How to reduce the number of variables in MATLAB function? - matlab

How can I change the variables in MATLAB numeric function?
for example, the original function is:
function y = myfile1(a,b,c)
y = a*b*c
and I want to convert it into this form:
function y = myfile2(x)
y = x(1)*x(2)*x(3)
is there any possible way to do it? (of course, not manually edit it)

You can pass the vector x to another function, myfile2, then call myfile1 with the vector numbers, like that:
function y = myfile2(x)
y = myfile1(x(1),x(2),x(3))
So that a,b,c in the function myfile1 will be actually x(1), x(2), x(3).


How to write the following function so that gradient can be found before putting the variable values

function [y] = sumsqu(xx)
d = length(xx);
sum = 0;
for ii = 1:d
xi = xx(ii);
sum = sum + ii*xi^2;
y = sum;
Above is the code for d variables. Whenever I call the function I get the sum as expected. Now I want to find the numerical gradient of the function. But since the function is returning a scalar value, gradient returns 0 obviously. What can I do so that gradient first evaluates in its variable form then return an array corresponding to [x1 x2 x3....xd]?
As you can see in the picture, I want it in that order. And I also want d as a variable so that code can be generic. Hope you understood my problem.
Your function does exactly this:
y = sum(xx.^2 .* (1:numel(xx)));
The derivatives then are:
y = 2*xx .* (1:numel(xx));
(according to the hand-written equations).
You should avoid using sum as a variable name, you can see above that it is an important function, if you assign a value to sum, you hide the function and can no longer use it.
For your specific function, you can calculate the gradient analytically like:
g = 2*(1:length(xx)).*xx;
You can also replace the call for length(xx) by d if it is given.

How to resolve MATLAB trapz function error?

I am working on an assignment that requires me to use the trapz function in MATLAB in order to evaluate an integral. I believe I have written the code correctly, but the program returns answers that are wildly incorrect. I am attempting to find the integral of e^(-x^2) from 0 to 1.
x = linspace(0,1,2000);
y = zeros(1,2000);
for iCnt = 1:2000
y(iCnt) = e.^(-(x(iCnt)^2));
a = trapz(y);
This code currently returns
What am I doing incorrectly?
You need to just specify also the x values:
x = linspace(0,1,2000);
y = exp(-x.^2);
a = trapz(x,y)
a =
More details:
First of all, in MATLAB you can use vectors to avoid for-loops for performing operation on arrays (vectors). So the whole four lines of code
y = zeros(1,2000);
for iCnt = 1:2000
y(iCnt) = exp(-(x(iCnt)^2));
will be translated to one line:
y = exp(-x.^2)
You defined x = linspace(0,1,2000) it means that you need to calculate the integral of the given function in range [0 1]. So there is a mistake in the way you calculate y which returns it to be in range [1 2000] and that is why you got the big number as the result.
In addition, in MATLAB you should use exp there is not function as e in MATLAB.
Also, if you plot the function in the range, you will see that the result makes sense because the whole page has an area of 1x1.

Use symbolic matlab for flexible number of arguments and functions

I have a function F which takes as an input a vector a. Both the output of the function and a are vectors of length N, where N is arbitrary. Each component Fn is of the form g(a(n),a(n-k)), where g is the same for each component.
I want to implement this function in matlab using its symbolic functionality and calculate its Jacobian (and then store both the function and its jacobian as a regular .m file using matlabFunction). I know how to do this for a function where each input is a scalar that can be handled manually. But here I want a script that is capable of producing these files for any N. Is there a nice way to do this?
One solution I came up with is to generate an array of strings "a0","a1", ..., "aN" and define each component of the output using eval. But this is messy and I was wondering if there is a better way.
Thank you!
Here is a minimal working example of my current solution:
function F = F_symbolically(N)
%generate symbols
for n = 1:N
%define output
F(1) = a1;
for n = 2:N
F(n) = eval(sprintf('a%i + a%i',n,n-1));
Try this:
function F = F_symbolically(N)
a = sym('a',[1 N]);
F = a(1);
for i=2:N
F(i) = a(i) + a(i-1);
Note the use of sym function (not syms) to create an array of symbolic variables.

