Why does this PowerShell script produce an error? - powershell

I have a file called Eric Clapton - Nothing But The Blues - Full Concert (1994) [HQ].URL in a directory C:\Hans\Hans4\.
Code to create this is below (though the error occurs regardless of file contents)
$fileContents = #"
New-Item -Path "C:\Hans\Hans4" `
-Name "Eric Clapton - Nothing But The Blues - Full Concert (1994) [HQ].URL" `
-ItemType "file" `
-Value $fileContents `
When I run the following I get an error
Get-ChildItem 'C:\Hans' -Recurse | Resolve-ShortcutFile > Output.txt
The code references the function below
function Resolve-ShortcutFile {
Position = 0)]
process {
if ($fileName -like "*.url") {
Get-Content $fileName | Where-Object {
$_ -like "url=*"
} |
Select-Object #{
Expression = {Get-Item $fileName}
}, #{
Expression = {$_.Substring($_.IndexOf("=") + 1 )}
This is the error message
Get-Content : An object at the specified path C:\Hans\Hans4\Eric Clapton - Nothing But
The Blues - Full Concert (1994) [HQ].URL does not exist, or has been filtered by
the -Include or -Exclude parameter.
At line:33 char:28
+ Get-Content $fileName | Where-Object {
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (System.String[]:String[]) [Get-Content], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ItemNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetContentCommand
Why do I get this error?

The problem is the filename that is piped into the function and passed to Get-Content
C:\Hans\Hans4\Eric Clapton - Nothing But The Blues - Full Concert
(1994) [HQ].URL
You are encountering the problem described here.
It contains square brackets that are interpreted as a range operator with the set H and Q
So the pattern would mean that it attempts to read the contents of files with either of the following names...
Eric Clapton - Nothing But The Blues - Full Concert (1994) H.URL
Eric Clapton - Nothing But The Blues - Full Concert (1994) Q.URL
... but will not match the literal [HQ] in
Eric Clapton - Nothing But The Blues - Full Concert (1994) [HQ].URL
You can use the -literalPath parameter to avoid this problem and have the file name treated literally.
function Resolve-ShortcutFile {
Position = 0)]
process {
if ($fileName -like "*.url") {
Get-Content -literalPath $fileName | Where-Object {
$_ -like "url=*"
} |
Select-Object #{
Expression = {Get-Item -literalPath $fileName}
}, #{
Expression = {$_.Substring($_.IndexOf("=") + 1 )}


Unable to delete or rename directories or Files with Multiple Square ([[...]] brackets in Path [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I make PowerShell handle [ or ] in file name well?
(2 answers)
Error "Could not find a part of the path" while setting attributes on an existing file
(2 answers)
Closed 4 months ago.
This post was edited and submitted for review 4 months ago and failed to reopen the post:
Original close reason(s) were not resolved
I have regular Jobs to clean up old User Windows-Profile directories on a central NAS.
Last time I had Directories containing double square Brackets in the path (Import from Macromedia or so). This looks like:
As this Job should run automatically with Powershell I tired various things:
Tried to replace the brackets an rename the folder - no success
Tried LiteralPath for Remove-Item - no success
Tried to Deleted with Scripting.FileSystemObject - no success
I always get the following error Message:
The Element ... cannot be removed: A part of the Path "HDCore.sol" cannot be found.
Are there any ideas?
Tried to rename the Folder, tried remove-item with -LiteralPath, tried to use FileSystemObject.
All of the actions gave the same result: Error
Just to complete: here are the functions I used last:
Function RemoveChar
Param ($Path)
$Pattern = '#|&|%|\[{1,}|\]{1,}|\^|\s|\.{2,}'
if ($Path -imatch $Pattern){
Rename-Item -Path $Path -NewName ($Path -replace $Pattern,'') -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
return ($Path -replace $Pattern,'')
} else {
return $Path
Function Truncate
Param ($Path)
$total_path_length_threshold = 248 # maximal erlaubte Zeichenzahl (248 für Verzeichnisse, 260 für Dateien)
$characters_to_truncate = 60 # Anzahl der zeichen, um die der name zu kürzen ist. Ein eindeutiger Index wird angehangen
$virtual_drive = "v:" # Für temp. Prozessing muss das Format "v:" haben
$collection = cmd /c dir $Path /s /b |? {$_.length -gt $total_path_length_threshold }
$count_paths = ($collection | measure).count - 1
foreach ($pathlong in $collection) {
$parent_path = Split-path -path $pathlong
subst $virtual_drive $parent_path
$leaf = split-path -leaf $pathlong
$short_virtual_path = join-path $virtual_drive $leaf
$item = Get-Item -LiteralPath $short_virtual_path
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $item) {
$filename = $item.name
$filename_extension = $item.Extension
$basename = $item.BaseName
$basename_length = $basename.length
$new_index = "X" + $counter + "X"
$adjusted_characters_to_truncate = $characters_to_truncate + $new_index.length
if ( $basename_length -gt $adjusted_characters_to_truncate ) {
$length_to_use = $basename_length - $adjusted_characters_to_truncate
$new_filename = $basename.substring(0, $length_to_use ) + $new_index + $filename_extension
$new_path = $parent_path + $new_filename
$Path = $new_path
Rename-Item -LiteralPath $short_virtual_path -NewName $new_filename
subst v: /d
return $Path
Function removeRecursive
param([String] $Path)
$fso = new-object -com "Scripting.FileSystemObject"
function proc {
$folder.Files | foreach-object {
RemoveChar $_
$folder.Files | foreach-object {
$short = $fso.GetFile($_.FullName).ShortPath
LogWrite "$FullDate : Processing: $short"
$folder.SubFolders | foreach-object {
proc $_
proc $fso.GetFolder($Path)
The function I call from main code is removeRecursive. And yes I tried Remove-Item -LiteralPath SomePath -Recursive -Force too but no success as well.

