Unity GVR - Missing Virtual Reality SDKs from list - unity3d

After importing GoogleVRForUnity I can't find the VR SDKs Cardboard and Daydream in Player Settings -> Other -> Virtual Reality SDKs.

Cardboard SDK and DayDream are available on the beta only for the moment

You do not see the cardboard and daydream under virtual reality SDK since you have not changed the platform. These two Sdks are only supposed to work with the Android platform. By default, when you create a project in Unity it selects windows project as default. Please change the platform settings from build options menu and you will be able to see the those.


Unable to start Oculus in Unity Editor

Hi everyone) I can't see the oculu's rotations in unity editor when press play button. No errors(((
Unity - 2019.4.37f1
Oculus XR Plugin - 1.12.0 (try 1.11.2)
XR Interaction Toolkit - 2.0.1
XR Plugin Management - 4.2.1
Facebook account - development settings done
Oculus - unknown sources is on, development mode is on
connect Oculus to PC via link usb 2.0
Unity Project Settings: XR Plugin Management (android tab) Oculus is on
Install apk on Oculus via Unity (build button) - works fine
What could be the cause of this problem? Thanks in advance for your answers.
I reinstalled windows, reset the helmet to factory settings, bought a new usb 3.0 cable, installed unity 2021. The cable connection is established. The cable passes the test.
I still can't see the oculu's rotations and other actions in unity editor when press play button((
maybe i need to install some kind of application on the helmet?

Unity ARCore XR Plugin package initialization not completed warning after adding package, black screen on android

I'm very new to Unity, and I just followed a few youtube tutorials to try and get started with ARCore. But when I install the ARCore XR Plugin with AR Foundation from the package manager, I get a warning saying
"ARCore XR Plugin package initialization not completed. You will need to create any instances of the loaders and settings manually before you can use the intended XR Plug-in Package."
I have disabled multithreaded rendering and I'm running the APK on realme X, which supports ARCore as per the official device list. On running the basic cube AR application, the app doesn't ask for camera permissions and I'm stuck on a black screen. Is there anything I'm missing?
Unity version 2020.3.0f1 Personal,
AR Foundation 4.0.12,
ARCore XR Plugin 4.0.12
I tried these on multiple versions, only to end up with the same result.
Although the black screen can occur because of many reasons, try to go to
Player Settings -> XR Plug-in Management -> In the Android tab check "ARCore" under Plug-in Providers

VUFORIA Build Support for Unity

Cannot import Vuforia SDK for Unity.
Unity Version 2019.2.6f1
Unity Hub Version
Vuforia SDK for Android Version 8.3
I'm not able to use Vuforia SDK in Unity.When i did the installation there was no downloadable file for Vuforia Android Build Support.
I went to build settings and added Vuforia Augmented Reality Support for Android, Unity just stops responding. Is there any solution or should i just prefer a older version of Unity
In this Unity Version you don't manually import the Vuforia SDK anymore.
It is now the Vuforia Engine AR Package and was moved to the PackageManager.
All you have to do is
open Window → Package Manager
Switch the filter from InProject to All Pakcages
Scroll down or search for Vuforia Engine AR
Hit Install
Unity now automatically downloads and imports this package which you later can find listed under the Packages section in the ProjectView
Or as you probably ment simply tick the Vuforia Augmented Reality Supported* option in the PlayerSettings (which basically does the same)
This should be working with 2019.2.6f1 since I'm currently using it.

Google Cardboard SDK not working in Unity 5.4.1f (Gvr Controller script not loaded)

I'm trying to use Google Cardboard SDK with Unity 5.4.1f (Free). After importing the unitypackage with SDK, I tried to run the demo scene, but I see only freezing camera. I can't look around with mouse, just static picture. And I see the errors in Console and Inspector tab. Here is the screenshot:
I tried to import different versions of Cardboard SDK and also tried Unity 5.3, but got the same errors. Please help me, I don't know what's wrong with it.
The project is likely corrupted. Make sure that the version of Unity you have is > the version used to build the Google Cardboard SDK.
If that's not the problem, close Unity, delete the current Google Cardboard SDK project and plugin. Download fresh version here.
After downloading it, import the GoogleVRForUnity.unitypackage file. This should fix your problem.
Things changed in the latest Google VR SDK update. The VR Demo Scenes now require VR
Technical preview to work. You can get the latest Unity version for VR here. Scroll down to the end of the page.
The latest version 5.4.2f2-GVR10.
Once you download this version of Unity UNITY_HAS_GOOGLEVR will be defined in Unity and you can now run the ControllerDemo demo.
You can run the DemoScene scene in Assets\GoogleVR\DemoScenes\HeadsetDemo directory without downloading the Unity GVR version. Right click on the Project tab then click Reimport All.
You just cannot run the ControllerDemo scene in Assets\GoogleVR\DemoScenes directory without downloading the Unity GVR version.

Port existing android game to unity

I already have a game on android. It uses leaderboards, achievements and admob. These features come from google play services.
Now how do I connect these services on android to the game on Unity. I wont be updating the android version right now as it will just be same.
It's pretty straight forward to integrate Google play services into your unity application. There is a plugin you can download and add to your project. The plugin includes scripts that link in the native c++ libraries for both Android and IOS.
The plug in is on GitHub: https://github.com/playgameservices/play-games-plugin-for-unity