integral2 with fun calculated using vector

Im new to MATLAB. Want to use integral2 as follows
function num = numer(x)
fun=#(p,w) prod((p+1-p).*(1-w).*exp(w.*x.*x/2))
num= integral2(fun ,0,1,0,1)
I get several errors starting with
Error using .*
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in numer>#(p,w)prod(p+(1-w).*exp(w.*x.*x/2)) (line 5)
fun=#(p,w) prod(p+(1-w).*exp(w.*x.*x/2))
Can you please tell me what I do wrong.
From the help for integral2:
All input functions must accept arrays as input and operate
elementwise. The function Z = FUN(X,Y) must accept arrays X and Y of
the same size and return an array of corresponding values.
When x was non-scalar, your function fun did not do this. By wrapping everything in prod, the function always returned a scalar. Assuming that your prod is in the right place to begin with and taking advantage of the properties of the exponential, I believe this version will do what you need for vector x:
x = [0 1];
lx = length(x);
fun = #(p,w)(p+1-p).^lx.*(1-w).^lx.*exp(w).^sum(x.*x/2);
num = integral2(fun,0,1,0,1)
Alternatively, fun = #(p,w)(p+1-p).^lx.*(1-w).^lx.*exp(sum(x.*x/2)).^w; could be used.

MATLAB Function (Solving an Error)

I have one file with the following code:
function fx=ff(x)
I have another file with the following code:
function g = LaplaceTransform(s,N)
g = ff(x)*exp(-s*x);
for i=1:(N-1)
Whenever I run the second file, I get the following error:
Undefined function or variable 'x'.
What I am trying to do is integrate the function g between 0 and 1 using trapezoidal approximations. However, I am unsure how to deal with x and that is clearly causing problems as can be seen with the error.
Any help would be great. Thanks.
Looks like what you're trying to do is create a function in the variable g. That is, you want the first line to mean,
"Let g(x) be a function that is calculated like this: ff(x)*exp(-s*x)",
rather than
"calculate the value of ff(x)*exp(-s*x) and put the result in g".
You can create a subfunction for this
function result = g(x)
result = ff(x) * exp(-s * x);
Or you can create an anonymous function
g = #(x) ff(x) * exp(-s * x);
Then you can use g(a), g(b), etc to calculate what you want.
You can also use the TRAPZ function to perform trapezoidal numerical integration. Here is an example:
%# parameters
a = 0; b = 1;
N = 100; s = 1;
f = #(x) x;
%# integration
X = linspace(a,b,N);
Y = f(X).*exp(-s*X);
If = trapz(X,Y) %# value returned: 0.26423
%# plot
area(X,Y, 'FaceColor',[.5 .8 .9], 'EdgeColor','b', 'LineWidth',2)
grid on, set(gca, 'Layer','top', 'XLim',[a-0.5 b+0.5])
title('$\int_0^1 f(x) e^{-sx} \,dx$', 'Interpreter','latex', 'FontSize',14)
The error message here is about as self-explanatory as it gets. You aren't defining a variable called x, so when you reference it on the first line of your function, MATLAB doesn't know what to use. You need to either define it in the function before referencing it, pass it into the function, or define it somewhere further up the stack so that it will be accessible when you call LaplaceTransform.
Since you're trying to numerically integrate with respect to x, I'm guessing you want x to take on values evenly spaced on your domain [0,1]. You could accomplish this using e.g.
x = linspace(a,b,N);
EDIT: There are a couple of other problems here: first, when you define g, you need to use .* instead of * to multiply the elements in the arrays (by default MATLAB interprets multiplication as matrix multiplication). Second, your calls g(a) and g(b) are treating g as a function instead of as an array of function values. This is something that takes some getting used to in MATLAB; instead of g(a), you really want the first element of the vector g, which is given by g(1). Similarly, instead of g(b), you want the last element of g, which is given by g(length(g)) or g(end). If this doesn't make sense, I'd suggest looking at a basic MATLAB tutorial to get a handle on how vectors and functions are used.