Function from imported script doesn't execute

i write a script with a function.
here is the script with the function:
function GenerateHashesForProjects(){
Write-Output "Genrate Hash Values"
$dependencyFolder = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "..\..\Sources\_Dependencies"
#get all folder in a list below the dependency folder expect the "Modules" folder
$dependencyContent = Get-ChildItem -Path $dependencyFolder | where {$_.PSIsContainer -and ($_.Name -notlike "*Modules*")}
#Fill the result array with the project file name and the depending hash value of this file
foreach ($item in $dependencyContent) {
$denpencyProjects = Get-ChildItem -Path $item.Fullname | where { ($_ -like "*.csproj") }
$hashValue = (Get-FileHash $denpencyProjects.FullName -Algorithm MD5).Hash
$name = $denpencyProjects.Name
Write-Output "name: $name `nvalue: $hashValue"
$result += #($denpencyProjects.Name, $hashValue)
return $result
That script works fine.
Now i want to use this function also in another script. So i import the script and define a variable with that function. Here is the issue if a call the function without the variable it works fine but with the variable definition not, why?
Here is the second script with the import:
. Join-Path -Path $PSScriptroot -ChildPath "..\..\Build\Tools\GenerateHashesForProjects.ps1"
[array]$dependencyFileValues = GenerateHashesForProjects
This test works fine:
. Join-Path -Path $PSScriptroot -ChildPath "..\..\Build\Tools\GenerateHashesForProjects.ps1"
since you didn't post any responses to questions [grin], here is one way to rewrite your code.
what it does ...
creates an advanced function
uses the recommended name format for such
does not supply the "otta be there" Comment Based Help [grin]
defines the parameters
only the $Path is required.
defines but does not use a begin {} block
defines a process {} block
grabs a list of the dirs that branch from the source path
filters out the dirs that are in the $ExcludeDirList
gets the files in those dirs that match the $FileFilter
iterates thru that list
builds a [PSCustomObject] for each file with the desired details
you can add or remove them as needed.
sends that PSCO out to the calling code
the line that calls the function stores the entire set of results into the $Result variable and then shows that on screen.
a few notes ...
i had to change a lot of your details since i have no csproj files
there are no "what is happening" lines
if you need that, you can easily add such. i would NOT use Write-Output, tho, since that will pollute your output data.
there is no error detection OR error handling
here's the code ...
function Get-ProjectFileHash
CommentBasedHelp goes here
[CmdletBinding ()]
[Parameter (
Position = 0
[Parameter (
Position = 1
[ValidateSet (
$Algorithm = 'MD5',
[Parameter (
Position = 2
[Parameter (
Position = 3
begin {}
$ProjDirList = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $Path -Directory |
Where-Object {
# the "-Exclude" parameter of G-CI is wildly unreliable
# this avoids that problem [*grin*]
# build a regex OR listing to exclude
$_.Name -notmatch ($ExcludeDirList -join '|')
$FileList = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $ProjDirList.FullName -File -Filter $FileFilter
foreach ($FL_Item in $FileList)
FileName = $FL_Item.Name
DirName = $FL_Item.Directory
Algorithm = $Algorithm
Hash = (Get-FileHash -LiteralPath $FL_Item.FullName -Algorithm $Algorithm).Hash
end {}
} # end >>> function Get-ProjectFileHash
$Source = 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib'
$NotWanted = 'choco', '7zip', 'kb', 'bad', 'bkp'
$Filter = '*.nupkg'
$Result = Get-ProjectFileHash -Path $Source -Algorithm MD5 -ExcludeDirList $NotWanted -FileFilter $Wanted
truncated output ...
FileName DirName Algorithm Hash
-------- ------- --------- ----
autohotkey.nupkg C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\autohotkey MD5 35A1B894AEA7D3473F3BBCBF5788D2D6
autohotkey.install.nupkg C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\autohotkey.install MD5 EFE8AD812CBF647CFA116513AAD4CC15
autohotkey.portable.nupkg C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\autohotkey.portable MD5 D31FA1B5496AAE266E4B0545835E9B19
vcredist2015.nupkg C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\vcredist2015 MD5 56321731BC0AEFCA3EE5E547A7A25D5E
vlc.nupkg C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\vlc MD5 8177E24675461BDFF33639BF1D89784B

