Unable to start Oculus in Unity Editor - unity3d

Hi everyone) I can't see the oculu's rotations in unity editor when press play button. No errors(((
Unity - 2019.4.37f1
Oculus XR Plugin - 1.12.0 (try 1.11.2)
XR Interaction Toolkit - 2.0.1
XR Plugin Management - 4.2.1
Facebook account - development settings done
Oculus - unknown sources is on, development mode is on
connect Oculus to PC via link usb 2.0
Unity Project Settings: XR Plugin Management (android tab) Oculus is on
Install apk on Oculus via Unity (build button) - works fine
What could be the cause of this problem? Thanks in advance for your answers.

I reinstalled windows, reset the helmet to factory settings, bought a new usb 3.0 cable, installed unity 2021. The cable connection is established. The cable passes the test.
I still can't see the oculu's rotations and other actions in unity editor when press play button((
maybe i need to install some kind of application on the helmet?


How do I get Unity Editor to work with Unity Remote 5 on Chromebook

I installed Unity Editor 2021.3.1f1 (From Unity website) and Unity Remote 5 (From Google Play) on my Chromebook to develop Android apps and the editor is working, but it won't communicate with Remote. I tried enabling ADB debugging but it still doesn't work. does anyone have any advice or things to try?

Unity ARCore XR Plugin package initialization not completed warning after adding package, black screen on android

I'm very new to Unity, and I just followed a few youtube tutorials to try and get started with ARCore. But when I install the ARCore XR Plugin with AR Foundation from the package manager, I get a warning saying
"ARCore XR Plugin package initialization not completed. You will need to create any instances of the loaders and settings manually before you can use the intended XR Plug-in Package."
I have disabled multithreaded rendering and I'm running the APK on realme X, which supports ARCore as per the official device list. On running the basic cube AR application, the app doesn't ask for camera permissions and I'm stuck on a black screen. Is there anything I'm missing?
Unity version 2020.3.0f1 Personal,
AR Foundation 4.0.12,
ARCore XR Plugin 4.0.12
I tried these on multiple versions, only to end up with the same result.
Although the black screen can occur because of many reasons, try to go to
Player Settings -> XR Plug-in Management -> In the Android tab check "ARCore" under Plug-in Providers

"Unable to start Oculus XR Plugin" error when starting game in Unity

I am currently developing a 3d VR game for Oculus Quest headset on Unity (v 2019.3.6f1)
Whenever I start the game in Unity editor (by pressing "Play" button) I get the following errors :
Unable to start Oculus XR Plugin.
Failed to load display subsystem.
Failed to load input subsystem.
XR Plugin is installed and updated to the latest version (1.2.0) :
What could be the cause of those errors ? Thanks in advance for your answers.
In XR plugin Management (Edit > Project Settings > XR Plugin Management) remove the Oculus Loader from the Plugin Providers in the Windows (PC, Mac & Linux Standalone settings) Tab. List should be empty. That fixed it for me.
Launching problem was resolved by removing Avatar object from my scenes.
I needed to start the Unity project after opening up the oculus app and link, ie:
Open Oculus PC App
Connect headset
Open Unity Project
0: Turn on headset
1: Enable developer and usb-LINK
2: Open Unity project
3: Launch game

Direct deploy from unity to hololens emulator

Is there any way to direct install from unity to hololens emulator ?
I want to hit unity play button and hololens app get install and run on emulator.
Its very hard to for each test build unity project and then run built visual studio project on emulator.
I also used Mixed Reality Portal but it doesn't show real scales, scales are very smaller than hololens device.
You can try the Holographic Emulation feature provided by unity(https://docs.unity3d.com/560/Documentation/Manual/windowsholographic-emulation.html), and download the Holographic Remoting Player from the store in the simulator.
After successfully connecting to your simulator, you can run the Microsoft HoloLens project directly in the Unity editor rather than building and running the game each time you want to see the effects of the changes.

Unity 5.2 sudden VR crash

All of a sudden, I am getting a full blown crash whenever I run/play my project with the native VR support in Unity 5.2.0f3 and Oculus version 1.7 (SDK which has never happened before, until today out of the blue. No change made to anything to do with VR or Oculus that might have triggered it, hence my confusion...
This is what I get on the log:
Unity Editor [version: Unity 5.2.0f3_e7947df39b5c]
OVRPlugin.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module OVRPlugin.dll at 0033:eb9a3b9a.
My PC and GC:
- Windows 7
- Nvidia GTX980 Ti
Thanks in advance for your help,
I believe 5.2 requires SDK 0.7.0 for native VR support. Have you tried upgrading?
Got same error with Unity 5.3.3f1. Fixed it by changing Oculus Config Util settings as following:
Open Oculus Config Util App on windows.
Go to Tools->Service->Configure options.
Set the Debug HMD type to DK2.
might be help for new users.