XSMTP API Filters others events than opentrack and clicktracking - sendgrid

Reading the XSMTP API documentation i can see that is possible suppress the open event and click events using webhooks in a per message basis. We have a requirement to disable all hooks for some messages. Is that possible? If yes how i can do it?

You would have to implement this yourself. One easy way would be to add a noEvents category to the messages that you don't want to track. Then in your webhook callback, if the event contains the category noEvents, skip it.


Custom messages for Github Slack integration for issue tracking

Is it possible to customize the messages that github will send to the slack webhook? I was able to set it up to where I get notifications whenever an issue is created/deleted/edited, however I would like to only get notifications for specific issues with a certain label and also be able to change the format of the notification.
With this level of customization, you will likely need to write a bit of custom code that:
Receives and authenticates the Github webhook. This means you need to host the code someplace as a web service, for example in Heroku.
Filters down to only the events that matter to you with the custom criteria you listed above.
Formats a custom Slack message in markdown based on the payload of the Github event.
Posts that message to Slack - probably the simplest solution is to use the Slack incoming webhooks.
(Disclosure: I am the co-founder of Fusebit). Fusebit automates such integration scenarios and allows you to focus on the parts that matter to you, which in this case is the custom filtering and custom message formatting code.

How to get whole tems unreded notifications ( activity + chat, etc)

I'have search inside Microsoft documentation Graph API some method to get any kind of unread notifications from Teams product but I didn't see anything relevant that could I use through a REST API.
IS really possible to get the unreaded notifications?
This badges numbers is what I want
Thanks in advance
IS really possible to get the unreaded notifications?
Of course, the answer is yes. Currently, there are not existing Team API for this, you need to do it by yourself, meanwhile submit an feature request in the UserVoice. A workaround for you: get the message/activity list first, and store the lastModifiedDateTime in your app cache, then use corresponding API to regular interaction with the server to see if any update is available.
The feed aggregates important content from the following:
Apps such as Files, Planner, and your Teams apps
This is on the roadmap but we don't have and dates to share publicly.

Callout from trigger without using Future annotation

At this moment I'm calling a #future method X from the Account_after_update trigger. I have to use #future annotation because X makes an external site call (just to notify account is updated). It's working fine.
But for some reasons (please don't ask why) I have to remove #future annotation.
And of course it will be impossible to make HTTP request from the X method (Salesforce restriction).
Is there a way how to notify external site about account updating (and send an account ID) without using of #furure annotation? Or even without a trigger? Probably something like subscription to account_updated event.
You can use outbound messages which can send a soap request to an endpoint using workflow, or you can use the streaming api where you can create push topics to send push notifications to subscribers. Of the two options outbound messages is simplest if your endpoint supports soap.
You can try creating background jobs to do the work for you. hope you find the solution here

Auto-delete after a certain date

I'm looking to use Soundcloud to promote some upcoming events - I'll have a separate sound file promoting each event. I'd like the soundfiles to auto-delete once the events have happened. Is there a way of setting a Kill Date field so that after a certain date, the sound file will delete.
You could certainly use the API to delete these tracks using whatever logic you need, but there's no feature built-in to SoundCloud to do this automatically.
Here is the documentation for the API: http://developers.soundcloud.com/docs/api/reference#tracks
You'd have to be authenticated (obviously), and then send a DELETE request to /tracks/{id}

Add email recipient to all new Trac tickets

Is there a configuration change that can be made to Trac to send a notification to an email address only upon the creation of all new tickets? If it can't be done through config, a plugin would be the second best option, with source code modification as a last resort.
NOTE: The setting smtp_always_cc in the notification section of TracIni will send messages on all updates. I'm in need of email notifications only on the creation of a new ticket.
Does this have to be an email notification? One option you have is to create a query that will list the ten (or however many) most recently-created tickets. When looking at the results of the query, use the "RSS Feed" button at the bottom of the page to subscribe to a feed that will notify you whenever the results of that query get updated.
You could write your own ticket listener plugin (or rather, override the default one and tweak it), or write a email filter (procmail?) to remove non-creation mails.
The smtp_always_cc configuration option in trac.ini will do exactly that.
The one caveat is that it will also send an email on any updates to that issue -- not only on issue creation. This may or may not be what you want. See the TracNotification page in the help wiki for more information.
We use this feature in our product at Akiri Solutions.