Function from imported script doesn't execute - powershell

i write a script with a function.
here is the script with the function:
function GenerateHashesForProjects(){
Write-Output "Genrate Hash Values"
$dependencyFolder = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "..\..\Sources\_Dependencies"
#get all folder in a list below the dependency folder expect the "Modules" folder
$dependencyContent = Get-ChildItem -Path $dependencyFolder | where {$_.PSIsContainer -and ($_.Name -notlike "*Modules*")}
#Fill the result array with the project file name and the depending hash value of this file
foreach ($item in $dependencyContent) {
$denpencyProjects = Get-ChildItem -Path $item.Fullname | where { ($_ -like "*.csproj") }
$hashValue = (Get-FileHash $denpencyProjects.FullName -Algorithm MD5).Hash
$name = $denpencyProjects.Name
Write-Output "name: $name `nvalue: $hashValue"
$result += #($denpencyProjects.Name, $hashValue)
return $result
That script works fine.
Now i want to use this function also in another script. So i import the script and define a variable with that function. Here is the issue if a call the function without the variable it works fine but with the variable definition not, why?
Here is the second script with the import:
. Join-Path -Path $PSScriptroot -ChildPath "..\..\Build\Tools\GenerateHashesForProjects.ps1"
[array]$dependencyFileValues = GenerateHashesForProjects
This test works fine:
. Join-Path -Path $PSScriptroot -ChildPath "..\..\Build\Tools\GenerateHashesForProjects.ps1"

since you didn't post any responses to questions [grin], here is one way to rewrite your code.
what it does ...
creates an advanced function
uses the recommended name format for such
does not supply the "otta be there" Comment Based Help [grin]
defines the parameters
only the $Path is required.
defines but does not use a begin {} block
defines a process {} block
grabs a list of the dirs that branch from the source path
filters out the dirs that are in the $ExcludeDirList
gets the files in those dirs that match the $FileFilter
iterates thru that list
builds a [PSCustomObject] for each file with the desired details
you can add or remove them as needed.
sends that PSCO out to the calling code
the line that calls the function stores the entire set of results into the $Result variable and then shows that on screen.
a few notes ...
i had to change a lot of your details since i have no csproj files
there are no "what is happening" lines
if you need that, you can easily add such. i would NOT use Write-Output, tho, since that will pollute your output data.
there is no error detection OR error handling
here's the code ...
function Get-ProjectFileHash
CommentBasedHelp goes here
[CmdletBinding ()]
[Parameter (
Position = 0
[Parameter (
Position = 1
[ValidateSet (
$Algorithm = 'MD5',
[Parameter (
Position = 2
[Parameter (
Position = 3
begin {}
$ProjDirList = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $Path -Directory |
Where-Object {
# the "-Exclude" parameter of G-CI is wildly unreliable
# this avoids that problem [*grin*]
# build a regex OR listing to exclude
$_.Name -notmatch ($ExcludeDirList -join '|')
$FileList = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $ProjDirList.FullName -File -Filter $FileFilter
foreach ($FL_Item in $FileList)
FileName = $FL_Item.Name
DirName = $FL_Item.Directory
Algorithm = $Algorithm
Hash = (Get-FileHash -LiteralPath $FL_Item.FullName -Algorithm $Algorithm).Hash
end {}
} # end >>> function Get-ProjectFileHash
$Source = 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib'
$NotWanted = 'choco', '7zip', 'kb', 'bad', 'bkp'
$Filter = '*.nupkg'
$Result = Get-ProjectFileHash -Path $Source -Algorithm MD5 -ExcludeDirList $NotWanted -FileFilter $Wanted
truncated output ...
FileName DirName Algorithm Hash
-------- ------- --------- ----
autohotkey.nupkg C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\autohotkey MD5 35A1B894AEA7D3473F3BBCBF5788D2D6
autohotkey.install.nupkg C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\autohotkey.install MD5 EFE8AD812CBF647CFA116513AAD4CC15
autohotkey.portable.nupkg C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\autohotkey.portable MD5 D31FA1B5496AAE266E4B0545835E9B19
vcredist2015.nupkg C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\vcredist2015 MD5 56321731BC0AEFCA3EE5E547A7A25D5E
vlc.nupkg C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\vlc MD5 8177E24675461BDFF33639BF1D89784B


I have a file organiser powershell script which runs without any error but it doesnt perform the moving operation

It is a file organiser script I wrote for myself. For a specific purpose of mine. Whenever I try to run it It runs and closes off. But the move operation is not happening. The below comments may help you understand what the code is doing.Please help me on what am i doing wrong here. I am extremely new to Powershell Scripting.