unable to fetch system.int64 registry datavalue in powershell

Below powershell code is for exporting the complete registry hive to CSV file. But it gives error for exporting REG_Binary type data whose value is big as shown in the attached registry screenshot. Though I tried to convert it to string but no luck. Please suggest on how to fetch the REG_Binary data or how to convert it to string.
Function Get_Reg_Keys ($reg_key) {
$actualKey = Get-Item -Path Registry::$reg_key
#Write-Host $actualKey
ForEach ($name in $actualKey.GetValueNames()) {
# Write-Host $name
$name.Property | foreach {
$type = $actualKey.GetValue($name).GetType()
#Write-Host $type
Write-Host $actualKey.Name " | " $name " | " $actualKey.GetValue($name) " | " $type
If ( $type -eq [System.Byte[]] -Or $type -eq [System.Int64[]]) {
$a = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($actualKey.GetValue($name))
( '"{0:0}","{1:0}", "{2:0}"' -f $actualKey.Name, $name, $a) |
Out-File "C:\Temp\Automation\HKCU.csv" -append -Encoding ascii -erroraction SilentlyContinue
Else {
( '"{0:0}","{1:0}", "{2:0}"' -f $actualKey.Name, $name, $actualKey.GetValue($name)) |
Out-File "C:\Temp\Automation\HKCU.csv" -append -Encoding ascii -erroraction SilentlyContinue
$keyinfo = Get-ChildItem Registry::$reg_key
if ($keyinfo.count -gt 0) {
ForEach ($keyitem in $keyinfo) { Get_Reg_Keys ($keyitem) }
Then running: Get_Reg_Keys ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\")
Gives the error:
Cannot convert argument "index", with value: "MRUListEx", for "GetValue" to type "System.Int64": "Cannot convert value "MRUListEx" to type "System.Int64". Error: "Input string was
not in a correct format.""
At C:\Temp\Automation\HKCUregistrynew.ps1:27 char:21
+ ( '"{0:0}","{1:0}", "{2:0}"' -f $actualKey.Name, $name, $act ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodArgumentConversionInvalidCastArgument
Registry Key details:
To be honest, I'm having a tough time following your function. I'm not even sure how you're iterating over values in a key with that $name.properties | foreach... loop.
But, generally, this is pretty straight forward. For example, I've got a registry key HKCU:\Environment. I've created a property in that key named "thing", and I've stuffed it with some random binary data.
I'll take the guts of that property and output it to a file:
$reg_key = 'HKCU:\Environment'
$key_properties = Get-Item -Path $reg_key
[System.BitConverter]::ToString($key_properties.GetValue('thing')) | Out-File -FilePath .\Test.txt
cat .\Test.txt
Just to show there is nothing up my sleeve:
Good luck.
After making below changes I am able to export a registry hive to CSV file:
$actualKey = Get-Item -LiteralPath Registry::$reg_key
$keyinfo = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath Registry::$reg_key

