Paypal API, What are its capabilities? - paypal

Well I asked though the paypal site, but have got no answer. I got the famous email with "Your question has been received. To review the status of your ticket, click on the link below." with no link in it. So I'm hoping I can get an answer here.
This is what I sent them:
It appears you have multiple APIs available and I'm having a hard time figuring out what the each API is capable of doing exactly. I want to create a site that in short, brings buyers and seller together. Here is what I am looking for:
Buyer and Seller make an agreement through site.
Buyer sends money, seller is unable to touch it yet though. (Basically can paypal secure a payment?)
Seller gets notice of money sent and notice to ship product ship product.
Alternative paths for step 4:
Buyer gets product and there are no issues, the buyer confirms the transaction and payment is released to the seller and a set % is sent to me. (Can paypal split payments?)
Seller never ships product or problem arise in shipping that cannot be resolved, paypal returns money to buyer without penalty. (Can paypal return funds without penalty?)
Product arrives, but has issues. There will be set penalties for said issues. Penalities are returned to the buyer, then rest is sent to seller and set % sent to me. (can paypal enact a penalty?)
Any general information or answers to my specific questions would be greatly appreciated. thank you for your time.

For #2, since you're the service provider, you'll be liable for product delivery. Paypal won't do it for you.
An ideal workflow would be:
Your buyers pay you
You withold the payment
Buyer okays the shipment
You keep your cut and pay the rest to the seller
If you have to refund your buyer (order cancellation, or some other reason), you can use paypal's refund api
To summarize, paypal is just a payment processor and would ensure that payment reaches from endpoint A to endpoint B. How you use paypal for your particular use cases is totally upto you.


Paypal Webhooks vs direct PaypalApi response

Sorry if this question is stupid, but:
Why we should use web-hooks for payments if paypal responds with correct statuses and information about payment, payer, sale etc. when we create payment via REST PaymentAPI. The same with payouts. Probably I don't know something?
The user (purchaser) has the option of using funds from his/her PayPal wallet (PayPal funds), linked credit card(s), or linked bank account(s). Just because the payment has been executed does not mean the funds have been transferred, especially in the case of linked bank account(s). Funds from a checking account, etc. can take several days to transfer.

Delayed chained payments vs. Authorize/Capture + Mass Pay - use case scenario

My use case: buyer buys service from seller, our app facilitates and guaranties the transaction. It should work in the way that buyer sends the money to us, we check if buyer received the service, in that case we send the money to seller. Otherwise we refund the buyer. Important is to have 2 payments solutions for the buyer: paypal account and card payment without account. The whole use case is international.
I'm testing this in sandbox environment.
Possible solutions:
Adaptive payments - Delayed chained payments:
Works fine. Disadvantage is that the seller must grant us permission so that the refund works. The problem here is that the permission api is under maintenance, so i am waiting for all the changes . Is this big deal?
Express checkout Authorize/Capture + Mass Pay:
Works OK. Advantage here is that in case of refund (void after authorize) we don't have to pay the fee. Disadvantage here is that I'm not sure if authorize holds the funds, so that even buyer without account paying with card cannot touch the money and I can capture them in 3 days. Another issue is that when I authorize 40$ from PayPal account with 30$ balance, I capture the whole 40$. How come?
I have no previous experience with PayPal I now the app should work on international scale. Please if you have any tips, articles or practical experience with this use case share it!
Delayed Chained Payment is great. I solved the issue by making my application the secondary receiver and the seller primary one. Seller must grant a permision to my app in case of refunds, but there is no better way.
However, now the issue is that when buyer pays without account (Guest Payment - with card) all receivers must be Business or Premier account holders:
Each receiver of a guest payment must be a verified PayPal business or premier account holder.
The issue is that in sanbox it works even if the primary receiver (seller) is NOT Business or Premiere account. What is wrong?
1) Do you have yourself set as the primary receiver? If so, I don't think you would need to have permissions granted unless you had already run ExecutePayment to push the money to the secondary receiver account. If you're refunding before that happens you shouldn't need permissions (though I haven't tested this specifically, so I could be wrong.)
2) Regarding the fee, if you refund a payment that went through Adaptive then PayPal would refund the fee back to you, so you're not really gaining anything here as far as that goes.
The authorizations can be tricky. I theory, the authorized funds should be guaranteed for 3 days, but you still capture within 30 days (or maybe 60) even though it may or may not have funds available at that point (it would simply succeed or fail).
You could run a Reauthorization after the first 3 days to get yourself an additional 3 days of guaranteed funds, but I don't think you can do that more than once.
Much of that depends on the card issuing banks, though. Even though PayPal's docs may specify certain things regarding how authorizations work, if the card issuing bank has different rules associated with their credit cards that could throw things off.
As for why a $40 auth would work when the PayPal balance is only $30, I think that may be because of secondary funding sources. If you have bank account and/or credit cards setup in the account, PayPal would assume it can pull from those sources when the time comes to capture if the PayPal funds alone don't cover it. Depending on your use-case this may or may not be ideal.
You are mixing multiple concepts with this question. There are different PayPal PAYMENT products (adaptive with chained payments vs express checkout) and then there is the question of authorizations vs immediate payments.
Agree with Andrew that fees in the refund case is not the right basis to choose a solution. Much more significant is what the sender & receivers will see in their accounts (payments to/from you, or from/to the other party?), simplicity/reliability of the overall system (can an error on your side cause failed or multiple payments?), liability, and even regulatory questions (e.g., are you acting as an escrow service?).
If PayPal gives you an auth from a PayPal buyer it means that PayPal guarantees (with certain very limited exceptions) that it will honor a capture of those funds within the specified time and amount limits (which can vary with the specific scenario). PayPal might make that guarantee based on the sender's balance, credit cards, bank accounts, or combination of factors. You as the recipient needn't care - that is between PayPal and the buyer. (And it's PayPal's limits/conditions which apply to that auth, NOT the conditions of the sender's underlying credit card/bank/etc; PayPal protects you from that complexity.)
In contrast if the auth is from a card network rather than a PayPal account (ie the user gives card info rather than using a PP account, whether or not PayPal is your payment processor), then that network specifies and controls the conditions of the auth.
PS: if you are waiting for Adaptive Payments changes, you may have a long wait. Release 89 was quite some time ago and PayPal's priorities are on the RESTful APIs, not Adaptive.