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
# Global variable declarations
$global:pathsFromConfig = Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot"\MoverPaths.txt"
$global:categoriesFromConfig = Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot"\MoverCategories.txt"
$global:categryHash = #{}
# Method call to read configs, create dirs, & move files
# Method definition
function readCreateAndMoveFiles{
# Reads categories config.txt and splits them line by line
# Adds each line as a key value pair to a hashtable
foreach($category in $categoriesFromConfig)
$temp = $category -split ":"
# For each category in the hash table, calls create directory method, and then moves the files based on current category
foreach($hashItem in $categryHash.GetEnumerator()){
# Creates a directory with the Hash Key
Foreach($pathToMonitor in $pathsFromConfig){
$categoryFullPath = $pathToMonitor+$hashItem.Name
# Moves files into that directory
Set-Location -Path $pathToMonitor
$extentions = $hashItem.Value
Get-Item $extentions | Move-Item -Destination $categoryFullPath
$categoryFullPath = ""
# Method Definition
function createDirectory ($categoryName)
if(Test-Path -Path $categoryName)
# Directory already Exists!
# Creates Directory
md $categoryName
The config files are hereby:
Found a way to do this. Thanks for all of your input. Now the script moves files. Instead of sending all extentions in a single shot, i made it into an array and sent it one by one. Now it works fine. If you guys could help me reduce the time of execution that would be great.But the code works now I am happy.
foreach($hashItem in $categryHash.GetEnumerator()){
# Creates a directory with the Hash Key
Foreach($pathToMonitor in $pathsFromConfig){
$categoryFullPath = $pathToMonitor+$hashItem.Name
# Moves files into that directory
[String[]]$extentions = #()
$extentions = $hashItem.Value -split ','
foreach($string in $extentions)
Get-Item $pathToMonitor\* -Include $string | Move-Item -Destination $categoryFullPath
Try this
#specify path(s)
$path = "$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads"
## this is make an array of the extensions in the foloder
$extensions = Get-ChildItem -Path $path | Select-Object -Unique -Property #{label = 'ext'
expression = { $_.Extension.substring(1) }
## this function will
function New-FoldersByName {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = 'Data to process')]
process {
Set-Location $path
if (!(Test-Path -PathType Container $InputObject )) {
New-Item -ItemType directory -Name $InputObject.ext -WhatIf
Write-Host -Message "A folder named $($InputObject.ext) does not exist. Creating..."
else {
Write-Host -Message "A folder named $($InputObject.ext) already exists. Skipping..."
##this is a reuseable function to moves items in a folder into a subfolder named after the files extension
## if extension is .exe the file with be moved to ./EXE/filename.exe
function Move-ItemsByName {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = 'Data to process')]
process {
Set-Location -Path $path
Move-Item -Path ('*.{0}' -f $InputObject.ext) -Destination ('{0}' -f $InputObject.ext) -WhatIf
$extensions | New-FoldersByName
$extensions | Move-ItemsByName

Bulk File Renaming - Extract parent foldername and use in file renaming

PowerShell novice here again with my proof of concept.
The code below successfully extracts attached files from .msg files located in folders and leaves the extracted filename without changing it. What I'm now looking for now is to extract part of the parent folder name, with standard format of...
nnnn+string (e.g. "8322 MyStudy") i.e. 4 digits followed by a space then string. rename the extracted filename from...
ExtractedFilename.pdf to "0nnnn - ExtractedFilename.pdf". e.g. "08322 - ExtractedFilename.pdf"
My main problem is how to extract the numeric part of the parent folder name (from where my module will be run). I'm hoping that my poor PS formatting skills will allow me to do the rest.
Once again, any help appreciated.
