How to set values of a renderscript globalusing rsSetElementAt_type() function - renderscript

In Android RenderScript:
A kernel may not have more than one input or one output Allocation. If more than one input or output is required, those objects should be bound to rs_allocation script globals and accessed from a kernel or invokable function via rsGetElementAt_type() or rsSetElementAt_type().
Now I knew that the function rsGetElementAt_type() takes three parameters :
rs_allocation input , uint32_t x and uint 32_t y
but I do not know how to set values of a global rsSetElementAt_type()
Can Anyone please tell me what parameters this function take and in which order?
I have searched android documentation and google but could not find it

It depends on the type contained in the Allocation, but you can find details Renderscript Runtime API Reference page.


Simulink code generation: function stubs from Function Caller blocks and their return values/arguments

In my Simulink model I have several Function Caller blocks like this:
Simple Function Caller block
The function prototype would simply be y = someFunction(). The output argument uses a custom enum type and is given as someEnum(1).
The output signal is defined as one-dimensional throughout.
When generating code from the model, these Function Callers have always yielded a function stub in the expected form of
extern someEnum someFunction(void);.
However, after a lot of changes recently, I've just noticed that code generation now suddenly yields function stubs in the form of
extern void someFunction(someEnum *rty_y);
for some (not all!) Function Caller blocks.
I have compared every parameter about the Function caller blocks and the related output signals that I could find but I can't find any difference between the affected ones and those working as expected in the current version or the same blocks in previous versions. All functions and signals have been renamed, but that's also true for those Function Caller blocks that are not affected.
The Code Generation options are also identical.
I have tried to understand from the help files what might cause the coder to use pointer arguments instead of direct return values for the function stubs but couldn't find anything.
Any hint at what might cause the code generator to use pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Found the problem. Some of the affected blocks had their C/C++ return argument set to "void" in their "Configure C/C++ Function Interface" dialog.
Some of the affected blocks (unfortunately, both of those I had checked before as well) were still set to "y" here and I had to change the setting to "void" and back to "y" before it yielded the desired result.

ShardManagement Binary ShardingKey Max Value

I am currently setting up my shardmap manager, shard map ... via the PowerShell script provided here.
While the example uses int as ShardingKey type, I have a binary(16) ShardingKey, does anyone know how to determine and pass a high key of max binary(16) to Add-RangeMapping ?
The Add-RangeMapping function calls the Range(low, high) constructor. In order to create a range with a max high value, it would need to call the Range(low) constructor. So you'll have to edit the Add-RangeMapping function appropriately (or just directly call into the library code without using the Add-RangeMapping function).
The PowerShell helper scripts don't cover the complete Elastic Database Client Library surface area so you may find a few more gaps.

Add inports & outports to Simulink C Mex S-Function mask

I am trying to amend the example given here for creating a dynamic masked subsystem, where I want to dynamically change the number of imports and outports to an S-Function.
I have a very simple S-Function implemented in C (it's the timestwo example in the documentation) and for which I wish the user to be able to define the number of inputs and number of outputs in a mask. The intention is then, within the S Function, to manipulate the received input values and write to the output values. The S-Function will eventually do some quite complicated stuff and I need multiple instances of it in Simulink, hence why I want it defined in a library.
I have put the S-Function into a library and unlocked it by choosing Diagram->Unlock Library.
I have defined 2 variables, numInports and numOutports in the Parameters & Dialog pane of the mask editing window.
I then add the following to the Initialization pane:
blocks = find_system(gcb,...
'RegExp', 'on',...
'BlockType', 'port');
if ~isempty(blocks)
for n=0:(numInports - 1)
label = sprintf('/In%d', n);
for n=0:(numOutports - 1)
label = sprintf('/Out%d', n);
The intention is for the initialisation to delete all imports and outports when the parameters are changed, then recreate them. I then save the model within the library.
The find_system() command should find and delete all blocks with port in the type, as suggested here and here.
I have created a model that uses this library model S Function implementation. However, when I update the parameters, I get the error:
Error in 'MyModel/MyLibrarySFunction': Initialization commands cannot be evaluated. Caused by:
A new block named 'MyModel/MyLibrarySFunction/In0' cannot be added.
Can anybody please advise what is going wrong here?
The documentation for find_system() has all as a valid parameter value, not the on I used and which was in the documentation example, but this seems to have no effect when I change it. I added:
msg = sprintf('Num blocks: %d', numel(blocks));
just after the find_system() call and get 0 for the number of blocks found, so I guess the problem may be that In0 is not deleted and hence I am trying to reinsert it.

Variable Declaration with the Presence of Nested Functions

Someone on /r/matlab asked me a really interesting question a few days ago related to a Flappy Bird clone submitted to the MATLAB FEX. The poster noticed that if you open the main .m file, stop it in the debugger on the first line, and run a whos(), you see a bunch of variables before they are explicitly defined by the function.
The first thing that I noticed in the editor was the syntax highlighting indicating the presence of nested functions. At a glance, it seems like the variables returned by the whos() are only those that will be defined at some point in the scope of the base function.
You can recreate this with a simpler example:
function testcode
asdf = 1;
function testing
ghfj = 2;
If you set a breakpoint on the first line and run a whos(), you get
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
ans 0x0 0 (unassigned)
asdf 0x0 0 (unassigned)
I couldn't seem to find anything explaining this behavior in the documentation for nested functions or related topics. I am not a computer scientist and my programming knowledge is limited to MATLAB and a very small sprinkling of Python. Can anybody explain what is going on? Does it have something to do with how MATLAB compiles the code at run time?
The workspace of a function with nested function is protected. When the function is called, Matlab has to analyze the code to determine which variables are in scope at what part of the function. Remember, variables that are declared in the main function and that are used in a nested function are passed by reference, and can be modified within the nested function even if not explicitly declared as input or output.
To avoid messing up any of the nested functions, and possibly to help speed things up, Matlab does not allow assigning any additional variables to the workspace of that function. For example, if you stop the execution of the code at line 1, and then try assigning a value to a new variable klmn, Matlab will throw an error. This can be a bit frustrating for debugging, but you can always assign ans, fortunately.

Simulink: What happens when subsystems are initialized?

I've been having a lot of trouble getting simulink's block callbacks to run, and the documentation is woefully inadequate and disorganized. It seems that I'm misunderstanding multiple points of how Simulink compiles models, but since StackOverflow dislikes multi-part questions, I will post them one at a time.
The situation: I have a library of components, each of which is a virtual subsystem whose parameters are defined through the masks. Block A has Parameter a which is sent to the base workspace using the 'assignin' command.
Next, the block B has a parameter b which is initialized in the Initialization tab of the mask.
Finally, the StartFcn callback of the block B runs a script which needs to reference both a and b to calculate c. In the script, I reference a simply as a because it's in the 'base' workspace, and I reference b using get_param(gcb,'b').
Now, this last command works when the parameter b is a user input (so it's a constant value). But in my case, this b is calculated using other parameters in the Initialization tab. And for some reason, in the script, this parameter is always zero.
I added a display within the block B to see what these values are, and they are clearly non-zero.
Can someone please explain why the script cannot seem to get the real value of the areas out of the block?
You can get the masked workspace variable using getworkspacevariable