Unable to 'open' frameworks with cocoapods; Couldn't generate swift representation - swift

I've been using cocoapods in a few projects before, but never with use_frameworks! enabled. In my new app, I am perfectly able to use the frameworks through cocoapods, but I am not able to CMD+click any objects or functions from any of the frameworks. Xcode immediately says this:
Couldn't Generate Swift Representation
Error (from SourceKit):
"Could not load module: Google Maps"
The framework is functioning properly. I can use it. When searching for this, I only found answers for those with the problem that the framework wasn't found at all, and didn't work. Why is my framework working, but Xcode unable to show it to me?
My target's Framework search path is automatically set up to this (through Cocoapods):


'sharedApplication' is unavailable: not available on iOS (App Extension) for Segmentio/Analytics Pod

Running Xcode version 8.2.1, Swift 3, and Cocoapods version 1.1.1 and I can't for the life of me figure out how to resolve this issue. I need to use the analytics library but can't get past this error in the UIViewController+SEGScreen.m class:
Without forking, is there another solution here?
What exactly do you need to figure out? The API is not available when targeting iOS extensions. There is no solution but fixing the API. If this is an open source, the fix looks really simple (wrapping in a custom macro such #ifdef TARGET_EXTENSION). If not, time to use a properly written analytics framework, that takes into account all aspects of iOS development, not the most trivial ones only.

Firebase SDK (v2.5.0) in OSX framework

I'm trying to link to the Firebase SDK (v2.5.0) within my OS X framework, but it keeps telling me I am trying to link to a framework built for iOS.
It seems to state pretty clearly on the Firebase docs that the iOS framework can be used to build OS X clients as well, so does anyone know what I am doing wrong here?
ld: in /[...]/Firebase.framework/Firebase(Firebase.o), building for OSX, but linking in object file built for iOS, for architecture x86_64
As of 2.4.0 (changelog), Firebase no longer ships a single binary for iOS and OSX, but instead has multiple frameworks (Firebase.framework for iOS, FirebaseOSX.framework for OSX). Similarly, the iOS Cocoapod is named Firebase, while the OSX Cocoapod is named FirebaseOSX. This is due to several changes in our build process, such as adding bitcode support (which only makes sense on iOS).
We still build and release iOS and OSX through these channels, and continue to support OSX, though it's not heavily advertised (as you noticed). As mentioned, if you don't use Cocoapods, using https://cdn.firebase.com/ObjC/FirebasePlatform.framework-major.minor.patch.zip will get you the framework, then follow the Alternative Setup instructions for including it in your project.
You need to add some dependencies in your project's Build Phases:
See the Apple docs on how to add these if you haven't done this before.
Ok, this is a bit weird.. But after digging around in the pod specs I noticed that the FirebaseOSX podspec links to a different url than the iOS pod (FirebaseOSX.framework and an older version).
So I decided to copy the framework url from the Firebase site, and change the name and try that, and it downloaded a OSX framework for me. This is really weird, because I can't for the life of me understand that I should do like that based on what I can read on the Firebase site, so I can't really consider this the official way as it doesn't really make any sense. But it seems to work for now..
So for v2.5.0 the url is:

Implementing Cocoa XML-RPC framework for iphone

I have my drupal xml-rpc service setup, and now I want to retrieve content for my iphone app.
I'm attempting to use https://github.com/eczarny/xmlrpc, however I dont know where to begin. How do I add the project to my own project for use? I've added a static library before; is it the same process? Just drag the proj file to my project and add the xml-rpc library?
Any tips would be appreciated.
Try dragging the project file for xmlrpc framework into the code list in XCode for starters. Next make the framework target in the xmlrpc framework a build dependency. Finally add the xmlrpc.framework to your linked frameworks. Exactly how you do this depends on whether you are using XCode 3 or 4

CoreServices.framework missing in iOS 4 sdk

I wanted to use CFHttpMessage and CFHttpRequest types in my application. I used it and found from documentation that to use it I will have to include CoreServices.framework in my application. When I tried to add that framework to my application, it was no there in the list of framework. I also checked the frameworks directory in finder but its not there. So its problem in the iOS sdk. I am not able to use the CFHttpMessage and CFHttpRequest types in my application, because it can not find the framework thats why it gives the linking error. At installation time of iOS sdk I chosen all the options and made full installation. So from where can I bring the CoreServices.framework in my application.
It doesn' exist: http://markmail.org/message/ib7kdwfpvoovomng

Stomp.framework iPhone linking. Anyone have experience?

Having trouble linking the Stomp.framework into an iPhone SDK application.
I follow the instructions, adding it to the project, adding a Build Phase for Copying the Files, and including it via #import .
I keep getting "image not found".
Anyone try this and/or have a clear idea why?
This may be better:
I found it fairly easy to get going.
The iPhone SDK doesn't support embedding frameworks in applications. I believe it supports dylibs, though I'm not certain of that fact. However, the safest thing to do would be to take the source of that framework and compile it directly into your application.
Make sure that whatever folder contains the .framework bundle is listed in the Framework Search Paths setting of your target or project.
There's more you'd need to do if you want to embed the framework in your application but that's another question.
edit: Totally ignored the iPhone requirement there, you'll have to compile the framework as a static library and link against that.