## Source:
## Usage: Expand-MsgAttachment *
function Expand-MsgAttachment
[Parameter(ParameterSetName="Path", Position=0, Mandatory=$True)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName="LiteralPath", Mandatory=$True)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName="FileInfo", Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
# Load application
Write-Verbose "Loading Microsoft Outlook..."
$outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
"Path" { $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path }
"LiteralPath" { $files = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $LiteralPath }
"FileInfo" { $files = $Item }
$files | % {
# Work out file names
$msgFn = $_.FullName
# extract path, e.g. 'c:\path\to\'
$msgPath = Split-Path -Path $msgFn
# Skip non-.msg files
if ($msgFn -notlike "*.msg") {
Write-Verbose "Skipping $_ (not an .msg file)..."
# Extract message body
Write-Verbose "Extracting attachments from $_..."
$msg = $outlook.CreateItemFromTemplate($msgFn)
$msg.Attachments | % {
# Work out attachment file name
#$attFn = $msgFn -replace '\.msg$', " - Attachment - $($_.FileName)"
$attFn = Join-Path -Path $msgPath -ChildPath ($_.FileName)
# Do not try to overwrite existing files
if (Test-Path -literalPath $attFn) {
Write-Verbose "Skipping $($_.FileName) (file already exists)..."
# Save attachment
Write-Verbose "Saving $($_.FileName)..."
# Output to pipeline
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $attFn
# This function to rename expanded attachment file to study renaming standards
Function RenameExpandedAttachments {
Write-Verbose "Done."
The currently running script is :
Use Split-Path to get only the Path,
Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
to get only the last element use again Split-Path with the -Leaf parameter
Split-Path -Leaf (Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
To extract leading numbers use a Regular Expression with a (capture group).
'^(\d+) (.*)$'
And wrap all this in an if:
If ((Split-Path -Leaf (Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)) -match '^(\d+) (.*)$'){
$NewName = "{0:00000} - {1}" -f $Matches[1],$ExtractedFileName
} else {
"No numbers found in this path"

trying to specify the file path

I am trying to specify my file path in the script that I got from here:
The current file path points to the directory, but I am unable to locate the variable that I need to change in order to specify a different path.
# Get-DirStats.ps1
# Written by Bill Stewart (
# Outputs file system directory statistics.
#requires -version 2
Outputs file system directory statistics.
Outputs file system directory statistics (number of files and the sum of all file sizes) for one or more directories.
Specifies a path to one or more file system directories. Wildcards are not permitted. The default path is the current directory (.).
.PARAMETER LiteralPath
Specifies a path to one or more file system directories. Unlike Path, the value of LiteralPath is used exactly as it is typed.
Outputs statistics for a directory but not any of its subdirectories.
Outputs statistics for every directory in the specified path instead of only the first level of directories.
.PARAMETER FormatNumbers
Formats numbers in the output object to include thousands separators.
Outputs a summary object after all other output that sums all statistics.
[parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Path",ValueFromPipeline =$true)]
[String[]] $LiteralPath,
[Switch] $Only,
[Switch] $Every,
[Switch] $FormatNumbers,
[Switch] $Total
begin {
$ParamSetName = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
if ( $ParamSetName -eq "Path" ) {
$PipelineInput = ( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Path") ) -and ( -
not $Path )
elseif ( $ParamSetName -eq "LiteralPath" ) {
$PipelineInput = $false
# Script-level variables used with -Total.
[UInt64] $script:totalcount = 0
[UInt64] $script:totalbytes = 0
# Returns a [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] object if it exists.
function Get-Directory {
param( $item )
if ( $ParamSetName -eq "Path" ) {
if ( Test-Path -Path $item -PathType Container ) {
$item = Get-Item -Path $item -Force
elseif ( $ParamSetName -eq "LiteralPath" ) {
if ( Test-Path -LiteralPath $item -PathType Container ) {
$item = Get-Item -LiteralPath $item -Force
if ( $item -and ($item -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) ) {
