Is there a way to run AudioKit on watchOS? - swift

I am trying to use AudioKit for a WatchOS app I'm working on. I tried both building from git and using pods but neither has worked. I know on their website it shows support for only iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and tvOS but I wanted to know if there is a workaround for watchOS? I only need to use the Core components.

Last I checked on this, the necessary APIs in AVFoundation were simply not available, so we didn't bother to make a port to this platform.
Looking at the latest API documentation however, it looks like they may have filled in some of these gaps in later watchOS releases so it might be possible now - might be worth revisiting though there hasn't been a whole lot of demand for it.


Can Swifter be used for a tvOS app?

I am trying to access twitter data for a social media app for tvOS as a school project. I have come across Swifter ( and noted that it does only say it supports iOS and Mac. I was wondering if there is any workaround to use this in tvOS since they are all written in the same language?
(as you can tell I'm pretty new to this)
Looking at the issues in the repo it appears somebody is already working on adding tvOS support so hopefully that might be ready in time for you.
In fact, somebody may have already done it:

'sharedApplication' is unavailable: not available on iOS (App Extension) for Segmentio/Analytics Pod

Running Xcode version 8.2.1, Swift 3, and Cocoapods version 1.1.1 and I can't for the life of me figure out how to resolve this issue. I need to use the analytics library but can't get past this error in the UIViewController+SEGScreen.m class:
Without forking, is there another solution here?
What exactly do you need to figure out? The API is not available when targeting iOS extensions. There is no solution but fixing the API. If this is an open source, the fix looks really simple (wrapping in a custom macro such #ifdef TARGET_EXTENSION). If not, time to use a properly written analytics framework, that takes into account all aspects of iOS development, not the most trivial ones only.

Can we use voice command for interaction in iPhone App

Is there any api or method available for integrating voice command in iPhone app for simple operations like going next and previous? I doubt that it is available but I need clarification on this. Thanks!
There is no such thing provided by the iOS Library. Not for the regular voice commands and not for Siri. This might change with the upcoming version, but there's nothing announced yet.
Even on CocoaPods there's no such library avaliable, so I think you might have to buy something or start from scratch

Flash iOS applications

I am currently building an iOS application with flash CS5 and I would need some help with a couple of the features:
Is it possible to add in-app purchases? If yes, how does that work?
Is it possible to add iAd advertising to the app? If so, how? If not, is there any good alternative that works with flash?
How can I save data from within the app so it will be there eaten if the user restarts the app and even the device (like for a headboard and such)?
Any help is highly appreciated!!! :D
If it were a few months ago. Then answer would be an unequivocal no. However, presently, the answer is "perhaps" (or if you are an optimist, "probably"). With the release of Air 3.0, it now supports Native Extensions. These extensions are native code that have a wrapper API around them so that they can be compiled in with and called from an Air application.
In fact, I decided to look around real quick while researching for this answer and found a repo where it looks like somebody has implemented in-app purchases via a ANE. But I haven't tested this extension personally, but it may be a good starting point to see how it is implemented.
The reason you wont find too much information about ANE's yet is because they were only recently supported in the Air 3.0 update that happened last month. They are currently unsupported in Flash CS5 (or 5.5) or Flash Builder 4.5. They are supported in Flash Builder 4.6, which is currently in a closed beta. But you might be able to sneak in still, and it should be released soon.
The biggest "drawback" is that these extensions need to be developed in the native format for the device you are targeting. So that means, if you want to make an iOS extension, then you are writing it in Objective-C and xcode on a mac.
Pretty much the same answer as before. It should be possible with a ANE. But I haven't found any examples of anybody doing it yet.
It is very simple to save data/state to the device. You'll want to look into the SharedObject.getLocal() method if you want to the LSO. Or you can just use low-level File writing. Check out File.applicationStorageDirectory. For sensitive information that should be encrypted into into the EncryptedLocalStore class, which I believe is supported on iOS but not on Android.
All of these should provide a good way for you to persist data between application sessions.
With AIR 3 you can now use native extensions to call into the native platform code to achieve the functionality not provided by AIR Actionscript APIs. To answer your questions.
in app purchase. I have a sample at
iAd. I have a sample at
As others have already answered use local shared objects.

Availability of older sample code for iPhone 2.2

We've been programming an iPhone application under iPhone OS 3.1, but the client has now decided he wants us to redo the existing codebase to run under 2.2. One of the nice pieces of built-in functionality we used under 3.1 was the UISearchDisplayController functionality for searching UITableViews, but that functionality was not available previously and I'm not sure how to create the equivalent code under 2.2 from scratch.
Long story short, does anyone know where I can obtain earlier sample code? The TableSearch example apparently existed under 2.2 and would likely be very useful to me, but I don't know how to obtain it. When I go to look online at the available Apple sample code, I'm redirected to the latest 3.1 versions, which don't do me any good.
I didn't have any luck tracking down that sample code either. You could try the wayback machine though.
Btw, just to give you some stats to take to your client. Currently > 75% of iPhone OS users are on 3.0 or better according to 3rd party sources. Writing code for <25% (and decreasing) of a market is generally not a good idea. It sticks you with code that is harder to maintain and test, etc., etc. I'm sure you know all this. Anyway, you should really see if you can convince them to drop 2.2.1 support.