Powershell incorrect parameter

So I am trying to pass the file directory to the function convert at the bottom. When I run the script I receive the output:
C:\test 2\00000027627-00001\PROCESSING CHECKLIST
convert : Invalid Parameter - 2\00000027627-00001\PROCESSING
At C:\Users\pmanca\Desktop\msbxmlreader.ps1:35 char:13
+ convert([string]$hostdirectoryPlusLoanPlusDocType)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (Invalid Paramet...0001\PROCESSING:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
It appears to be cutting off the file path after C:\test. Could the file path be too long? even so i wouldn't imagine getting the error at the function call and instead somewhere in the function when it couldn't resolve the path.
#? is a shortcut for where object and % is a shortcut for foreach-object
#count 1 = Loan Number
#count 4 = Cust Num
#count 5 = Document Type
$hostdirectory = "C:\test 2"
$count = 0
$file = (Select-xml -Path "$hostdirectory\index.xml" -XPath / ).Node
$test = $file.ExportedResult.Docs.ExportedDoc.Doc.UdiValues.UdiValue.Value# | Select-Object {$_.UdiValue.Value.InnerXML} -Unique #|? {$_.UdiValue.Name -eq "Loan Number"}
$test | ForEach-Object{
# Write-Host $_.innerxml "----" $count
if($count -eq 1){
[string]$xmlHold = $_.InnerXML
$hostdirectoryPlusLoan = "$hostdirectory\$xmlHold"
if(!(test-path $hostdirectoryPlusLoan)){
New-Item $hostdirectoryPlusLoan -ItemType directory
if($count -eq 5){
[string]$xmlHold = $_.InnerXML
$hostdirectoryPlusLoanPlusDocType = "$hostdirectoryPlusLoan\$xmlHold"
if(!(test-path $hostdirectoryPlusLoanPlusDocType)){
New-Item $hostdirectoryPlusLoanPlusDocType -ItemType directory
if(Test-Path "$hostdirectory\$xmlhold.pdf"){
$check = Copy-Item "$hostdirectory\$xmlHold.pdf" -Destination $hostdirectoryPlusLoanPlusDocType -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if(-not $?) {write-warning "Copy Failed"; Write-Host $Error[0].exception.message}
else {write-host "Succes"}
Write-Host $hostdirectoryPlusLoanPlusDocType
if($count -ge 8){
$count = 0
# Write-Host "-----------------------------------"
function convert([string]$inputDirectory){
write-host $inputDirectory
#Variable to hold current input directory
$InputPathFilter = $InputDirectory + '\*.pdf'
#Variable to hold the list of PDFs from the current input directory
$PDFList = #(gci $InputPathFilter | foreach {write-output $_.name})
#Loop through list of PDF files to convert to TIF image files.
for ($j=0; $j -lt $PDFList.count; $j++) {
#Each PDF will go into its own directory/batch
#Create a variable with only the file name
$FileName = $PDFList[$j] -replace(".pdf",'')
#Variable of the full path to the current PDF
$InputPath = $InputDirectory + '\' + $PDFList[$j]
#Variable to hold output path of each TIF file. Filename format is that used by batches in ScerIS (i.e. 00010001.tif, 00010002.tif, etc...)
$OutputFullDirectory = $inputlDirectory + '\' + $FileName + "_" + "{0:D4}" -f + '1' + '%04d.tif'
#Calls Ghostscript command line executable to process each PDF file into a group of single page TIF image files
&'C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.14\bin\gswin64c.exe' -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -r600 "-sOutputFile=$OutputFullDirectory" "$InputPath"
#Increment the counter for the loop
$DocCounter = $j + 1
#Rename the current pdf so that it isn't processed again.
$RenamePath = $PdfList[$j] -replace("pdf", "pd_")
Rename-Item $InputPath $RenamePath -Force
First : In PowerShell, when you call a function you must not use parenthesis :
convert $hostdirectoryPlusLoanPlusDocType
or as suggested in comment
convert -inputDirectory $hostdirectoryPlusLoanPlusDocType
but not :
Second : Your function should be declarated first and use after :
function toto ($var)
Write-Host $var
toto "voila"
and not
toto "voila"
function toto ($var)
Write-Host $var

Script working in PS3 but not in PS2 , I can't find the exact error "Bad Argument to operator '-gt'

my script to find files bigger than x works fine for me and my powershell 3.0. But on our server we just have powershell 2.0 and I can't make it work correctly.
The error is the following :
Bad Argument to Operator '-gt' Could not compare "3841" to "10MB". Error cannot convert "10MB" to type "System.Int64" Error: "Input string was not in a correct format."".
My script is here, I tried to change the 10MB value to just "10" but than it compares to kb I guess. that's not what i wanted! Any ideas?
[ValidateScript({test-path -path $_ -pathtype container})]
function getfilesbigger
$colItems = (get-childitem "$targetfolder" -recurse | where {$_.length -gt "$size" } | tee-object -variable allfiles | measure-object -property length -sum)
$allfiles | foreach-object {write-host $_.FullName ("{0:N2}" -f ($_.Length / 1MB)) "MB" -ForegroundColor "green" }
write-host "Collected all files bigger than $size from folder $targetfolder " -foregroundcolor "darkgreen"
"Number of files: "+ $colItems.count + [Environment]::NewLine + "Size of all files "+"{0:N2}" -f ($colItems.sum / 1MB) + " MB"
The reason is that size has been defined explicitly as a string:
Param( ...
Thus, Powershell won't convert 10mb automatically to integer 10485760 as usual, but instead uses it as a string. For working version, just use int like so,
[ValidateScript({test-path -path $_ -pathtype container})]
It works on my 2.0 environment well. Try adding a .GetType() call to see what's going on. Like so,
function getfilesbigger
$colItems = ...
The result for gettype call ought to be
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True True Int32 System.ValueType
What do you get?