return $item
# Filter that outputs the custom object with formatted numbers.
function Format-Output {
process {
$_ | Select-Object Path,
#{Name="Files"; Expression={"{0:N0}" -f $_.Files}},
#{Name="Size"; Expression={"{0:N0}" -f $_.Size}}
# Outputs directory statistics for the specified directory. With -recurse,
# the function includes files in all subdirectories of the specified
# directory. With -format, numbers in the output objects are formatted with
# the Format-Output filter.
function Get-DirectoryStats {
param( $directory, $recurse, $format )
Write-Progress -Activity "Get-DirStats.ps1" -Status "Reading
$files = $directory | Get-ChildItem -Force -Recurse:$recurse | Where-
{ -not $_.PSIsContainer }
if ( $files ) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Get-DirStats.ps1" -Status "Calculating
$output = $files | Measure-Object -Sum -Property Length | Select-Object
#{Name="Path"; Expression={$directory.FullName}},
#{Name="Files"; Expression={$_.Count; $script:totalcount += $_.Count}},
#{Name="Size"; Expression={$_.Sum; $script:totalbytes += $_.Sum}}
else {
$output = "" | Select-Object `
#{Name="Path"; Expression={$directory.FullName}},
#{Name="Files"; Expression={0}},
#{Name="Size"; Expression={0}}
if ( -not $format ) { $output } else { $output | Format-Output }
... the rest of the code did not seem relevant
You either specify the $Path variable when calling the script, or add a line that overrides the default value. I've highlighted where this is below.
[parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Path",ValueFromPipeline =$true)]
$Path=(get-location).Path, ################ PATH IS SET HERE ##############
[String[]] $LiteralPath,
[Switch] $Only,
When calling script:
C:>.\myscript.ps1 -Path "c:\temp"
what you call the value depends on where you call it from.
the "main" part of this cmdlet accepts one of a couple parameters; path and literalPath, path would be used in preference to literal path. If neither is specified the current working directory will be the starting point. passing different arguments to the cmdlet seems to be the easiest technique. The author's intended usage.
Up in that first function, after the parameters are bound in the "begin" section... the actual path is "$item".
inside Get-DirectoryStats it's being referred to as $directory.
There are places where it's referred to as $_.
There are a lot of articles on the topic of "scope". here's one:

Retrieve Custom Object From Hashtable

I've written a PowerShell function to create a custom object and stores it into a hashtable. The issue I'm facing is retrieving that object. I need to retrieve that object because it contains an array, I need to loop through that array and write it to a text file.
function removeItem {
<#Madatory Parameters for function, it takes the path to the files/folders
to clean up and path to the hashtable.#>
[hashtable] $hashWrite=#{}
<#Begin if statement: Test if Path Exists#>
if (Test-Path ($path)) {
<#Begin if statement: Check if file is Directory#>
if ((Get-Item $path) -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
$pathObj = [pscustomobject]#{
pathName = $path
Wipe = (Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse)
Count = (Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse | Measure-Object).Count
# Write-Output $pathObj.Wipe
#Add Data to Hashtable
foreach ($h in $hashWrite.GetEnumerator()) {
Write-Host "$($h.Name): $($h.Value)"
[string[]]$view = $pathObj.Wipe
for ($i=0; $i -le $view.Count; $i++){
Write-Output $view[$i]
$pathObj.pathName = $pathObj.pathName + "*"
}<#End if statement:Check if file is Directory #>
My function takes 3 arguments, a path, the text file path, and a hashtable. Now, I create a custom object and store the path, files/folders contained in that path, and the count. Now, my issue is, I want to retrieve that custom object from my hashtable so that I can loop though the Wipe variable, because it's an array, and write it to the text file. If I print the hashtable to the screen it see the Wipe variable as System.Object[].
How do I retrieve my custom object from the hash table so I can loop through the Wipe Variable?
Possible Solution:
$pathObj = [pscustomobject]#{
pathName = $path
Wipe = (Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse)
Count = (Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse | Measure-Object).Count
#Add Data to Hashtable
foreach ($h in $hashWrite.GetEnumerator()) {
$read= $h.Value
[string[]]$view = $read.Wipe
for ($i=0; $i -le $view.Count; $i++) {
Write-Output $view[$i]
Is this the ideal way of doing it?
There are uses for GetEnumerator(), but in your case you're better off just looping over the keys of the hashtable:
$hashWrite.Keys | % {
} | select -Expand FullName

Comparing filehash and outputting files

I am new to PowerShell and am writing a script to get the hash of a directory and store it in a .txt file.
I then want to compare it to an earlier version and check for changes. If there are changes, I want a new .txt or .html file containing which line items have changed, with last modified dates.
