Google Vision API - tatusCode.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED - gcloud

I am new to the Google Vision API and I would like to conduct a label detection of approx. 10 images and I would like to run the vision file. However when I do this with only 3 images then it is successful. With more than 3 images I am getting the error message below. I know that I would need to change something at my setup, but I do not know what I should change.
Here is my error message:
google.gax.errors.RetryError: GaxError(Exception occurred in retry method
that was not classified as transient, caused by <_Rendezvous of RPC that
terminated with (StatusCode.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, Insufficient tokens for
quota 'DefaultGroup' and limit 'USER-100s' of service
'' for consumer 'project_number: XXX'.)>)
Does anybody know what I need to do?
Any help would be much appreciated

I ran into the same problem and fixed it with these steps:
Make sure you have the Google Cloud SDK properly installed:
Setup a Service Account in the Google Cloud backend:
Create a Service Account Key and download it as a JSON file to a local folder. You need to keep the key private.
Export the filepath to the key-file as an environment variable: gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file path/to/your/keyfile/here
Log out/in of the console.
Make sure, the environment variable is properly set with printenv
Try your py-script again...
Good luck...
Edit: In addition to the mentioned steps 1.-3. you can just do vision_client = vision.Client.from_service_account_json('/path/to/your/keyfile.json') in your script. No need for the env variable then.


Error in Google Cloud Shell Commands while working on the lab (Securing Google Cloud with CFT Scorecard)

I am working in a GCP lab (Securing Google Cloud with CFT Scorecard). All instructions for the lab are given.
First I have to run the following two commands to set environment variables
In the second command given above I don't know what to replace with my own credentials? May be that is the reason I am getting error.
Now I have to enable the "" gcloud service. For this they gave the following command.
gcloud services enable \
Error for this is given in the screeshot attached herewith:
Error in the serviec enabling command
Next step is to clone the policy: The given command for that is:
git clone
After that they said: "You realize Policy Library enforces policies that are located in the policy-library/policies/constraints folder, in which case you can copy a sample policy from the samples directory into the constraints directory".
and gave this command:
cp policy-library/samples/storage_blacklist_public.yaml policy-library/policies/constraints/
On running this command I received this:
error on running the directory command
Finally they said "Create the bucket that will hold the data that Cloud Asset Inventory (CAI) will export" and gave the following command:
gsutil mb -l us-central1 -p $GOOGLE_PROJECT gs://$CAI_BUCKET_NAME
I am confused in where to replace my own credentials like in the place of project_Id I wrote my own project id.
Also I don't know these errors are ocurring. Kindly help me.
I'm unable to access the tutorial.
What happens if you run the following:
I suspect you'll get an empty result because I think this environment variable isn't actually set.
I think it should be:
Does that return a result?
If so, perhaps try using that variable instead:
It's not entirely clear to me why this tutorial is using this approach but, if the above works, it may get you further along.
We're you asked to create a Google Cloud Platform project?
As per the shared error, this seems to be because your env variable GOOGLE_PROJECT is not set. You can verify it by using echo $GOOGLE_PROJECT and seeing whether it returns the project ID or not. You could also use echo $DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID. If that returns the project ID and the former doesn't, it means that you didn't export the variable as stated at the beginning.
If the problem is that GOOGLE_PROJECT doesn't have any value, there are different approaches on how to solve it.
Set the env variable as you explained at the beginning. Obviously this will only work if the variable DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID is also set.
Manually set the project ID into that variable. This is far from ideal because in Qwiklabs they create a new temporal project on every lab, so this would've only worked if you were still on that project. The project ID can be seen on both of your shared screenshots.
export GOOGLE_PROJECT=qwiklabs-gcp-03-c6e1787dc09e
Avoid using the argument --project. According to the documentation, the aforementioned argument is optional and if none is used the command will take the one by default, which will be on the configuration settings. You can get the current project by using this:
gcloud config get-value project
If the previous command matches the project ID you want to use, you can simply issue the following command:
gcloud services enable
Notice that the project ID is not being explicitly mentioned using --project.
Regarding your issue with the GitHub file, I have checked the repository and the file storage_blacklist_public.yaml doesn't seem to be in the directory policy-library/samples. There seems to be a trace that it was once there, but it isn't anymore, they should probably update the lab as it isn't anymore.
About your credentials confusion, you don't have to use your own project ID, just the one given on your lab. If I recall properly all the needed data should be on the left side of the lab. Still, you shouldn't need to authenticate in a normal situation as you are already logged in your temporal project if you are accessing it form the Cloud Shell, which is where you should be doing all this.
Adding this for the later versions
in the gcloud shell you can set a temp variable for the current project id with
PROJECT_ID="$(gcloud config get-value project)"
then use like
--project ${PROJECT_ID}

