How to convert text to date format in google sheet? - date

In my google sheet I have a column with dates but its in a text format. here an example what I have:
Oct 01, 2021
Dec 25, 2020
I want to convert it to a date format
I need to find the number of days from the dates in this column, by using "date in column" - now(). This does not work with the format "Oct 01, 2021" since its a text, and I am getting an error from Googlesheet.
Thanks in advance

Try this formula in F2:
NOW(), "D")))
Revised the formula, which goes in F1 and fills the column, to:
IFERROR(-1 * DATEDIF( DATE( RIGHT(E2:E,4), MATCH(LEFT(E2:E,3),{"Jan";"Feb";"Mar";"Apr";"May";"Jun";"Jul";"Aug";"Sep";"Oct";"Nov";"Dec"},0), MID(E2:E,5,2)), NOW(), "D"),
IFERROR(DATEDIF( NOW(),DATE( RIGHT(E2:E,4), MATCH(LEFT(E2:E,3),{"Jan";"Feb";"Mar";"Apr";"May";"Jun";"Jul";"Aug";"Sep";"Oct";"Nov";"Dec"},0), MID(E2:E,5,2)), "D"))))}
which reverses the date difference values. It also handles date differences for dates either in the future, or in the past.

Use the DATEVALUE() function on a date string, then use DATEDIF() to find the difference between two dates.
=DATEDIF(DATEVALUE("Oct 01, 2020"), DATEVALUE("Dec 25, 2020"), "D")
UPDATE: To find the date between today and a date string in another cell use this example:
If cell A2 contains string Oct 01, 2020, it will return 70 for today 2020-12-10


Wrong day when using day()-formula with format - PowerBI

I'm trying to find out the weekday i.e Mon, Tue, Wed etc. from a date-range formatted as yyyy mm dd
I tried to use the formula format(day(Date Table),"ddd"), but the weekday is wrong. In my example, the output of 2020.01.01 gives Sunday, but it should be Wednesday.
I think your formula is wrong:
Instead of
format(day(Date Table),"ddd")
format(<Target Table>[<date column>],"ddd")
I.e. Omit the DAX DAY call. This is resulting in the day of the month (1..31) being passed to the format function.
When you use the DAY function in DAX, it returns the day of the month (1 through 31).
Thus DAY ( DATE ( 2020, 1, 1) ) = 1 which means you're trying to format the number 1 as a date. Integers are interpreted as days since 1899/12/30 when treated as a date, so 1 corresponds to 1899/12/31, which happened to be a Sunday. Thus FORMAT(1, "ddd") = "Sun".
There's no reason to get DAY involved here. You can simply write
Day = FORMAT ( 'Calendar'[Date], "ddd" )

Crystal Reports - If date field is greater than today then today else date field

I am working on a contract and need a date to be the current date if {month3} is after the current date.
I have tried it every way imaginable, I have 2 scenarios where if {month3} is after the current date it prints {month3}, but if {month3} is prior to the current date it prints the current date and hides part of the text above it.
It works on one but not the other, Go easy on me, it's my first post!
IF TOTEXT({Month3},"MMMM dd, yyyy") >= TOTEXT((Currentdate),"MMMM dd, yyyy") THEN
TOTEXT((Currentdate),"MMMM dd, yyyy")
TOTEXT({Month3},"MMMM dd, yyyy")
{Month 3} = 7/30/2020
From contract signing to July 30, 2020
From July 07, 2020 to the start of the official event date
the other one is right
{month3} = 5/18/20
Top sentence is hidden and it says:
From July 07, 2020 to the start of the official event date
It's because you compare text-strings instead of dates. Remove the TOTEXT-function and set the date format directly on the properties of the formula field.
IF {Month3} >= Currentdate THEN

Sas changing of date format

I have three columns with date formatted differently in SAS:
12 june 2017 00:15 - full date
2016 - only year
12 - only month
I Need to change the format of date and subtract after the dates to get results in the number of months.
for instance, "12 June 2017 00:15" - December 2016 = 7
how to do it?
As you have probably already found, there isn't a ready-made SAS date informat that will correctly handle your full date field, so you'll need to write a bit of custom logic to convert it before doing your calculation. date9. is the closest matching format I could find:
data example;
fulldate = '12 june 2017 00:15';
year = 2016;
month = 12;
/* Convert string to date9 format and input */
fulldate_num = input(
substr(scan(fulldate,2,' '),1,3),
), date9.
/* Calculate difference in months */
monthdiff = intck('month', mdy(month,1,year), fulldate_num);
Convert the "full date" field to a SAS date value.
Convert the combo of year and month to a SAS date value, too.
Use the INTCK function to find the difference in months.
For example:
data dates ;
input dt $18. yy mm ;
mm_diff = intck ("mon", input (cats (yy, mm), yymmn6.), input (dt, anydtdte12.)) ;
put mm_diff= ;
cards ;
12 june 2017 00:15 2016 12
11 june 2018 00:15 2017 3
run ;
The log will print:
As a side note, the statement "there isn't a ready-made SAS date informat that will correctly handle your full date field" made elsewhere in this thread is incorrect. As the program snippet above shows, the ANYDTDTEw. informat handles it with aplomb. It's just incumbent upon the programmer to supply a sufficient informat width W. Above, it is selected as W=12. If you're reluctant to guess and/or count, just use ANYDTDTE32.
Paul Dorfman
Assuming that you have three numeric variables and the first one contains valid SAS datetime values you should first convert both to valid SAS date values. You can then use the INTCK() function to count months.
nmonths = intck('month',datepart(VAR1),mdy(VAR3,1,VAR2));

JavaFX8 Convert String to date using DateTimeStringConverter

I would like convert string to date (dd/MM/YYYY) - this is useful for compare dates in TableColumns.
so i use DateTimeStringConverter (the string "01/11/2014" is a value of DatePicker)
DateTimeStringConverter format = new DateTimeStringConverter(Locale.FRANCE,
Date d1 = format.fromString("01/11/2014");
I don't obtain the right date but this date = "Mon Dec 30 00:00:00 CET 2013" !!!
I don't understand what is the problem (which in fact should not be a problem) ?
Any ideas ?
Thank you in advance

Crystal Reports show current month as a 2 digit field

I wonder if anyone could help on this please? I need to show the current month as a 2 digit field. IE
January as 01
February as 02
March as 03
etc until
October as 10
November as 11
December as 12
The formula I am using is: ToText ("0"& Month(CurrentDate))
but shows January as 01.00
ie need to remove the decimal point and the decimal places
Many thanks, Rob
Try this:
ToText( CurrentDate, "MM")
The ToText function will automatically convert the date you are supplying to whatever format you want. You don't need to use the Month function. Per the documentation, you just supply the date and the output format. For the month, you use "MM".
ToText(CurrentDate, "MM")
According to the documention, these are the valid strings you can use
Pattern Result
d Numeric day of month without leading zero (1, 7, 31)
dd Numeric day of month with leading zero (01, 07, 31)
ddd Three day abbreviation of day of week (Mon, Sat)
dddd Full name of day of week (Monday, Saturday)
M Numeric month without leading zero (1, 7, 12)
MM Numeric month with leading zero (01, 07, 12)
MMM Three letter abbreviation of month (Jan, Feb, Mar)
MMMM Full name of month (January, February, March)
yy Last two digits of year (11, 14, 22)
yyyy Full four digits of year (2011, 2014, 2022)
To add to the above, if you need to return something like Mar-17 then:
totext({Command.DocDate},"MMM") + '-' + totext({Command.DocDate},"yy")