So far, I've gotten the comparison to work, and the resulting steps based upon the pass/fail work fine.
What I need help with is outputting the results into a .txt file that lists only the files that have changed, with fields of Algorithm, Hash, Filename, Last edit time. I know I can use
(Get-Item $source).LastWriteTime
To fetch the write time, but I need to do it for every file in the directory, not just the .txt file that contains the hash.
# Variables
$Hashstore = "d:\baseline.txt"
$HashCompare = "d:\hashcompare.txt"
$HashTemp = "d:\hashtemp.txt"
$FileDir = "d:\New2"
$DateTime = Get-Date -format
# Email Variables
$smtp_server = '<yourSMTPServer>'
$to_email = '<email>'
$from_email = '<email>'
$dns_server = "<yourExternalDNSServer>"
$domain = "<yourDomain>"
# Check if Baseline.txt Exists
If (Test-Path $Hashstore)
# // File exists
Else {
# // File does not exist - Should never happen!
$RefreshHash = dir $FileDir | Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5
$RefreshHash | Out-File $Hashstore
# Generate new Compare Hash.txt
$HashNew = dir $FileDir -Recurse | Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5
$HashNew | Out-File $HashCompare
# Get Hash of baseline.txt
$HashBaseline = Get-FileHash -Path d:\baseline.txt -Algorithm MD5
#Get Hash of hashcompare.txt
$HashDiff = Get-FileHash -Path d:\hashcompare.txt -Algorithm MD5
#If changed, output hash to storage, and flag changes
If ($HashBaseline.hash -eq $HashDiff.hash)
Add-Content -Path d:\success.$DateTime.txt -Value " Source Files ARE EQUAL </p>"
Add-Content -Path d:\failure.$DateTime.html -Value "Source Files NOT EQUAL </p>"
$HashNew | Out-File $HashTemp
# Compare two logs, send email if there is a change
If ($diff_results)
#$evt_message = Get-Content .\ | Out-String
#Write-EventLog -LogName Application -EventId 9000 -EntryType Error -Source "Maximo Validation Script" -Message $evt_message
#Send-MailMessage -To $to_email -From $from_email -SmtpServer $smtp_server -Attachments .\ -Subject "ALERT! Change in Records" -Body "A change has been detected in the Maximo system files.`n`n`tACTION REQUIRED!`n`nVerify that this change was authorized."
If ($HashNew.HashString -eq $Hashstore.HashString)
$HashTemp | Out-File $HashStore
I know the add-item may not be the best way to write to this log I'm creating. What would be the best way to add the last write time to every file that is read?
Here is a clean way to ouput the information you need (Algorithm, Hash, Filename, Last edit time) for each file that has changed :
$Hashstore = "d:\baseline.txt"
$HashCompare = "d:\hashcompare.txt"
$HashTemp = "d:\hashtemp.txt"
$FileDir = "d:\New2"
$DateTime = Get-Date -format
# Check if Baseline.txt Exists
If (Test-Path $Hashstore)
# // File exists
Else {
# // File does not exist - Should never happen!
$RefreshHash = dir $FileDir -Recurse | Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5
$RefreshHash | Export-Csv -Path $Hashstore -NoTypeInformation -Force
# Generate new Compare Hash.txt
$HashNew = dir $FileDir -Recurse | Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5
$HashNew | Export-Csv -Path $HashCompare -NoTypeInformation -Force
# Get Hash of baseline.txt
$HashBaseline = Get-FileHash -Path $Hashstore -Algorithm MD5
#Get Hash of hashcompare.txt
$HashDiff = Get-FileHash -Path $HashCompare -Algorithm MD5
#If changed, output hash to storage, and flag changes
If ($HashBaseline.hash -eq $HashDiff.hash) {
Add-Content -Path D:\success.$DateTime.txt -Value " Source Files ARE EQUAL </p>"
Else {
Add-Content -Path D:\failure.$DateTime.txt -Value "Source Files NOT EQUAL </p>"
$HashNew | Export-Csv -Path $HashTemp -NoTypeInformation -Force
# Storing a collection of differences in $Diffs
$Diffs = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject (Import-Csv $Hashstore) -DifferenceObject (Import-Csv $HashCompare)
Foreach ($Diff in $Diffs) {
$DiffHashInfo = $Diff | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject
$DiffFileInfo = Get-ChildItem -Path $DiffHashInfo.Path
# Creating a list of properties for the information you need
$DiffObjProperties = [ordered]#{'Algorithm'=$DiffHashInfo.Algorithm
'Last edit time'=$DiffFileInfo.LastWriteTime
# Building a custom object from the list of properties in $DiffObjProperties
$DiffObj = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $DiffObjProperties
Before creating the files $Hashstore and $HashCompare, I convert the information they contain to CSV format, rather than plain text.
