Error 404--Not Found after deploying weblogic server - server

I am having a problem when accessing my weblogic page. (Before someone marks this as duplicate, none of the answers worked for me)
I'm getting this error when acessing my page:
Error 404
I've deployed the server and everything seems to be correct as shown:
Ecplise Server deploy
Weblogic console deployment
The thing is that I can access the http://localhost:7001/console but not the http://localhost:7001/SGES.
Testing 1
Any ideas?
I don't know what more images I can show to help.


The requested resource [/ords] is not available 404 not found

I installed Oracle ORDS and TomCat on the server. When I go to the link with host/ords through browser, it gave me a 404 not found error. But when I remove /ords, it gave me a successful page telling me I have successfully installed TomCat. What caused this issue?
404 not found
Problem solved. I restarted TomCat in Services on server. ORDS is listening again.

After removing welcome-content handler I am getting 404 not found error in jboss eap 7.1

I want to land on directly log in page of JBOSS hence I removed the handler and now I am getting '404 not found error' on running jboss application. Can anyone please help.
ran above two commands.
You are getting 404 not found error because you removed welcome content from your configuration.
Add all the removed configuration again and try to access the admin console using
you should be able to access jboss admin console.

tomcat - Can't access to project pages error 404

I'm trying to run my project in Tomcat 7.0.65. The server starts correctly and I can even enter the Tomcat main page, but I can't enter any of my project pages and I get the HTTP 404 error. I tried adding the server again and changing the location from workspace but I still get the same error. Server was working fine a while ago. Any help would be appreciated, I'll leave the image with the error message here.
Try restarting your SQL service. If this doesn't work you can go to the properties of the tomcat server and click the "switch location button"

netbeans jboss client connection failure

I just started to learn EJB by going thru a tutorial. I started a JBoss server on localhost. The server started ok, listening on port 4447, 9999 & 8080.
But I keep getting an error running a client. The error message is:
Could not obtain connection to any of these urls: localhost:1099.
I tried to change the port number to 4447, 9999,8080, but still keep getting the same error message.
JBoss version jboss-as-7.1.0.Final. NetBeans 7.4. JDK 1.6. I already spent hours on it, but still was not able fix it. Any help will be appreciated.
Your client is using the old jnp-protocol for JNDI-lookup (see or code). This is not supported in jboss7. You need to go along the lines of

Issue with deploying GWT to Cloudfoundry

I am trying to get a a basic GWT App working in cloudfoundry.
The issue is From Eclipse,its all good.and it says deployed and started.
When I got to URL,error is: VCAP ROUTER: 404 - DESTINATION NOT FOUND.
Also,From Eclipse,Its Ok except usage screen looks suspicious.
I used right click on module descriptor *.gwt.xml and deploy for creating war.
and deployed on tomcat 7 as described here:
tomcat 7 on cloudfoundry
and it worked nice.
you can use above steps for deploying gwt on