I am learning the basics of E4 RCP development. I followed the tutorial below to create a basic application and a plugin.
The plugin is included in the dependencies of the .product file.
When I right-click the .product file and run as eclipse application, I can see the application and the plugin, which just adds a new menu item labelled "plugin" to the application.
But when I export the application using Eclipse Product Export Wizard, the exported eclipse.exe only launches the main rcp application without the plugin (because the "plugin" menu item is not present in the GUI). The plugin is available as a .jar file in the plugins folder and it is also included in the osgi.bundles section of the config.ini file.
Why is the exported application not able to find the plugin?
Be sure to include the fragment.e4xmi file in the build.properties file.
When you run within Eclipse everything in the plugin project is available, but when you export a RCP only things listed in the build.properties are available.
I developed an eclipse editor using eclipse-rcp concepts .My requirement is to build the project using maven.
So i wrote the pom with packaging type=bundle using apache felix concepts.
After building the project, the project jar has the class files,plugin.xml and the manifest file.
Now, I am dropping this jar in plugins folder of eclipse.I want to open files of a certain extension with this editor. But my eclipseis not showing my editor name in the Internal/External editor list, even though the plugin is the plugins folder of eclipse.
Please help.
If you want to build Eclipse plug-ins with Maven, you should use Tycho: https://www.eclipse.org/tycho/. It provides specific packaging types for handling Eclipse plugins and features (groups of plugins).
I created a Eclipse plug-in project by selecting a plug-in template provides by the eclipse. Then i ran the plug-in it opened another eclipse and the plug-in executed there.Why so? is the plugin taking eclipse's application class to create workbench?
As an elaboration of "If you want to run the plugin in your main workspace you will have to export the plugin and install it in your main Eclipse." that #greg-449 had in his answer. You can do this.
Step 1 - Export your plugin
From the File menu, choose Export... and then choose the Deployable plug-ins and fragments wizard.
Step 2 - Configure your Wizard Options
Select the plug-ins you want to export.
As the destination, choose Install into host
Press Finish
Step 3 - Confirm unsigned content
As you are probably not signing your plug-in, but you do trust it, say Yes to the Warning: you are installing software that contains unsigned content.
Step 4 - Restart Eclipse
Restart Eclipse when prompted to to enable the plug-ins.
You should now see your new plug-ins. To make this example I used the new Plug-in wizard and choose the "Hello, World Command" template. The arrows below point to the contributions in the UI that the plug-in made.
When you run a plugin (Run As > Eclipse Application) Eclipse starts a new instance of Eclipse including your plugin and uses a new workspace. This enables you to test the plugin without damaging your main Eclipse installation and workspace.
If you want to run the plugin in your main workspace you will have to export the plugin and install it in your main Eclipse.
If you want to run your plugin as part of an RCP you can set the application or product launched in the 'Run > Run Configurations...' entry.
For example:
Here I am running a product called 'greg.music.e4.rcp.product'
I am trying to install FatJar plugin in Eclipse, but it is not showing up. I am doing everything as explained in the documentation, extracted the .jar file in plugins directory, then started command prompt inside Eclipse folder with "eclipse -clean", and it doesn't show up...
Anyone know how can I check if the plugin is being noticed at all?
This plugin is very old and is using the old style plugin format which is not supported by default by current versions of Eclipse.
As mentioned in the documentation most (probably all) of the features provided by this plugin are now part of Eclipse as standard (see 'File > Export > Java > Runnable JAR file')
I'm developing an eclipse application in Linux and I'm fairly new to eclipse RCP.
My application is built from already existing plugins, such as eclipse's project explorer, etc.
I'd like to add the pydev python console as a plugin to my application.
I know that adding plugins to an eclipse application is done through the extensions tab on MANIFEST.MF but I can't find any examples on google on adding the pydev console.
Can someone help?
I downloaded the eclipse language pack from the following site:
I put the downloaded plugins in the plugin folder of my eclipse installation.
My question: How do I use these plugins with my eclipse RCP application now?
I seem to be unable to add them to my application because I can select them no where. I also tried to drop them into the plugin folder of my RCP application after I exported the application and adding the plugin names to the config.ini but I had no success.
I'd appreciate any help on this topic since I'm stuck :(
Since 3.6 or so, Eclipse doesn't try to find additional plugins in the plugins folder; it will only consider what has been installed with p2 (i.e. via the "Install New Software" menu or the marketplace).
There should be a dropins folder next to the plugins folder; put the language packs in there and Eclipse should automatically pick them up.
See the documentation for details.