It makes their content much easier to manipulate later , using Import-CSV.
This makes proper objects with properties I can use.
This also makes them easier to compare, and the result of this comparison ($Diffs) is a collection of these proper objects.
So $Diffs contains all the files that have changed and I loop through each of them in a Foreach statement.
This allows you to create a custom object ($DiffObj) with exactly the information you need ($DiffObjProperties) for each of the file that have changed.
PowerShell v3+ Recursive Directory Diff Using MD5 Hashing
I use this pure PowerShell (no dependencies) recursive file content diff. It calculates in-memory the MD5 hash (the algorithm is configurable) for each directories file contents and gives results in standard PowerShell Compare-Object format.
It can optionally export to CSV files along with a summary text file. It can either drop the rdiff.ps1 file into your path or copy the contents into your script.
USAGE: rdiff path/to/left,path/to/right [-s path/to/summary/dir]
Here is the gist. I copied below for reference but I recommend using the gist version as I will be adding new features to it over time.
### USAGE: rdiff path/to/left,path/to/right [-s path/to/summary/dir] ###
param (
[parameter(HelpMessage="Stores the execution working directory.")]
[parameter(Position=0,HelpMessage="Compare two directories recursively for differences.")]
[parameter(HelpMessage="Export a summary to path.")]
function SetWorkDir($PathName, $TestPath) {
$AbsPath = NormalizePath $PathName $TestPath
Set-Location $AbsPath
function SafeExit() {
SetWorkDir /path/to/execution/directory $ExecutionDirectory
function Print {
param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$TRUE,Position=0,HelpMessage="Message to print.")]
[parameter(HelpMessage="Specifies a success.")]
[parameter(HelpMessage="Specifies a warning.")]
[parameter(HelpMessage="Specifies an error.")]
[parameter(HelpMessage="Specifies a fatal error.")]
[parameter(HelpMessage="Specifies a info message.")]
[switch]$InfoFlag = !$SuccessFlag -and !$WarningFlag -and !$ErrorFlag -and !$FatalFlag,
[parameter(HelpMessage="Specifies blank lines to print before.")]
[parameter(HelpMessage="Specifies blank lines to print after.")]
[parameter(HelpMessage="Specifies if program should exit.")]
if($LinesBefore -ne 0) {
foreach($i in 0..$LinesBefore) { Write-Host "" }
if($InfoFlag) { Write-Host "$Message" }
if($SuccessFlag) { Write-Host "$Message" -ForegroundColor "Green" }
if($WarningFlag) { Write-Host "$Message" -ForegroundColor "Orange" }
if($ErrorFlag) { Write-Host "$Message" -ForegroundColor "Red" }
if($FatalFlag) { Write-Host "$Message" -ForegroundColor "Red" -BackgroundColor "Black" }
if($LinesAfter -ne 0) {
foreach($i in 0..$LinesAfter) { Write-Host "" }
if($ExitAfter) { SafeExit }
function ValidatePath($PathName, $TestPath) {
If([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TestPath)) {
Print -x -f "$PathName is not a path"
function NormalizePath($PathName, $TestPath) {
ValidatePath "$PathName" "$TestPath"
$TestPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine((pwd).Path, $TestPath)
$NormalizedPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($TestPath)
return $NormalizedPath
function ResolvePath($PathName, $TestPath) {
ValidatePath "$PathName" "$TestPath"
$ResolvedPath = NormalizePath $PathName $TestPath
return $ResolvedPath
function RequirePath($PathName, $TestPath, $PathType) {
ValidatePath $PathName $TestPath
If(!(Test-Path $TestPath -PathType $PathType)) {
Print -x -f "$PathName ($TestPath) does not exist as a $PathType"
$ResolvedPath = Resolve-Path $TestPath
return $ResolvedPath
# Like mkdir -p -> creates a directory recursively if it doesn't exist #
function MakeDirP {
param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$TRUE,Position=0,HelpMessage="Path create.")]
