how to insert a webview inside unity UI layout? - unity3d

I'm developing an app in unity which to run in iPhone,what I wanna do is to add a webview to show website, then add other UI elements created in unity to cover the webview,is there any way I can do this?Because it seems after adding a webview,it is always shown above everything I created in unity,I can't find a way to position it middle of my UI,is there anyone who has ideas?


Changing from two lense into one view. Unity GoogleVR

Im developing a VR mobile app by implement the GoogleVR package.
So im planning to make another version that also use and have all what GoogleVR have. Except for the view.
So, instead of let it have two different view, I want to make it to become only one view.
Really need help.
Thank you in advance.

The UI Unity tab is missing

The UI tab is missing from the list of created objects. Here is a photo:
enter image description here
It's supposed to be between Video and Camera, but it's not there. How can I fix this?
this seems to be old problem in unity
try to restart your PC or change Layout
Also check those Links if this not working
Unity UI
UI Unity Problem

How to remove unity build-in loading screen in Facebook instant game?

I am working Facebook instant game using unity2017.2. I deployed build for Facebook and uploaded it on Facebook. Everything is fine but when instant game start there is unity loading bar appears which take 8,9 seconds even if you have just one scene with one button in your game. So how can i remove that build-in unity loading screen. Please help. Thanks
It is not possible to skip the whole loading screen. As mentioned in the comments you can modify your UnityLoader.js - you can find this script in the Build folder of your build.
To read the code I recommend this beautifier
I just opend my build and found the object Progress in line 1849. Perhaps you have a different version and it is at a different line. Search for Progress
Here you can see what Unity is doing. In the Progress.update they are updating the ProgressBar.
At all it is not easy to read.
The easy way to customize you loading screen is to replace the graphics under TemplateData - here you can copy your own pictures. The names have to be the same as the original filenames: (default is light)
I think this could be a solution for you?
Yup, it's a little bit frustrating to see a logo for a long time. I've worked on Unity version 2018.31f, and there, it's easily removable if you are using Unity Pro.
To remove the logo in Unity Pro, open your Unity WebGL project, Go to File -> Build Settings -> Player settings. You'll see settings for WebGL and a Splash Image column in that window, as shown in this picture.
As you can see in Splash Image settings, show splash screen column is inaccessible for me to tick/untick. The same goes with Show Unity Logo. This is because I'm currently using a free version of Unity. But in the Unity Pro version, you can untick this option and make that Unity Logo screen hidden.
If you are using the Unity free version, ensure a minimum Logo Duration of 2-sec, at least in the accessible version of Unity.

Full Screen Interstitial HTML5 vs Creative Template

I have been researching how to best implement an interstitial advertisement that has a black overlay background that covers the entire screen with the advertisement piece placed in the center of the screen.
I have successfully created an interstitial creating a custom creative template however this only supports an image ad.
I am trying to achieve the effect where the background is a black overlay and either a image/video/image+video are all shown within the center of the screen.
Can someone tell me if HTML5 is the way to achieve this effect or if creating a custom creative set using Input variables and javascript is going to work better? I would like to be able to use one creative HTML5 template or custom DFP Creative set to allow the ad to handle an image or video.

vertical scroll bar get disable and bounce back in iphone simulator using phone-gap

I am developing phonegap app in iphone,after successfully viewing pdf file
(from server) on new HTML page,the vertical scrollbar get disable ,even i get back to the
list page ,the list does not get scroll,this happen only if i run the app directly in
simulator (not from xcode),any one know ,how to resolve this issue.
thanks in advance.
To display pdf in phonegap, have lots of trouble, but best solution so far,is to used ChildBrowser Plugin for phonegap here is the link-
this will help you to call child native uiwebview in your application(only for iphone), so you can easily enjoy pinch zoom feature, even the app scrollbar does not get disable,
it works fine!