Paypal Webhooks vs direct PaypalApi response - paypal

Sorry if this question is stupid, but:
Why we should use web-hooks for payments if paypal responds with correct statuses and information about payment, payer, sale etc. when we create payment via REST PaymentAPI. The same with payouts. Probably I don't know something?

The user (purchaser) has the option of using funds from his/her PayPal wallet (PayPal funds), linked credit card(s), or linked bank account(s). Just because the payment has been executed does not mean the funds have been transferred, especially in the case of linked bank account(s). Funds from a checking account, etc. can take several days to transfer.


Is it possible to send an ACH payment directly from a US bank account to a PayPal account?

Is it possible to send a payment through PayPal, where the payment originates as an ACH payment, and then is sent to a PayPal account holder, without having to originate the payment from a PayPal account?
Put differently — we would like to send a payment to a PayPal account holder, without first having to pull the money into our own PayPal account. We process payments via ACH, and we'd prefer to not have to deposit the funds into our PayPal account before transferring them to the destination PayPal account. We'd prefer to be able to deposit them directly into the PayPal account.
Is that possible?
The only way to do that would be to have a 3rd party user add your bank account to their PayPal account so they could submit deposits directly into their PayPal account from your bank. I'm guessing that's not what you're after.
If you simply submit a regular PayPal payment, though, while it will technically flow through the PayPal account it would go directly to the receiver's PayPal account instantly as long as you have a credit card associated with your PayPal account. This is much faster than ACH and protects your bank account details from receivers as well, so that's really what I would recommend anyway.
The only disadvantage I can see to having it flow through PayPal is may an additional entry for your accountant to deal with in the books (transfer from bank to PayPal, then payment from PayPal to vendor) but that is not a very big problem. The advantages far outweigh that in my opinion.

Funding business paypal account from bank via api

Yes i know this question looks similar to Add funds to PayPal from Bank Account , but I have a legitimate circumstance why that answer is not acceptable.
I have many recipients that I need to automatically pay out each day, and need my paypal account to have suitable funds (while only making ONE call to my bank account). My bank account has transaction limits and I therefore can't afford to make 10+ withdrawals a day.
I plan on using Mass Payments api, does anyone know if this makes one lump withdrawal for the total amount of all the payments combined that are wrapped up in a mass payment?
Alternatively, does anyone know of an api way of funding a paypal account from a bank account?
Unfortunately, there isn't any way to fund your PayPal account from your bank through the API. MassPay won't automatically do it either. You would need to have the funds already available in PayPal for MassPay to work.

Paypal API, What are its capabilities?

Well I asked though the paypal site, but have got no answer. I got the famous email with "Your question has been received. To review the status of your ticket, click on the link below." with no link in it. So I'm hoping I can get an answer here.
This is what I sent them:
It appears you have multiple APIs available and I'm having a hard time figuring out what the each API is capable of doing exactly. I want to create a site that in short, brings buyers and seller together. Here is what I am looking for:
Buyer and Seller make an agreement through site.
Buyer sends money, seller is unable to touch it yet though. (Basically can paypal secure a payment?)
Seller gets notice of money sent and notice to ship product ship product.
Alternative paths for step 4:
Buyer gets product and there are no issues, the buyer confirms the transaction and payment is released to the seller and a set % is sent to me. (Can paypal split payments?)
Seller never ships product or problem arise in shipping that cannot be resolved, paypal returns money to buyer without penalty. (Can paypal return funds without penalty?)
Product arrives, but has issues. There will be set penalties for said issues. Penalities are returned to the buyer, then rest is sent to seller and set % sent to me. (can paypal enact a penalty?)
Any general information or answers to my specific questions would be greatly appreciated. thank you for your time.
For #2, since you're the service provider, you'll be liable for product delivery. Paypal won't do it for you.
An ideal workflow would be:
Your buyers pay you
You withold the payment
Buyer okays the shipment
You keep your cut and pay the rest to the seller
If you have to refund your buyer (order cancellation, or some other reason), you can use paypal's refund api
To summarize, paypal is just a payment processor and would ensure that payment reaches from endpoint A to endpoint B. How you use paypal for your particular use cases is totally upto you.

Withdraw money feature for paypal

Basically I have a script where user should have Withdraw button on his account so he can automatically withdraw money from my paypal balance
What API should I use in this case and is this available at all for paypal?
You may be interested in the Mass Pay API. You can send them in batches, say daily, weekly, or monthly.
See here for an explination directly from paypal:
The MassPay API allows you to send payments to up to 250 recipients with a single API call. The payment amount for each recipient is specified individually, but all payments in a MassPay API request must have the same currency type. You can choose to specify recipients by email address or PayPal customer account number.
And here for PHP examples (if you're using PHP):
There are additional examples and a large amount of documentation on the first link, regardless of programming language used.
Please keep in mind Mass Pay has it's own fee schedule.
There is also Adaptive payments, which may be more up your alley, as it's designed for more fine-grained control and has a larger API available. Information can be obtained here:
However, the Adaptive payments will require approval of each Payment by you (the sender) via the PayPal website. If you want 100% automation, the Mass Pay API is the way to go.
Please realize a mistake here could cost you infinate amounts of money, so tread extremely carefully.
If you're attempting to withdraw money from your PayPal account and move it to your bank account that's not something you can do via the API, unfortunately. You have to do that manually through PayPal, or you can call them and request that they enable AutoSweep for you, which will automatically move the balance in PayPal to your bank at the end of each day.
Ya there is preapproval api in AdaptivePayment. You can approve the api caller for the amount he want to withdraw from your account on your behalf.
You can refer api here :

Transfer amount to credit card from paypal

I have stuck into the problem of related to transfer amount back to credit card from paypal when user cancel his/her transaction. I don't want to use paypal refund feature in our application. My client requires to send back amount at the same time when user cancel his/her transaction.
Can anyone guide me to complete this feature or is there any API to solve such type of feature.
Thanks in advance.
I don't want to use paypal refund feature in our application. My
client requires to send back amount at the same time when user cancel
his/her transaction.
How PayPal Refunds
You don't want to use PayPal's refund feature, but you want to send money back to the buyer? This is called a refund. I am sure you are mistaking how PayPal refunds money. If the user pays with a credit card, they are refunded to their credit card. If they pay with a bank account or PayPal account, they are refunded to their PayPal account.
API calls that refund buyers
DoNonReferencedCredit would refund to a credit card you specify, everytime, and you do not need a transaction ID.
In a scenario where the buyer no longer has a card that was
associated with a transaction, or the time allotted for a refund in
PayPal has passed, you would want to use the DoNonReferencedCredit
RefundTransaction would refund the funding source as described in the "How PayPal Refunds" paragraph.
If your main concern is to issue a refund, via API, you have a transaction ID (you say a payment has been completed so you should have a transaction ID), AND PayPal's refund time has not passed, you should use the RefundTransaction API.
You might be able to use something like DoNonReferencedCredit from the paypal API - but I'm not 100% sure on that.