New-Item -path $Path -itemtype Directory -force | Out-Null
function GetFiles {
param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$TRUE,Position=0,HelpMessage="Path to get files for.")]
ls $Path -r | where { !$_.PSIsContainer }
# RETURNS LIST OF #{RelativePath, Hash, FullName}
function GetFilesWithHash {
param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$TRUE,Position=0,HelpMessage="Path to get directories for.")]
[parameter(HelpMessage="The hash algorithm to use.")]
$OriginalPath = $PWD
SetWorkDir path/to/diff $Path
GetFiles $Path | select #{N="RelativePath";E={$_.FullName | Resolve-Path -Relative}},
#{N="Hash";E={(Get-FileHash $_.FullName -Algorithm $Algorithm | select Hash).Hash}},
SetWorkDir path/to/original $OriginalPath
# RETURNS LIST OF #{RelativePath, Hash, FullName}
function DiffDirectories {
param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$TRUE,Position=0,HelpMessage="Directory to compare left.")]
[parameter(Mandatory=$TRUE,Position=1,HelpMessage="Directory to compare right.")]
$LeftHash = GetFilesWithHash $LeftPath
$RightHash = GetFilesWithHash $RightPath
diff -ReferenceObject $LeftHash -DifferenceObject $RightHash -Property RelativePath,Hash
if($Compare.length -ne 2) {
Print -x "Compare requires passing exactly 2 path parameters separated by comma, you passed $($Compare.length)." -f
Print "Comparing $($Compare[0]) to $($Compare[1])..." -a 1
$LeftPath = RequirePath path/to/left $Compare[0] container
$RightPath = RequirePath path/to/right $Compare[1] container
$Diff = DiffDirectories $LeftPath $RightPath
$LeftDiff = $Diff | where {$_.SideIndicator -eq "<="} | select RelativePath,Hash
$RightDiff = $Diff | where {$_.SideIndicator -eq "=>"} | select RelativePath,Hash
if($ExportSummary) {
$ExportSummary = ResolvePath path/to/summary/dir $ExportSummary
MakeDirP $ExportSummary
$SummaryPath = Join-Path $ExportSummary summary.txt
$LeftCsvPath = Join-Path $ExportSummary left.csv
$RightCsvPath = Join-Path $ExportSummary right.csv
$LeftMeasure = $LeftDiff | measure
$RightMeasure = $RightDiff | measure
"== DIFF SUMMARY ==" > $SummaryPath
"" >> $SummaryPath
"-- DIRECTORIES --" >> $SummaryPath
"`tLEFT -> $LeftPath" >> $SummaryPath
"`tRIGHT -> $RightPath" >> $SummaryPath
"" >> $SummaryPath
"-- DIFF COUNT --" >> $SummaryPath
"`tLEFT -> $($LeftMeasure.Count)" >> $SummaryPath
"`tRIGHT -> $($RightMeasure.Count)" >> $SummaryPath
"" >> $SummaryPath
$Diff | Format-Table >> $SummaryPath
$LeftDiff | Export-Csv $LeftCsvPath -f
$RightDiff | Export-Csv $RightCsvPath -f
Another my version. But without date/time.
# Check images. Display if differ
$file_path = "C:\Files"
$last_state = "last_state.json"
# Check last_state.json. If false - create new empty file.
If (!(Test-Path $last_state)) {
New-Item $last_state -ItemType file | Out-Null
$last_state_obj = Get-Content $last_state | ConvertFrom-Json
# Get files list and hash. Also you can use -Recurse option
Get-ChildItem $file_path -Filter *.* |
Foreach-Object {
if (!$_.PSIsContainer) {
$current_state += #($_ | Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5)
# Compare hash
ForEach ($current_file in $current_state) {
if (($last_state_obj | where {$current_file.Path -eq $_.Path}).Hash -ne $current_file.Hash) {
$changed += #($current_file)
# Display changed files
# Save new hash to last_state.json
$current_state | ConvertTo-JSON | Out-File $last_state