Run trigger at specific date and time - date

I want to run a trigger at specific date and time (+or - 15 min).
I have a date min string with YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format say 2017-04-01 18:05 How will I modify the below script to run at 18 hours and 5 minutes.
var triggerDay = new Date(2017, 04, 01);

You can try this:
function createTimeDrivenTriggers() {
// Trigger on 2017-04-01 around 18:00 (±15 min).
.atDate(2017, 04, 01)

// the full Date constructor is:
// new Date( year, month, day, hour, min, sec, ms )
var triggerDay = new Date(2017, 3, 01, 18, 5);
I'm pretty sure that the month in the constructor is zero-based (January==0), so, I changed the 04 to a 3.


Flutter : How to set the hours, minutes and seconds to 0 from today's date irrespective of the time?

I am trying to implement something which requires the date to be set at 00:00:00 for the next day.
For example :
DateTime? created_at =; //lets say Jul 25 10:35:90
Now I want a variable start_date whose value should be Jul 26 00:00:00
How can I achieve this ?
Any help will be appreciated.
You can do something like below
DateTime? now =; //lets say Jul 25 10:35:90
var lastMidnight = DateTime(now.year, now.month, + 1);
It return 2022-07-26 00:00:00.000

Converting the Time format in dateTime from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59

I have converted a Date into DateTime format, and it is returning me the hour format in 00:00:00 but I want it to be in 23:59:59
Date startDate = Date.newInstance(2021,2,1);
This returns the output as 2021-02-01 00:00:00
When I try to convert this to the 23:59:59 hour format by using the below code
DateTime startDateConvertTwo = DateTime.newInstance(startDate, Time.newInstance(23, 59, 59, 0));
It is pushing the date to next day and returning the value of 2021-02-02 07:59:59
I tried to sort this out by changing the values of Time.newInstance by adding it as Time.newInstance(15, 59, 59, 0) by doing which I get the expected result. But is it the right way to achieve what I am trying to do?
Please let me know if there are any other ways.
The returned output of Date startDate = Date.newInstance(2021,2,1); is not 2021-02-01 00:00:00. It's just a date with no information about time, but System.debug() display it as a DateTime, that's why you see 00:00:00.
Try System.debug(String.valueOf(startDate)); to see only the Date part.
DateTime.newInstance(date, time)
Constructs a DateTime from the specified date and time in the local time zone.
As documentation states, the DateTime you get is in your own time zone. Anyway System.debug() shows it in UTC time zone (GMT+0), so if your time zone is GMT-8 you'll see 2021-02-02 07:59:59.
System.debug(String.valueOf(startDateConvertTwo )); will shows the DateTime in your own time zone, so you'll see 2021-02-01 23:59:59.
If you need a DateTime in GMT you could use DateTime.newInstanceGmt(date, time):
DateTime startDateGMT = DateTime.newInstanceGmt(startDate, Time.newInstance(23, 59, 59, 0));
If you cannot use that method, you could add your offset to a DateTime:
public static DateTime toUTC(DateTime value) {
Integer offset = UserInfo.getTimezone().getOffset(value);
return value.addSeconds(offset/1000);
You could test it in anonymous console:
Date startDate = Date.newInstance(2021,2,1);
DateTime startDateConvertTwo = DateTime.newInstance(startDate, Time.newInstance(23, 59, 59, 0));
DateTime startDateGMT = DateTime.newInstanceGmt(startDate, Time.newInstance(23, 59, 59, 0));
DateTime startDateGMT2 = toUTC(startDateConvertTwo);
System.debug('startDateConvertTwo: ' + startDateConvertTwo); // startDateConvertTwo: 2021-02-01 22:59:59 // Because I'm at GMT+1
System.debug('String.valueOf(startDateConvertTwo): ' + String.valueOf(startDateConvertTwo)); // String.valueOf(startDateConvertTwo): 2021-02-01 23:59:59
System.debug('startDateGMT: ' + startDateGMT); // startDateGMT: 2021-02-01 23:59:59 // Now it's in UTC
System.debug('String.valueOf(startDateGMT): ' + String.valueOf(startDateGMT)); // String.valueOf(startDateGMT): 2021-02-02 00:59:59 // So in my locale time it's the day after,
System.debug('startDateGMT2: ' + startDateGMT2); // startDateGMT2: 2021-02-01 23:59:59 // Same as startDateGMT
System.debug('String.valueOf(startDateGMT2): ' + String.valueOf(startDateGMT2)); // String.valueOf(startDateGMT2): 2021-02-02 00:59:59
public static DateTime toUTC(DateTime value) {
Integer offset = UserInfo.getTimezone().getOffset(value);
return value.addSeconds(offset/1000);
The output of startDateGMT and startDateGMT2 will be the same.
Noteworthy: DateTime fields are stored in GMT. When shown in the standard Salesforce UI, they're converted to the user's timezone.

