ShardManagement Binary ShardingKey Max Value - powershell

I am currently setting up my shardmap manager, shard map ... via the PowerShell script provided here.
While the example uses int as ShardingKey type, I have a binary(16) ShardingKey, does anyone know how to determine and pass a high key of max binary(16) to Add-RangeMapping ?

The Add-RangeMapping function calls the Range(low, high) constructor. In order to create a range with a max high value, it would need to call the Range(low) constructor. So you'll have to edit the Add-RangeMapping function appropriately (or just directly call into the library code without using the Add-RangeMapping function).
The PowerShell helper scripts don't cover the complete Elastic Database Client Library surface area so you may find a few more gaps.


How can I pass custom data into a MTAudioProcessingTapProcessCallback?

I am successfully using an MTAudioProcessingTap in Swift on MacOS to manipulate my audio routing for both live playback and export. However, the specific routing that should occur at runtime depends on the user's choices. What I would like to be able to do is pass in a pair of Ints to the MTAudioProcessingTapProcessCallback when I create the tap so that I can use a single callback definition that can use those Ints to determine how to do the routing. The problem is that the callback is a C function pointer that can't capture context.
I thought maybe I could use the clientInfo parameter of the MTAudioProcessingTapCallbacks to hold the values I need, but I can't find any documentation on how I can access this parameter from within the MTAudioProcessingTapProcessCallback.
I have 32 possible routing combinations, and unfortunately the only other option I see at this point is declaring 32 separate MTAudioProcessingTapProcessCallbacks, and then selecting which to use when I create the tap. But it would be so much easier for me if I could just have a single MTAudioProcessingTapProcessCallback that makes a simple decision based on passed-in data.
I figured out how it works. In order to access the data inside the clientInfo from within the Process callback:
Inside the MTAudioProcessingTapInitCallback you have to initialize the tapStorageOut with the clientInfo pointer
Inside the Process callback use MTAudioProcessingTapGetStorage(tap) to get that pointer and access the data.

Maya Plugin attribute validation

I am trying to validate my custom MPxEmitterNode attributes.
I have force_min and force_max attributes that are double3 typed in maya parlance, basically two objects containing double[3] data.
I want to ensure the force_min is less than force_max for each of its 3 components. I'd like to do this by just swapping the min and max around if someone enters a value on the attribute in the attribute editor, or calls mels setAttr for those attributes, which then fails the "min < max" check.
I have tried setting up ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS relationships between force_min, force_max and their individual component x,y,z objects. That seems to cause a cyclic issue leading to Maya crashing. I have also tried editing the custom compute function for the derived MPxEmitterNode, so it sets the force_min and force_max values to swap. The force_* attributes are seemingly never computed in this case.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Generally the 'Maya' way to do this would be to let the output look wrong if the min and max are set incorrectly. You don't know who is going to set those attributes -- it could be as connection or a script, and it could even get reset in between frames of an animation -- and so it's better to let the dag evaluation flow through even if the result is nonsense. It's like setting a radius of zero on a sphere node --it's 'correct' even thought it's wrong.
You can however swap the values inside your compute() method to get the same effect as swapping the values without resetting the plug values themselves. Setting an input plug from inside compute is a bad idea, because it introduces a loop into the flow of the dag evaluation. Dag nodes must be acyclical (that's the "a" in dag: Directed Acyclic Graph)

How to set values of a renderscript globalusing rsSetElementAt_type() function

In Android RenderScript:
A kernel may not have more than one input or one output Allocation. If more than one input or output is required, those objects should be bound to rs_allocation script globals and accessed from a kernel or invokable function via rsGetElementAt_type() or rsSetElementAt_type().
Now I knew that the function rsGetElementAt_type() takes three parameters :
rs_allocation input , uint32_t x and uint 32_t y
but I do not know how to set values of a global rsSetElementAt_type()
Can Anyone please tell me what parameters this function take and in which order?
I have searched android documentation and google but could not find it
It depends on the type contained in the Allocation, but you can find details Renderscript Runtime API Reference page.

