PUT command Snowflake on VSCode - visual-studio-code

I use the snowflake driver for SQLTools on vscode and i'm connect to my snowflake account but i'm some issues when i want to put some files with extensions .csv from my local machine to my stage in snowflake. Indeed, when i use the command put file:///mypath/file.csv #nameofmystage; it works on terminal but not in the window vscode with extension Snowflake driver. However, others commands like copy into works on the driver vscode ...
The error's message is Unsupported feature 'unsupported_requested_format:snowflake'
thanks in advance for your help

Not a solution or final answer, but a hint - here someone is having the same error, but with the Go-Driver: https://github.com/snowflakedb/gosnowflake/issues/227
Go didn't support PUT in this case.

Based on the PUT documentation, currently PUT is not supported in .NET driver.
Snowflake Driver for SQLTools does not look like a driver from Snowflake, as it was not mentioned here:
Connectors & Drivers
I am not sure how the driver is built, but given both vscode and .NET are both MS product, I assume that it is not supported, but hope others can help to verify.


How to Use HSQLDB in CMD Prompt

Currently, I am using HSQLDB version 2.6.0. I can connect and execute queries using HSQLDB GUI (runManagerSwing).
I want to know, how to connect and execute queries via CMD prompt? (Like we do for SQL Server, MySQL, Etc). I have tried the steps given in the below link. it doesn't works.
FYR - https://confluence.atlassian.com/bamkb/how-to-access-embedded-hsql-database-via-command-line-847749291.html
It would be great if anyone gives the step by step process. Thanks!
The steps are still OK. Use the SqlTool.jar version 2.6.0 and replace the URL with the JDBC URL for your database. If you have a problem, post YOUR config together the steps you are taking.

Connect PostgreSQL to HammerDB

As the title says, I want to connect PostgreSQL (I'm using the 9.6 x86 version) to HammerDB, an open source database load testing and benchmarking tool (I'm interested in the TPC-C Benchmark).
The thing is that I can do this connection by using MS SQL Server (2014), because it is relatively easy. However, I'm not used to use PostgreSQL. When I try to create Virtual Users on HammerDB (that's the 1st step to do, then you should be able to perform the transactions) I get the following error:
Error in Virtual User 1: Failed to load Pgtcl - Postgres Library Error
I did some research about this, and I found that, and I quote "PostgreSQL is VERY particular about the libraries in its PATH - they have to be the right ones and ONLY the right ones any other configuration will cause errors".
The problem is that HammerDB couldn't load library libpgtcl.dll. There they mention that to fix the problem, one should check that the PostgreSQL bin directory has been added to the path during install, but at this point I'm totally lost and I don't know what to do. I simply can´t get what they mean and how to do it.
I hope at least one of you could help me. I would appreciate it a lot.
Sorry in advance for my mistakes in English, I'm a Spanish speaker.
Well, I have solved the problem, and it is very simple.
Everything is about Setting Windows PATH for PostgreSQL, and I found that here.
Open my Computer ==>
right click inside my computer and select properties ==>
Click on Advanced System Settings ==>
Environment Variables ==>
from the System Variables box select "PATH" ==>
Edit... ==>
Then add this at the end of whatever you find their
;C:\PostgreSQL\9.2\bin; C:\PostgreSQL\9.2\lib
after that continue to click OK
That's all. So this is what you should do if you are having trouble when trying to connect PostgreSQL to HammerDB, and in general, when trying to use PostgreSQL tools.


In LabVIEW applicatio, I want to write some data in a MongoDB.
I found the C# Driver for LabVIEW under the following link: https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-41766
When i open the LV-project and try to run an example, i get many errors.
Mainly the class of the driver can´t include / load.
.NET is installed on the system.
Has someone any idea or can give instructions to get the driver running in LabVIEW?
Did you create a LabVIEW.exe.config file (there's an example in the MongoDB-driver package) and store it in the same folder as LabVIEW.exe and relaunch? That did the job for me!

Where is mongodb source code in pentaho dpi-5.3 (kettle)?

Here is my problem. I need to use the functions of mongodb defined in kettle source code. As in kettle-5.3 transformation steps, it supports mongodb input and output(in big data). I download the 5.3 version from github, github link. But I can not find the source file of mongodb in the path of "\pentaho-kettle-5.3\engine\src\org\pentaho\di\trans\steps\". Actually, all the steps can be found here.
Could anyone help me find the mongodb files?
And my target is to customize the mongodb input step by using Metadata Injection to rewrite the .ktr file. In this way, users can give the parameters(define the name of the data in mongodb) from outside, such as a web page. Is there any wrong with this idea?
Any suggestion is appreciated!! Thanks!!!
I'm not sure, but I think the sources you need can be found in here:
The mongo DB steps are a separate plugin, not included in Kettle core.

Eclipse plugin for psql/PostgreSQL code?

Do you have recommendations for a good PostgreSQL editor plugin for Eclipse?
The PostgreSQL code I have isn't very complex. However I'd like to edit it with syntax-coloring, decent auto-identation, code completion, etc., and it would be sweet to be able to send blocks or entire files to a jdbc connection and get the results. Up until now, I have edited my .sql files with Emacs, and try things by copying/pasting segments into a psql terminal I have next to Emacs. Some of my code uses the psql primitives such as \set var value etc. For example:
\set t mytable
drop table if exists :t;
create table :t (...);
However I would be happy to eliminate this and refactor the code to be proper PL/pgSQL functions. Or perhaps better, implement the dependency and procedural logic in Java and issue the sql queries via JDBC. I still need to edit the sql files and try bits and pieces of them during development.
I tried the "official" Data Tools Platform (http://eclipse.org/datatools/) and configured it to use my localhost:5432 (which in fact is a port-forward via SSH to the actual PostgreSQL server that I'm using). However, connecting to the DB hangs for several minutes (Eclipse doesn't even refresh the screen). In general it feels quite heavy/slow
and I'm always afraid of if hanging without ability to interrupt it (it happened a few times and the only solution is to kill Eclipse; as you probably know, killing Eclipse isn't good as it's very hard/impossible to recover unsaved files).
The other plugin I tried is Toby's PL/SQL editor (https://sourceforge.net/projects/plsqleditor/), which seems very nice and promising, except the last signs of life on the sourceforge forums appear to be around 2007. Also I couldn't configure it to use the postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc4.jar that I have, and so I am unable to connect to my DB.
Any suggestions gladly appreciated.
A free Eclipse plugin for Oracle and PostgreSQL can be found at http://www.toadworld.com/products/toad-extension-for-eclipse/default.aspx
The plugin is in development.