
The error points to missing host configuration (e.g. the host storage account).
If you're automating the creation process, you need to make sure the required environment variables are properly set. The recommended way would be to use an ARM template manage that for you.
I have some details on how you can get the ARM template for a resource (which you could use to look at the required settings for your Function App) here.
We also have some sample templates you can use linked here
I hope this helps!

SOAP/HTTP using different folder mappings in ColdFusion

I'm experiencing some strange behaviour with a ColdFusion 11 server, which (among other things) publishes some web services accessed via both SOAP and HTTP. The server itself is Windows 2012, running IIS. Actual folder config is as follows:
IIS has two websites configured, 'BOB' and 'BOB_Services'. Both have been configured with the CF Server Config tool so that CF handles .cfc, .cfm files. They share a common CFIDE config.
BOB's root is I:/inetpub/BOB
BOB_Services's root is I:/inetpub/BOB_Services
There is a folder mapping configured in CF Admin from '/' to 'I:/inetpub/BOB'. Don't ask me why, no one seems to know.
Normally there is a services.cfc file in BOB_Services ONLY. Yesterday we accidentally copied that same file into the BOB root folder, and all of our SOAP services using BOB_Services\services.cfc started throwing errors. Yet I can query the same webservice via HTTP (eg. using http://bob/services.cfc?method=function1&param1=0 ....etc) and get a valid result.
This is a reference answer in case anyone else comes across this strange behaviour.
It appears that when BOB_Services/services.cfc is called using HTTP GET, the folder mapping
'/' -> 'I:/inetpub/BOB'
is ignored and the actual file used to process the request is I:/inetpub/BOB_Services/services.cfc.
When a function in BOB_Services/services.cfc is called using a SOAP client, the folder mapping is invoked and the file used to process the request is I:/inetpub/BOB/services.cfc, IF IT EXISTS. If it does not exist, the file I:/inetpub/BOB_Services/services.cfc is used as expected.
This behaviour appears to be entirely repeatable - I can make a SOAP request, get one result, change the mapping, make another request and get the other result.

Can I call synchroniseUserDirectories (ConfluenceRpc) via REST, SOAP or XML-RPC?

I am using Confluence 4.2.5 (build 3284) with CAS SSO connected to my LDAP server and would like to be able to call synchroniseUserDirectories() from the LDAP server when a user changes their password so that the change is instantaneous.
The way it works now is that users have to wait for the Confluence to run it's periodic LDAP synchronization which can be disconcerting for them.
I have tried using the XML-RPC interface to call changeUserPassword() (as an administrator) but it doesn't work. The operation raises an exception "Error changing password for user ...". I presume that that is because the user is defined in the LDAP but I can't tell for sure because the exception message wasn't clear about the cause.
Here is example code that I would like to be able to use. It doesn't work.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import xmlrpclib
url = 'https://docs.example.com'
admin_user = 'frobisher'
admin_pass = 'supersecretstuff'
username = 'bigbob'
new_password = 'bigbobsbigsecret'
server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url + '/rpc/xmlrpc')
token = server.confluence2.login(admin_user, admin_pass)
# CITATION: https://developer.atlassian.com/display/CONFDEV/Remote+Confluence+Methods
# this doesn't exist but would be my preferred approach.
# It raises a NoSuchMethodException exception.
# this throws a general exception, because of the LDAP? The message
# wasn't clear about the source of the problem.
# username,
# password)
Is there any way to do this using SOAP or REST? I was concerned about REST because it sounds like it is still a prototype.
If none of those approaches will work, can it be done with a simple plugin considering that this must be a push operation from the LDAP server to the Confluence server? I have no experience writing plugins but I do some java work occasionally.
Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
The short answer is "no". The ability to synchronise remote user directories is not exposed as a remote operation in Confluence.
The long answer is "yes", you can write a plugin to do this. If you're already familiar with java, then perhaps the best answer is to just show you some source code I've written that performs a similar function: https://bitbucket.org/jaysee00/confluence-user-sync-api This plugin gives you SOAP, XML-RPC and JSON-RPC methods to force an individual user account to be synced in to Confluence from a remote directory.
That might suit your purposes as-is, but I imagine it would be possible to edit the source of this plugin and change it to synchronise an entire directory, too.