Extension for OmniSharp - visual-studio-code

Is there any way to get an extension point in omnisharp-roslyn?
I see that omnisharp.exe has the "--plugin" argument, but the digging in the source code did not give me an answer: how to use this argument.
I need a way to include my assemblies in mef composition, so I can import Roslyn and OmniSharp services and export my ICodeActionProvider.

Plugins/extensions are a work in progress for the omnisharp-roslyn project.
There's an open PR for it.


How do I automatically install a nuget package from a roslyn code fixer

I try to add a nuget package reference automatically to a visual studio project if needed, with the help of a roslyn code fixer.
Since the "CodeFixProvider" is not a "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package" there is no GetGlobalService Method to retreive a "IComponentModel" in order to get the "IVsPackageInstaller2" service.
Is there another or an even better way to add a nuget reference to a project?
I am a bit lost here after days of googling.
Thanks in advance!

Autofac.Extensions.Hosting NuGet?

Does anyone know how to install Autofac.Extensions.Hosting from a NuGet package within Visual Studio (2019)? I see the project here GitHub Autofac.Extensions.Hosting. Within the project instructions, it states that you can "reference the from NuGet". However, I can't find it within Visual Studio's NuGet Package Manager. Is it not available yet, or am I doing something wrong.
It was never published because it's basically just one extension method. The readme needs to be corrected. If you need the extension method, just copy paste it.

package manager in visual studio code

I've been using visual studio code as a second display (with visual studio as the first) to view/edit code mostly JavaScript since you can right click/format the code with easy.
But I recently took to time to study how it's c#/asp.net core debug functionality has evolved and it seems it has become even more easier to start whipping debug in no time.
But there is one thing I haven't figured out and whether it's even possible. That's it managing nuget packages. Visual studio offers a nice package manager ui to view installed packages and which packages might need a version bump.
It's there an alternative for visual studio code other than browsing the nuget site and checking which of your referenced packages have updated and editing the .csproj manually or running dotnet add <project> package ...?
This is probably not relevant anymore, but for anyone else also searching for something like this, there is a pretty handy extension for VSCode called Package Manager GUI here.

Where to find this ReactiveUI.Routing?

I got a sample code that I couldn't get to compile. It is complaining about a missing Reference to ReactiveUI.Routing.dll
The piece of code that is using it is some Xaml code using RoutedViewHost element.
I looked up in Nuget for ReactiveUI-Routing. No help.
I had a look in the latest source code and couldn't find a project of that name or any direct members of the namespace ReactiveUI.Routing. There were some references in the test projects though. I wonder if they re-factored its members into the main dll?
Perhaps try pulling the source from https://github.com/reactiveui/ReactiveUI and compiling yourself?
RoutedViewHost is now in ReactiveUI.Xaml.dll, which is in the ReactiveUI-Platforms NuGet package. Since you haven't specified which major version of RxUI you're using, it's more difficult to help.
In ReactiveUI 4.x and below, this is in an assembly called ReactiveUI.Routing.dll, which is in the ReactiveUI-Xaml NuGet package.

Autofac AggregateService exists in NuGet?

I found Autofac AggregateService awesome but what is the right way to include it in my project: clone it from code.google.com or use NuGet?
I got used to use NuGet but I can't find nothing about AggegateService there. Any help?
It seems that AggregateService and the other Extras are currently "in limbo". There's been a recent change in that the contributions are now being made part of the same solution as Autofac core, while they were previously a separate solution. From the current build file you can see that extras will be made available as a separate Autofac.Extras package and a separate download from the Autofac page.
Meanwhile, you can use AutofacContrib 2.6.1 or to grab the source and compile a dll yourself.
Btw, thanks for finding AggregateService awesome ;)
Update: actually, reading the build file properly (and looking at the current source structure), the Extras parts will be distributed as individual packages. So expect to find Autofac.Extras.AggregateService on Nuget in the future.