Adding Multiple Values to a Variable in MATLAB

I have to work with a lot of data and run the same MATLAB program more than once, and every time the program is run it will store the data in the same preset variables. The problem is, every time the program is run the values are overwritten and replaced, most likely because all the variables are type double and are not a matrix. I know how to make a variable that can store multiple values in a program, but only when the program is run once.
This is the code I am able to provide:
volED = reconstructVolume(maskAlignedED1,maskAlignedED2,maskAlignedED3,res)
volMean = (volED1+volED2+volES3)/3
strokeVol = volED-volES
EF = strokeVol/volED*100
The program I am running depends on a ton more MATLAB files that I cannot provide at this moment, however I believe the double variables strokeVol and EF are created at this instant. How do I create a variable that will store multiple values and keep adding the values every time the program is run?
The reason your variables are "overwritten" with each run is that every function (or standalone program) has its own workspace where the local variables are located, and these local variables cease to exist when the function (or standalone program) returns/terminates. In order to preserve the value of a variable, you have to return it from your function. Since MATLAB passes its variables by value (rather than reference), you have to explicitly provide a vector (or more generally, an array) as input and output from your function if you want to have a cumulative set of data in your calling workspace. But it all depends on whether you have a function or a deployed program.
Assuming your program is a function
If your function is now declared as something like
function strokefraction(inputvars)
you can change its definition to
function [EFvec]=strokefraction(inputvars,EFvec)
%... code here ...
%volES initialized somewhere
volED = reconstructVolume(maskAlignedED1,maskAlignedED2,maskAlignedED3,res);
volMean = (volED1+volED2+volES3)/3;
strokeVol = volED-volES;
EF = strokeVol/volED*100;
EFvec = [EFvec; EF]; %add EF to output (column) vector
Note that it's legal to have the same name for an input and an output variable. Now, when you call your function (from MATLAB or from another function) each time, you add the vector to its call, like this:
EFvec=[]; %initialize with empty vector
for k=1:ndata %simulate several calls
inputvar=inputvarvector(k); %meaning that the input changes
and you will see that the size of EFvec grows from call to call, saving the output from each run. If you want to save several variables or arrays, do the same (for arrays, you can always introduce an input/output array with one more dimension for this purpose, but you probably have to use explicit indexing instead of just shoving the next EF value to the bottom of your vector).
Note that if your input/output array eventually grows large, then it will cost you a lot of time to keep allocating the necessary memory by small chunks. You could then choose to allocate the EFvec (or equivalent) array instead of initializing it to [], and introduce a counter variable telling you where to overwrite the next data points.
Disclaimer: what I said about the workspace of functions is only true for local variables. You could also define a global EFvec in your function and on your workspace, and then you don't have to pass it in and out of the function. As I haven't yet seen a problem which actually needed the use of global variables, I would avoid this option. Then you also have persistent variables, which are basically globals with their scope limited to their own workspace (run help global and help persistent in MATLAB if you'd like to know more, these help pages are surprisingly informative compared to usual help entries).
Assuming your program is a standalone (deployed) program
While I don't have any experience with standalone MATLAB programs, it seems to me that it would be hard to do what you want for that. A MathWorks Support answer suggests that you can pass variables to standalone programs, but only as you would pass to a shell script. By this I mean that you have to pass filenames or explicit numbers (but this makes sense, as there is no MATLAB workspace in the first place). This implies that in order to keep a cumulative set of output from your program you would probably have to store those in a file. This might not be so painful: opening a file to append the next set of data is straightforward (I don't know about issues such as efficiency, and anyway this all depends on how much data and how many runs of your function we're talking about).

How can I modify parameters of a sinamics from a PLC

I have just started to work with PLCs and I need to modify parameters of a sinamics from a PLC. I know that they may have different accesible levels and that they are modified by functions. So the question is:
Can I the parameters be directly modified?
Or if it is not possible, how do I programm and include that functions?
At least try to find some information.
Sinamics drives parameters can be modified from the plc code using _writedriveparameter function.
One thing to remember is: never use this function in two places at the same time. If you do it the function hangs and to restore the correct working it is necessary to reboot the cpu.
Also remember to check the function result to call the function in the correct way (result 7001,7002,7003 ecc). You have to check if the function is already working or not.