Kubeflow fails to deploy using both CLI and Console

I deleted my KF cluster last night to create a new one (using kubectl cluster command not Kfctl delete), and then when I tied to create a new one, it fails, it does not work with CLI not Console. I found other people have run into this issue before, for example (here and here)
"However, as I said even with CLI my deployment fails, the error from console is:
ailed to apply: (kubeflow.error): Code 500 with message: coordinator Apply failed for gcp: (kubeflow.error): Code 500 with message: gcp apply could not update deployment manager Error could not update storage-kubeflow.yaml; Insert deployment error: googleapi: Error 403: Request had insufficient authentication scopes.
More details:
Reason: insufficientPermissions, Message: Insufficient Permission"
and the error I get from Console is:
"Please enable APIs for your project and try again
Please enable cloud resource manager API: and iam API:"
Note that this error is wrong, all the apis are active already. I'm quite sure this is a bug of KF but not sure how to find a workaround, any thoughts?
With CLI, I'm using my own account which has "owner" privileges.
It seems you have an issue with IAM and the installation of Kubeflow, a 3rd party product that itself is not supported by us; nevertheless I went ahead and dig some information about this Machine Learning product.
The main issues (and although it seems you already cover permissions) are permissions, number of projects and some fine grained points.
I was checking and found out the following things that may help
a) Troubleshooting Kubeflow 1
b) Deploying Kubeflow in GKE[2]
c) Kubleflow auto deployer for GKE[3]
There are also some discussion about a mismatch permissions setting in Kubeflow that may be worth reading [4]
Finally there is a group that, also on a best-effort basis due the nature of Kubeflow:"" that may come in handy.
I trust this information will be useful for you to solve your issue

Deploy API REST IBM Hyperledger Composer Blockchain (bad flag in substitute command: 'U' ERROR)

I'm getting this error trying to deploy a card to a working blockchain on cloud, any idea? Thanks in advance. I'm using a mac, following the guide (Kubernetes installed/configured well, I think):
./create/ --paid --business-network-card /Users/sm/jsblock/tutorial-network/PeerAdmin#fabric-network.card
Configured to setup a paid storage on ibm-cs
Preparing yaml file for create composer-rest-server
sed: 1: "s/%COMPOSER_CARD%//User ...": bad flag in substitute command: 'U'
Creating composer-rest-server pod
Running: kubectl create -f /Users/sm/jsblock/ibm-container-service/cs-offerings/scripts/../kube-configs/composer-rest-server.yaml
error: no objects passed to create
Composer rest server created successfully
There is an error in that document. And you are also specifying the Peer Admin card when you need to use a Network Admin Card.
There are 2 sets of 'parallel' documents for paid and free clusters. The command you are using has --paid in it in error. If you remove --paid and use the Network Admin Card I think it will solve the problem.
Your command will look something like this: ./create/ --business-network-card admin#YOUR-network
I tried again with the install proccess (deployed blockchain instance seemed to work weall):
But I noticed that the script:
...never ended (mostly an internal kubernetes problems I guess). And I reset the installation:
I tried again, now everything Ok. I could get my awesome API REST talking with my Hyperledger Blockchain, deployed on IBM Cloud. Ready to develop something amazing.

"Project is not fully initialized with the default service accounts." Error in brand new account on first project?

i just signed up for Google Could Engine and started the most basic container engine quickstart on a brand new project:
a few steps in it has me run this command
gcloud container clusters create example-cluster
which errors out:
$ gcloud container clusters create example-cluster
ERROR: (gcloud.container.clusters.create) ResponseError: code=503, message=Project hello-world-161713 is not fully initialized with the default service accounts. Please try again later.
so far, "trying again later" has not helped: it's been doing this every time for the past few hours.
as usual, Google has no obvious way of getting help in any timely manner, and Googling the error turns up nothing useful.
kind of a long shot but i found a link sending me over here on one of their pages (great support guys) so figured i'd give it a shot. thanks in advance.
The Container Engine API needs to be enabled, and unfortunately that error message is not correct (trying again later won't help).
If you visit the Google Container Engine page in the wb console it should enable Google Container Engine. Make sure you select the project you're using with the quickstart. You can create your cluster from that page too if you'd prefer.
You can also enable the Container Engine API manually here:

Google cloud datalab deployment unsuccessful - sort of

This is a different scenario from other question on this topic. My deployment almost succeeded and I can see the following lines at the end of my log
[datalab].../#015Updating module [datalab]...done.
Jul 25 16:22:36 datalab-deploy-main-20160725-16-19-55 startupscript: Deployed module [datalab] to []
Jul 25 16:22:36 datalab-deploy-main-20160725-16-19-55 startupscript: Step deploy datalab module succeeded.
Jul 25 16:22:36 datalab-deploy-main-20160725-16-19-55 startupscript: Deleting VM instance...
The landing page keeps showing a wait bar indicating the deployment is still in progress. I have tried deploying several times in last couple of days.
About additions described on the landing page -
An App Engine "datalab" module is added. - when I click on the pop-out url "" it throws an error page with "404 page not found"
A "datalab" Compute Engine network is added. - Under "Compute Engine > Operations" I can see a create instance for datalab deployment with my id and a delete instance operation with ******* id. not sure what it means.
Datalab branch is added to the git repo- Yes and with all the components.
I think the deployment is partially successful. When I visit the landing page again, the only option I see is to deploy the datalab again and not to start it. Can someone spot the problem ? Appreciate the help.
I read the other posts on this topic and tried to verify my deployment using - "" I get the following message-
The API doesn't exist or you don't have permission to access it
You can try looking at the App Engine dashboard here, to verify that there is a "datalab" service deployed.
If that is missing, then you need to redeploy again (or switch to the new locally-run version).
If that is present, then you should also be able to see a "datalab" network here, and a VM instance named something like "gae-datalab-main-..." here. If either of those are missing, then try going back to the App Engine console, deleting the "datalab" service, and redeploying.