package manager in visual studio code - visual-studio-code

I've been using visual studio code as a second display (with visual studio as the first) to view/edit code mostly JavaScript since you can right click/format the code with easy.
But I recently took to time to study how it's c#/ core debug functionality has evolved and it seems it has become even more easier to start whipping debug in no time.
But there is one thing I haven't figured out and whether it's even possible. That's it managing nuget packages. Visual studio offers a nice package manager ui to view installed packages and which packages might need a version bump.
It's there an alternative for visual studio code other than browsing the nuget site and checking which of your referenced packages have updated and editing the .csproj manually or running dotnet add <project> package ...?

This is probably not relevant anymore, but for anyone else also searching for something like this, there is a pretty handy extension for VSCode called Package Manager GUI here.


How do I automatically install a nuget package from a roslyn code fixer

I try to add a nuget package reference automatically to a visual studio project if needed, with the help of a roslyn code fixer.
Since the "CodeFixProvider" is not a "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package" there is no GetGlobalService Method to retreive a "IComponentModel" in order to get the "IVsPackageInstaller2" service.
Is there another or an even better way to add a nuget reference to a project?
I am a bit lost here after days of googling.
Thanks in advance!

Visual Studio Code does not see changes in F# Solution

Currently I am trying to use Visual Studio Code with Ionide to build a F# Solution. To describe my problem, i first describe what i have done, and what works.
I created a solution with two Projects. One Project is a Queue that contains a F# library. Another project is Queue.Test that is a console application that uses the Queue library, and should contain the Tests for the Queue library.
I'm using .Net6 and created the solution and Project with the dotnet cli tool.
In general, i can build the project with dotnet and i also can use everything in Visual Studio Code. I load the Folder that contains both projects, and Visual Studio Code loads the library.
I am able to edit the Library and my Console application. In my Console application i also can access the Queue and so on. Autocompletion works, and so on.
But, there is one problem. When i add a new function to my library, let's say then in my Console application, i cannot see that function. It doesn't show in autocomplete, and when I write code that uses that function i get a compiler error telling me that function doesn't exists.
I can Build/Rebuild from VS Code or from CLI but the problem goes not away.
The only way Ionide starts to see the new function is by building the library AND restarting VS Code. As long i don't restart, it seems to not update the generated dll (i guess).
This is sure annoying, as i don't want to reload/restart VSCode everytime I add a new function to my library.
So my question: How i can I fix this?
What i want is to be able to change my library, and at the same time write tests in the other project and get full Code autocompletion.
Does somebody else have the same problem, or should I change my workflow?
What can i do, to debug this problem on my own?
Some tips?
This issue is fixed by the recent version of Ionide 5.10.1

Autofac.Extensions.Hosting NuGet?

Does anyone know how to install Autofac.Extensions.Hosting from a NuGet package within Visual Studio (2019)? I see the project here GitHub Autofac.Extensions.Hosting. Within the project instructions, it states that you can "reference the from NuGet". However, I can't find it within Visual Studio's NuGet Package Manager. Is it not available yet, or am I doing something wrong.
It was never published because it's basically just one extension method. The readme needs to be corrected. If you need the extension method, just copy paste it.

How to fix "The type or namespace name could not be found"?

Visual studio wont recognize certain packages (Entities, and TMPro, to name a few) and it gives the error: The type or namespace name could not be found; but everything compiles fine. I know there are already many questions and answers related to this problem, but so far none of them have worked for me.
So the way I downloaded these packages was by using the Unity Package Manager, so this makes things even more confusing because I installed other packages the same way, and they are recognized no problem.
So far I have tried:
Checking the target framework of the packages and the project (all are .NET Framework 4.6)
Deleting the Library folder
Checking my Unity version (2019.2.0a11)
Some extra notes:
I've had this issue for a long time now (with TMPro to be specific; for about a year) ever since downloading it from the Package Manager in one of the 2018.X versions
In other Unity projects, which are using various versions, give the same result. This leads me to believe it is something to do with my visual studio.
The Entities package shows up on the side, see picture below
I uninstalled Visual Studio 2017 installed Visual Studio 2019 and it fixed my problem. I suspect re-installing like others suggested may have worked too.

Visual Studio 2017 Communnity Incorrectly Updates Roslyn Scripting

I am using Roslyn for application scripting via Nuget Package Manager. Setup should be rather simple. Create new project and, in Nuget manager, add Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Sripting package. After couple of confirmations you are ready to go.
Next step should be checking for installed packages update. Currently, there are 5 updates that are shown after initial installation. Again, it is pretty straightforward to do this.
However, immediately after the update, two of those packages show yellow triangle in Reference node of the project.
I have tried to resolve this following SO and other hints but nothing helped me so far.
At the end, I have installed new VM with Windows 10 Pro (with all updates) and VS2017 Community Edition. After that new Windows Forms project (.net 4.6.1. based for x64) was created and scripting package is added. Unfortunately, yellow triangles are still there (after update).
Problematic packages are System.ValueTuple and System.Security.Cryptography. X509Certificates.
Also, after cleaning and rebuilding the solution, a number of warnings (MSB3836) - explicit binding redirect on "System..." conflicts with autogenerated binding redirect.
Solution to this problem might shed a light on problem with more complex solution that I stumbled upon after migration to VS 2017.
So, what is the reason for such behavior? Remember, this happens on new installation of OS and VS with simplest project possible.
Visual Studio 2017 Communnity Incorrectly Updates Roslyn Scripting
I got the same result with you steps. This issue only occurred on the Visual Studio 2017 not Visual Studio 2015. That should have some issue with package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.
To resolve this issue, I would like provide you a workaround:
Update packages "System.ValueTuple" and "System.Security.Cryptography. X509Certificates" first, then update other packages.
It works fine on my side, you can check if it works for you.
In order to track this issue, I have create a new issue on GitHub:
If you have additional information to add, you can add comments below that issue. And you can check the feedback from this link.