Custom messages for Github Slack integration for issue tracking - github

Is it possible to customize the messages that github will send to the slack webhook? I was able to set it up to where I get notifications whenever an issue is created/deleted/edited, however I would like to only get notifications for specific issues with a certain label and also be able to change the format of the notification.

With this level of customization, you will likely need to write a bit of custom code that:
Receives and authenticates the Github webhook. This means you need to host the code someplace as a web service, for example in Heroku.
Filters down to only the events that matter to you with the custom criteria you listed above.
Formats a custom Slack message in markdown based on the payload of the Github event.
Posts that message to Slack - probably the simplest solution is to use the Slack incoming webhooks.
(Disclosure: I am the co-founder of Fusebit). Fusebit automates such integration scenarios and allows you to focus on the parts that matter to you, which in this case is the custom filtering and custom message formatting code.


How to implement Gmail Smart-Compose feature in my project using Gmail API?

I wanted to use the Gmail smart compose feature in my project. I read many documents but no documents suggest anything related to the implementation of smart compose in Gmail API.
Attaching a link below about the small information about the autocomplete feature:
Unfortunately, this is not possible to do using the Gmail API.
More information:
The Gmail API using the client libraries works on a request-response basis, and these are not retrievable through a Gmail API method. In order to do this, there would need to be a request made each time the string the user is typing changes, which would use not only require a lot of network traffic, but would also make application running slow as many requests would be made.
Feature Request:
On the flip side however, Google already knows about this, and a Feature Request for this has been made on their Issue Tracker. You can view this feature request here, to which you can click the star (☆) in the top left to let Google know more people want this feature to be implemented.
Autocomplete suggestions for text-inputs
Google's Issue Tracker
An API for gmail smart-compose feature

Can I create notifications when an Atlassian Confluence page is created?

If any user changes or creates new page in Atlassian Confluence, I would like to automatically send a REST request. I want to use it for pushing auto-messages in messenger (in some public channel). It is useful to see any new changes on wiki.
I found info about REST API for Atlassian Confluence:
But it is about how to sent requests to Confluence.
Is it possible to generate auto requests from Atlassian Confluence?
Update: I found some information - looks like it is impossible.
Am I right?
You are right, unfortunately this functionality does not exist at the moment. The best way would be to write your own Confluence Plugin that binds to certain events. See for more information about this. Then you can send the desired requests to your messenger every time the event occurs.
Another option, but unfortunately not free, would be the "Script Runner for Confluence" plugin. This plugin provides at least a simpler way for the above solution. You only have to implement the "send request" part, as the event handling is done by the plugin and can be configured via UI. See for more information.

How do I send non-default Github webhook to SNS?

Currently, I have followed this tutorial and set up Lambda, Github and my SNS for receiving responses from GitHub.
However, I am getting only the default webhook through this setting.
How do I customise it to work with one of the other non-default events here, like a pull-request (other than just push)?
In GitHub ( click on the radio button under Which events would you like to trigger this webhook? and select Send me everything.

Receive github issue notifications but not pushes

I have 3 related github repos, with associated issue trackers. I'd like to get email when anything happens in the issues, but not whenever someone pushes, or makes a pull request. I don't see the ability to control notifications at this level of granularity.
I know that I can unsubscribe from specific threads, but that doesn't give me what I want either.
Alternatively, if there was a way to tell which type of notification it is in the email, so I can set up a filter, that would be fine too. However, I haven't been able to determine a consistent difference on that front either.
That's not possible currently using the features GitHub offers. However it may be possible using GitHub API.
I'd like to get email when anything happens in the issues, but not whenever someone pushes, or makes a pull request.
All Pull requests are issues but not all issues are Pull requests. That's being said, you cannot [currently] unsubscribe from pull requests and get the issues, since the pull requests are issues.
Since you are developer you can develop your own app to notify you (send you emails) when new issues are opened to specific projects.
Taking IonicaBizau/git-stats as example, you can access the issues like this:
You will get 304 Not Modified if there are no new issues. That way you can check if there were added new issues or not. Checking if the issue is pull request is done by checking if there is a pull_request field in the object, like mentioned here.
An alternative that I just found, is the Message-ID field of the email. the pull and merge emails all have <org/repo/pull/....> the issue emails have <org/repo/issue/....> so, I can filter on the Message-ID field.

Is it possible to add webhooks to a gist?

Basically, the same way as I can set up a push webhook for a Github repo, can I set it up for a Github gist? I looked around, and I suspect not since there's no documentation for it.
If it is impossible, is there anyway to get notifications whenever a gist is updated? If not, I'm ready to implement a solution that polls every few minutes, but I prefer the notification based solution.
Well, I confirmed it for myself. Github doesn't allow any kind of code to be run on its server's during/before/after a push, so it has webhooks for developers to take advantage of that. Gist does not support either actual Git hooks or Github webhooks.
is there anyway to get notifications whenever a gist is updated?
Since May 8th, 2019, it is possible.
See "Gist notifications "
You can now receive notifications for new conversations occurring on gists. Similar to issues and pull requests, you can opt out of these notifications at any time.
The documentation now includes:
Receiving notifications for gist activity
You'll receive a notification when:
You are the author of the gist.
Someone mentions you in a gist.
You comment in another persons's gist.
You subscribe to a gist, by clicking Subscribe at the top any gist.
In your case, maybe you can combine that with GitHub Actions, which does allow some code execution on the server side, including some involving notification.