Jboss is not running on browser while giving the URL in browser - server

i have installed jboss 6.1.1 after installing i have restarted JBoss it got started in 4m:56s but if i am giving url in browser it is showing HTTP 404 not found


Error 404--Not Found after deploying weblogic server

I am having a problem when accessing my weblogic page. (Before someone marks this as duplicate, none of the answers worked for me)
I'm getting this error when acessing my page:
Error 404
I've deployed the server and everything seems to be correct as shown:
Ecplise Server deploy
Weblogic console deployment
The thing is that I can access the http://localhost:7001/console but not the http://localhost:7001/SGES.
Testing 1
Any ideas?
I don't know what more images I can show to help.

The requested resource [/ords] is not available 404 not found

I installed Oracle ORDS and TomCat on the server. When I go to the link with host/ords through browser, it gave me a 404 not found error. But when I remove /ords, it gave me a successful page telling me I have successfully installed TomCat. What caused this issue?
404 not found
Problem solved. I restarted TomCat in Services on server. ORDS is listening again.

Apache Tomcat server failed to run in localhost

I downloaded the tomcat version 9 in zip folder and added to eclipse. I am trying to run tomcat server version 9 in localhost . The server is able to run in eclipse but when I tried to access it in localhost , its showing following errors .
HTTP Status 404 – Not Found
Type Status Report
Message /
Description The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
Apache Tomcat/9.0.24
Here is screen shot in IDE that serve is running ..
Here is screen shot when I tried to access it http://localhost:8000/

HTTP Error 404 when running the web app through Tomcat from Eclipse

Even though the host website is running, am getting a 404 error while i am trying to run the web application i have developed through the eclipse.

jhipster - war deployed on jboss server

I'm trying to deploy my jhipster .war on a jboss 6.4. I can access to the main page but cannot log in. I have the message "Failed to sign in! Please check your credentials and try again". On the Chrome console i have this error : http://localhost:8080/myapp/api/authenticate?cacheBuster=1492172408521 404 (Not Found)
But this works fine with the mvnw command on the embedded server(tomcat).
What is the problem with jboss ?
jhipster version : 3.12.2.
Monolithic application.
Jwt authentication.
Mysql database.
Ok now i started a new fresh project, i deployed it on jboss 6.4 and I still have the problem, i cannot authenticate. I have this on the console when i go the main page : GET localhost:8080/myapp/api/profile-info?cacheBuster=1492674235‌​919 404 (Not Found) and GET localhost:8080/myapp/api/account?cacheBuster=1492674235931 404 (Not Found).