Apache Tomcat server failed to run in localhost - eclipse

I downloaded the tomcat version 9 in zip folder and added to eclipse. I am trying to run tomcat server version 9 in localhost . The server is able to run in eclipse but when I tried to access it in localhost , its showing following errors .
HTTP Status 404 – Not Found
Type Status Report
Message /
Description The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
Apache Tomcat/9.0.24
Here is screen shot in IDE that serve is running ..
Here is screen shot when I tried to access it http://localhost:8000/


Tomcat 404 Error when deploying a WAR file of a REST web app

As part of a course in my CS undergrad degree I need to implement a RESTful web app using Struts2 framework. To do so I'm trying to first see an example of a working example of such a project.
I have downloaded such an example from the official Struts2 website in the following link under the title example applications - https://struts.apache.org/download.cgi.
after extracting the zip file, I saw the folder contained the relevant WAR file named struts2-rest-showcase.
Then, after installing Tomcat 10, I used Tomcat's Web Application Manager to deploy this WAR.
After deployment whenever I try starting the application I get HTTP Status 404 - Not Found error with the following error details:
Type - Status report
Message - The requested resource [/struts2-rest-showcase/] is not available
Description- The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
A similar error message occurred when I tried running another example, in the following link, using Tomcat through Eclipse IDE -
I feel completely lost since the above examples are supposed to be working examples.

How do I set up "Remote Debugging"of Wildfly 20 from Eclipse 2020-06

Where can I find current instructions for how to set up Remote Debugging of Wildfly 20 from Eclipse 2020-06? My searches have found posts going back to 2014 they don't work. My most recent attempt is to follow https://tools.jboss.org/documentation/howto/configure_remote_server.html. This has no date on it and it is for connection to EAP 6.1 instead of Wildfly 20 but at least it is from tools.jboss.org and the instructions matched Eclipse 2020-06.
The problem is that when I right click on on the new Server just created with these instructions and select Debug I get the following error:
failed to copy to /opt/wildfly-20.0.1.Final/standalone/deployments/MyApp.war/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF on host
The requested path is not found on the remote system.
Here are what I think are important facts:
The path /opt/wildfly-20.0.1.Final/standalone/deployments DOES exist on the Wildfly 20 server #
The Wildfly 20 server is started with /opt/wildfly-20.0.1.Final/standalone/deployments/MyApp.war in place. The Management console shows that MyApp is Deployed and I can access the app from a remote machine so Wildfly and the server are running.
I can connect from Eclipse to the Wildfly server using the Remote Systems item that creating the new Server created. In particular, I can use the root item to "roam around" the file system on the Wildfly server so that suggest to me that Eclipse can establish a connection to the Wildfly server.
The instructions in the URL above did not include this but in the Server's Properties the Web and Management ports were both 0. I manually set them to 8080 and 9990 respectively.
Thank you in advance.
Since your installation is on /opt I guess it was done with root privileges. I'm not sure your user has sufficient rights to be able to access those paths.
As far as I can tell /opt is the recommended installation location but I finally got the server to at least deploy so that problem is solved. See updated question at Attempt to debug a remote Wildfly 20 server failing.

tomcat - Can't access to project pages error 404

I'm trying to run my project in Tomcat 7.0.65. The server starts correctly and I can even enter the Tomcat main page, but I can't enter any of my project pages and I get the HTTP 404 error. I tried adding the server again and changing the location from workspace but I still get the same error. Server was working fine a while ago. Any help would be appreciated, I'll leave the image with the error message here.
Try restarting your SQL service. If this doesn't work you can go to the properties of the tomcat server and click the "switch location button"

Trouble configuring Apache Tomcat Server on Eclipse

I am having trouble configuring my Tomcat on Eclipse. I followed the steps to set up a local Apache Tomcat Server on my Mac, and I also set up an SSL on the Tomcat Server successfully. However, after following instructions in setting up my Apache Tomcat server in eclipse, I keep getting errors saying the following:
HTTP Status 404 - /
type Status report
message /
description The requested resource is not available.
If it makes any difference, I removed the web project I was trying to make when creating my server. It also doesn't work when I try to boot it up on Terminal--I end up with the same message. Any help would be appreciated trying to decipher this error message! Thanks!
The "ROOT" folder of your tomcat seems to be empty. Either you did not add an application to your Tomact config ("Server" view) or you have to check your "Server location" settings, double click on your servers name in the same view.

WARNING: Someone is trying to access a secure resource : /WEB-INF/login.xhtml

I am using Eclipse Indigo for developing my JSF 2.0 web application. I have created a dynamic web project with JSF 2.0 and JSTL 1.2 libraries. There are some Facelet files. The welcome file is login.xhtml.
After deploying the project, whenever I run login.xhtml in Tomcat 7.0.11, I get the following error in browser:
HTTP Status 404
type Status report
description The requested resource () is not available.
Apache Tomcat/7.0.11
In Eclipse's Tomcat console, I get the following error:
**Feb 14, 2012 1:08:59 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 4693 ms
Feb 14, 2012 1:09:14 PM javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet service
WARNING: Someone is trying to access a secure resource : /WEB-INF/login.xhtml
remote address is 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
remote host is 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
remote user is null
request URI is /Test/faces/WEB-INF/login.xhtml
web.xml is the default one generated by the Eclipse, however I have changed the welcome file name in that.
How is this error caused and how can I solve it?
Resources in /WEB-INF folder are not publicly accessible. That folder should be used exclusively for configuration files (like web.xml) and template/include files which you don't want the enduser to be able to download and view.
You need to move the login.xhtml file outside /WEB-INF folder and change the request URI to /Text/faces/login.xhtml.