Report Packages in Enterprise Architect - enterprise-architect

What is the difference between the stereotype "master document" and "report package" in Enterprise Architect? I will be generating a document from multiple model documents and I want to organize them better to mimic the structure of the resulting document. I thought creating "report packages" would do this for me, but whenever I go to generate a document from the "master document" it does not go into the "report packages" and run the model documents contained.

Master Documents are deprecated as of Version 12.1. Source
The main difference with Report Packages being that Report Packages do not have the RTFTemplate TaggedValue.
Otherwise they function the same.
I suggest on using Report Packages as Master Documents are being deprecated.
To produce virtual documents, create a report package and place your model documents in them
Assign a template to each of your model documents(in the taggedvalues)
The order in which your Model documents generate is the order in which they appear in the Project Browser
Once your report package is complete you can right-click it to generate documentation, you don't need to change the template(Model Report) to generate it
Virtual documents documentation(EA13):


How can I pull a report of effort by person in Azure DevOps under the Scrum template?

In Azure DevOps, I need to pull a report of the work done by person in order to distribute payments between team members.
Since the VSTS does not support rollup of the Effort directly:
I suggest you use query to pull out the report of effort for all teams first, then download this report and roll up the effort by person.
Step1: Go Query page, then add Effort column by open Columns Options:
Note: This steps is very import, this can help for pull out a report which contains the Effort field.
Step2: Create a query like below shown:
In the value of State, just input the states which represent the work done in your project. For me, there has 2 states can represent the work has been done: Done and Closed. For Assign to, you could specify the group(s) name which cover the all person you want to check in value blank.
Step3: Download this into CSV by using the button Export to CSV:
Steps4: The above step would generate a excel in local. Then you could apply the Pivot table into that to count the effort by

How can we create dynamic drop down list in Drools(Kie server)?

I need to work on drop down list in Kie server for Drools using "GUIDED DECISION TABLES".
where I can make drop down list which is constant. But, I need to read the data from backend of code as list of string and then the same I can display in drop down list. I tried multiple source but not found any source to make dynamic data in drop down.
we can have a look where I have created as drop down list ->
enter image description here
Have you looked in the documentation There is a part "External data sources in enumerations"?
'Applicant.region' : (new com.mycompany.DataHelper()).getListOfRegions()
Have a look you have what you need.
Of course, you have to package you java code in a maven artefact that you add as a dependency in your kjar drools maven artefact

How can I list features associated to an epic with a flat list query?

Sprint 146 in Azure DevOps introduced the possibility to embed queries in the Wiki. More info here:
I have a query that lists all the features added to an epic and extracts data like this:
Epic X
Feature 1
Feature 2
Feature 3
This is "Work item and direct links" kind of query, but the Wiki accepts only "Flat list of work items" query. Is there a way to achieve the same result with this type of query?
I'm thinking of something like:
Work Item Type = Epic
AND ID = 1234
The result will be a list of features, but will be good enough for my purpose. Features are epics' children.
Any idea?
This is a long-standing issue with the need for a "Flat list of work items", the Dashboard widgets that require a flat list also don't accept a Work Items + Direct Links, show (Parent | Child).
I suggest you file a suggestion over at Developer Community.
A trick to bypass this problem is to use a tool, like the TFS Aggregator CLI (currently in beta testing), to automatically populate a field on each work item with their Parent ID. You can then filter on that using the standard flat-list.

Sparx EA Reporting - Understanding Loops

I am trying to create a Sparx Enterprise Architect Report and need some assistance in understanding the Reporting Sections and how loops are processed. My intention is to get as simple report of a process diagram, and then show all linked requirements.. the structure would be as follows:
List of Elements in Package (as a table)
Then for each Element
List of Linked Requirements (as a table)
This is how I have setup the configuration:
The template fragment is simply a query that returns all requirements which are linked to elements within the current package.
There must be an easier way to simply list specific elements in a package. then re-iterate the same list of elements to process their connections?

How can I exclude a "report.specification" from a Report in Enterprise Architect?

I am attempting to generate a data dictionary for a package, but I cannot figure out how to exclude the report that is my data dictionary.
I get this item:
in my generated PDF on the last page:
I have tried Generate Documentation ➜ Exclude Filters ➜ Exclude diagram type and selecting Extended Documentation, Maintenance, and ModelDocument
And I have also tried Generate Documentation ➜ Exclude Filters ➜ Element Filters and adding a filter where the Name Not Equals Data Dictionary
But I still get the "Data Dictionary" page as the last page in my data dictionary.
I do not have enough reputation yet to comment for clarification so I went ahead and tested it on my own
It works for me (On EA Version 13.1308):
Package setup with the report specification
Element Filters set
(I cannot provide more images as I reached my links limit, just take my word for it, the report specification isn't in the final report)
Provide each step you are doing to generate your report
Also, make sure you are not closing the generate Documentation window after setting your filters, as it will remove them