How to convert text to date format in google sheet?

In my google sheet I have a column with dates but its in a text format. here an example what I have:
Oct 01, 2021
Dec 25, 2020
I want to convert it to a date format
I need to find the number of days from the dates in this column, by using "date in column" - now(). This does not work with the format "Oct 01, 2021" since its a text, and I am getting an error from Googlesheet.
Thanks in advance
Try this formula in F2:
NOW(), "D")))
Revised the formula, which goes in F1 and fills the column, to:
IFERROR(-1 * DATEDIF( DATE( RIGHT(E2:E,4), MATCH(LEFT(E2:E,3),{"Jan";"Feb";"Mar";"Apr";"May";"Jun";"Jul";"Aug";"Sep";"Oct";"Nov";"Dec"},0), MID(E2:E,5,2)), NOW(), "D"),
IFERROR(DATEDIF( NOW(),DATE( RIGHT(E2:E,4), MATCH(LEFT(E2:E,3),{"Jan";"Feb";"Mar";"Apr";"May";"Jun";"Jul";"Aug";"Sep";"Oct";"Nov";"Dec"},0), MID(E2:E,5,2)), "D"))))}
which reverses the date difference values. It also handles date differences for dates either in the future, or in the past.
Use the DATEVALUE() function on a date string, then use DATEDIF() to find the difference between two dates.
=DATEDIF(DATEVALUE("Oct 01, 2020"), DATEVALUE("Dec 25, 2020"), "D")
UPDATE: To find the date between today and a date string in another cell use this example:
If cell A2 contains string Oct 01, 2020, it will return 70 for today 2020-12-10

Truncate date to start of the day in a given timeZone

I am looking to truncate the date time to start of the day for the given timeZone.
If the current time is Mon Aug 24 15:38:42 America/Los_Angeles, it should be truncated to start of the day Mon Aug 24 00:00:00 America/Los_Angeles which then later should be converted to equivalent UTC time.
I have explored the methods provided by Joda Time Library, Apache Commons Library and ZonedDateTime but all of them truncate the date time in UTC and not to specific timeZone.
Can someone help me with this? Thanks in advance.
You can use ZonedDateTime. Use toLocalDate() on ZonedDateTime to get LocalDate then atStartOfDay on LocalDate with zone of ZonedDateTime instance to get the start of day.
ZonedDateTime now ="America/Los_Angeles"));
ZonedDateTime startOfDay = now.toLocalDate().atStartOfDay(now.getZone());
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.RFC_1123_DATE_TIME;
System.out.println(now.format(formatter)); // Mon, 24 Aug 2020 10:41:41 -0700
System.out.println(startOfDay.format(formatter)); // Mon, 24 Aug 2020 00:00:00 -0700
ZonedDateTime truncates in its own time zone. So it can be done a bit simpler than in the currently accepted answer (which is also a good and correct answer).
ZonedDateTime given = ZonedDateTime.of(2020, 8, 24, 15, 38, 42, 0, ZoneId.of("America/Los_Angeles"));
ZonedDateTime startOfDay = given.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.DAYS);
System.out.println("Truncated to start of day: " + startOfDay);
Instant inUtc = startOfDay.toInstant();
System.out.println("In UTC: " + inUtc);
Output is:
Truncated to start of day: 2020-08-24T00:00-07:00[America/Los_Angeles]
In UTC: 2020-08-24T07:00:00Z

Find objects between two dates along with specific time MongoDB

I have been trying to filter all the objects which are created within a specific date range as well a specific time range.
For example: Consider the following scenario
if following are my filter's start date, end date, start time and end time.
startDate: 23/01/2015 endDate: 25/01/2015
startTime: 10:00:00 endTime: 16:00:00
So I need to filter all the objects which are created between the startDate(23/01/2015) and endDate(25/01/2015). Also the creation time should be between startTime(10:00:00) and endTime(16:00:00).
So an object which is created on 24/01/2015 but at 09:00:00 will not be filtered according to my use case.
Is there any mongo query to achieve the same where we can pass date and time separately. If not kindly suggest some workaround.
for (var d = new Date(2015, 0, 23, 10, 00, 00); d <= new Date(2015, 0,25,16,00,00); d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1)) {
var d1 = d.setHours(d.getHours()+6);
db.coll.find({createdDate:{$gte:d, $lte:d1}})