Credit Card Payment - secondary money receiver

I working on an e-commerce site where I need to do something like this.
When the users is on payment page, he should be doing the following things:
- pays a fee
- authorize the payment of an amount (which could vary, but not with a big amount...)
Up to here, everything goes find with PayPal Direct payment system.
But I need more. I need that the authorized amount at some point to be directly charged by another seller (or transferred)
Any chance I can do this with PayPal Direct (such the the payment would still be made in site)? Or is there any other method?
If you're receiving the money via DoDirectPayment you could use MassPay or Pay to send funds to a 3rd party. If you want the split to happen within the original payment you can use Pay by itself and set it up as a parallel or chained payment. See the Adaptive Payments documentation for more details on that.
(Disclaimer: I am employee) Balanced will work for your use case
capturing cards directly without sending user to a third party site
paying out to a merchant of your choice via ACH payout at a later point in time.
The caveat is it's US only so if your outside the US let me know and I'll see if I can find any other options for you.

PayPal PreApproved Payments

I am using PayPal PreApproved payments for my crowd funding website, where project backers are only charged if the project is successfully backed.
I am worried that high rate of payments will fail when the PayPal API tries to collect the funds when a project is successful:
a backer might not have any funds in their PayPal account
a backer might close their account once the project is successful (to intentionally stop payment)
a backer might remove/cancel their preapproved payment
There are a number of ways that the payment could fail which would mean that the project owner would not get their funds.
Can anyone suggest a way of tightening or securing payments. Please note, that PayPal will only allow you to use PreApproved payments for crowdfunding. Please also note that project owners need to be able to receive the funds from my site. Sometimes, these funds can be as small as $10 or up to $10,000 so we need to use PayPal to pay them as there is not other method of getting the funds to the project owner
I've implemented Paypal Adaptive payments and used them for payments at and we had the exact problems you are describing. The capture rate is almost random, we were down to 35% with one campaign and had to manually send all backers invoices.
When capturing we had backers with closed/unauthorized accounts, insufficient funds, unavailable payment methods etc. We switched to just doing direct capture for a while, which is great since we get 100% of all pledges, but Paypal closed our account without notice when one of our campaigns mentioned the word "Cuba".
The solution in the end was to scrap Paypal so now we're using Wepay and Dwolla, and we're considering Bitpay (Bitcoin) as well. Seems to like Paypal wants to kill crowdfunding or doesn't understand it. Anything less than a 90% capture rate is totally unacceptable and will cause projects to fail.
Preapproval isn't the only thing they'll allow you to use. That's just one part of the Adaptive Payments API, but you could go with a delayed chained payment, too.
This way your account can be treated sort of like an Escrow. You can use the Pay API to create payments in the system that are split between receivers accordingly. Only the primary receiver would get paid at first, though, and then you can call ExecutePayment to submit the secondary payments from the primary account within 90 days.
This way the primary account holds all of the funds so they're available to pay out when the goal is reached. If the goal is not reached the payments could be refunded.

How to do PayPal/Google Checkout in an Auction style web application?

I'm curious if there is a way to process/connect buyers and sellers on my site without the site having to charge the buyer and credit the seller. In other words, I don't want to touch the money, but I do want to integrate the process as much as possible on my site.
I guess what I'm asking is how do auction sites manage the transactions between buyer and seller? I really don't want my site to resort to emailing the buyer with the seller's contact information and saying .... "here's the sellers info. Good luck with that."
Ebay seems to allow a buyer to go to PayPal and pay the seller, but returns back to Ebay with payment confirmation. Even though the transaction is between Buyer and Seller, Ebay is able to retrieve some details about that transaction. Is this simply because Ebay owns PayPal, or can other sites do the same?
-This is an old question but the information is a bit off so I will try to re-answer.
It is all doable. There is no custom code going on like codingspace is suggesting.
Paypal has a number of checkout types, I have some decent experience with express checkout so I will try to answer with an example of those calls.
You set up the payment with a SetExpressCheckout call using your call back uri (so you see if the customer confirms) and the sellers info in the request (you will need appropriate information from the seller).
With that, once they confirm you can bill them with DoExpressCheckoutPayment using the sellers and info and the returned information from SetExpressCheckout.
And that is effectively the process. Pretty simple really.
In terms of taking a commission, you can't do it via that specific transaction. What most mass retailers do is keep a record of all the commissions and bill the seller at the end of the month. The other option is forcing sellers to buy prepay credit which is then used on commisions of each sale, this is what does (NZ's ebay.)
Let me know any questions.
I'm guessing you don't want to take a commission off of each sale on your site then. The only thing that comes to mind is to have the seller provide their own paypal "buy now" button after the sale that you can then give to the buyer.