dsx-desktop Notebooks and Data don't show up - dsx-desktop

I have installed dsx and created a Notebook. When I go to my Notebooks it's blank.
But, if I try to create a new Notebook with the same name it states that it already exist?

I works with the latest version of DSX-local.


Golang default workspace(GOPATH) does not exist

I am new to Go and installed latest windows version of Go:
and it set the default workspace.
That GOPATH-C:\Users\avnee\go does not exist in my machine. Even when I set it to different path, it does not work. I want to run simple "hello world" program in eclipse.
wanted to set variables. Ideally I expect to see below variables as gocode, guru and godef in my machine and then I can set it. Referred the official url: "https://go.dev/doc/gopath_code#GOPATH" but does not help.
Eclipse snapshot below:
Any help is appreciated.
I am also getting error on opening go project as

"Unable to create project" error in Unity hub 3.1.2

I've been having some issues with Unity so I installed the latest hub but now I can't create any new projects and I don't know what to do. Does anyone know how I can solve this?
Here is what happens when I try to create a new project
Check the version on the top, this happened to me when I uninstalled the editor and installed a previous version. There's a drop down menu where you can select the correct editor version.
This is a path issue. All paths should be select.
enter image description here
In macos it is for permissions, I solved it by following these two tutorials
Enable root user
Execute Unity Hub as root user
When the editor is installed in a non-C drive, the editor has no right to create objects in any path
Unistall Unity Editor and install it in C:*
report bug

PUT command Snowflake on VSCode

I use the snowflake driver for SQLTools on vscode and i'm connect to my snowflake account but i'm some issues when i want to put some files with extensions .csv from my local machine to my stage in snowflake. Indeed, when i use the command put file:///mypath/file.csv #nameofmystage; it works on terminal but not in the window vscode with extension Snowflake driver. However, others commands like copy into works on the driver vscode ...
The error's message is Unsupported feature 'unsupported_requested_format:snowflake'
thanks in advance for your help
Not a solution or final answer, but a hint - here someone is having the same error, but with the Go-Driver: https://github.com/snowflakedb/gosnowflake/issues/227
Go didn't support PUT in this case.
Based on the PUT documentation, currently PUT is not supported in .NET driver.
Snowflake Driver for SQLTools does not look like a driver from Snowflake, as it was not mentioned here:
Connectors & Drivers
I am not sure how the driver is built, but given both vscode and .NET are both MS product, I assume that it is not supported, but hope others can help to verify.

How to mark a jupyter lab document as trusted when building through mybinder.org so that all codecells are run automaticaly

I need all codecells in a jupyter lab document to run when opening it in binder. I've tried adding jupyter trust <filename> to the postbuild file but it does'nt work. Any tips are welcome.
When you say that it doesn’t work, does it at least show as trusted when you open the notebook? Because that approach is/was recommended way to set to trusted. Until the extension enabling example notebook was streamlined to only include an example that works in both the classic an JupyterLab interface, that was the way documented here. Here discusses how to check if trusted.
However, just setting trusted does not trigger the code to run when the notebook is launched.
Aside of coding extension that will run code like python-markdown, there is no simple way to trigger that in the Binderhub system at this time. When this question came up the other day in the binder gitter channel, I suggested a person could most likely make an empty notebook appear to have just been run by using a start config file to trigger execution of the notebook via nbconvert or papermill.
Alternatively, using Appmode as discussed here will execute all cells when run in app mode; however, the interface won’t be a notebook. Similarly, installing Voila and linking to the Voila render will run code in a notebook at launch. It will look like a web app interface and not a notebook though.

nbconvert no longer working with nbextensions

I recently had to do a complete reinstall of jupyter on my machine. Since then, when I use nbextensions to convert my notebooks to an html file, the table of contents links to the original notebook rather than the new html file. Before, the basic command jupyter nbconvert --to html mynotebook.ipynb produced a functional table of contents.
Unfortunately, I have no idea why toc2 is no longer properly converting to HTML. I will appreciate any insights that anyone can give me.
It turns out that it was a bug introduced to toc2 by a recent update. toc2 has since been updated to fix this issue.