Golang default workspace(GOPATH) does not exist - eclipse

I am new to Go and installed latest windows version of Go:
and it set the default workspace.
That GOPATH-C:\Users\avnee\go does not exist in my machine. Even when I set it to different path, it does not work. I want to run simple "hello world" program in eclipse.
wanted to set variables. Ideally I expect to see below variables as gocode, guru and godef in my machine and then I can set it. Referred the official url: "https://go.dev/doc/gopath_code#GOPATH" but does not help.
Eclipse snapshot below:
Any help is appreciated.
I am also getting error on opening go project as


Confusion: GitHub Project broken(?), Instructions not clear: Mercurial setup(?)

first of all, i've never done something with github, this is my first try, so please be polite and help me on the train.
I would like to use this github-project:
https://github.com/jmmcatee/cracklord which is completly in go language.
from the instructions:
If you'd like to get things build from source, it will first require you to have a working Go build environment with the GOPATH setup. Additionally, you'll probably want Git and Mercurial setup to gather the various libraries and plugins that we've used in the code.
Here are my Questions:
I've done installing git and i'm able to clone the repro, which works fine.
I've installed mercurial, but have no idea how to "setup" mercurial.
Can someone explain what mercurial setup togehter with this githubproject example means?
why i'm asking
after creating a directory git-repos
changing into this directory with cd git-repos
path is now /root/git-repos
# set GOPATH to /root/git-repos
export GOPATH=/root/git-repos
and doing go get github.com/jmmcatee/cracklord
gives this error-message:
go get github.com/jmmcatee/cracklord
can't load package: package github.com/jmmcatee/cracklord: no Go files in /root/git-repos/src/github.com/jmmcatee/cracklord
So, when i'm following the instructions i'm not able to finish. Can someone explain what i'm doing wrong?
Thank you
You don't need to set gopath anymore, it is set by default to:
You don't say which os you're using, but given your paths I assume linux. I suspect you haven't exported the environment variable correctly. You might want to try setting up a simpler package first and verifying you have your go setup right. Follow the instructions here (including verifying your setup is working, and just using the default gopath):
And try downloading and running something simpler (which doesn't require several components installed) to verify your setup first.

Issue running golang Hello World in eclipse

Alright, so just a disclaimer I suspect this question will be a duplicate of another question however I'm not even sure what to search for.
I have never used Eclipse or Golang before and am attempting to get a basic hello world application to work.
I have installed the goclipse plugin, created a new go package and go command source file. From what I have read to run a project in Eclipse you right click the package, select Run as then set the run configurations. The problem occurs when I attempt to select the go package as none shows up and if I leave it blank it throws a 'Go package not found' exception.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
EDIT: Upon the answers advice I have decided to go with the basic command line, however a friend did also recommend LiteIDE. I will "assume" tmichels answer is correct in regards to getting Go to work within eclipse.
If you don't use the GOPATH environment variable and you don't put your project folder under $GOPATH/src the compiler won't find it. As I see it goclipse lets you skip the GOPATH entirely but in this case you have to put your code under the src directory that you can see in the Project Explorer. See the related section of the goclipe documentation.
Although I think you make your life harder by using a full-fetched IDE for go development. Just use the command line tools. And it has the added benefit that you will actually understand what's going on (IDEs hide this from you).
So for building you can use go build or go install. The latter will copy the binary to your $GOPATH/bin directory. For running test just call go test or go test path/to/package. There is a hidden gem in the go tool: when you are working with multiple packages in the same directory you can use go test ./... to test all of them at once. This also works with other go commands.

Installing haxe

I have a problem with programming in Haxe. Whenever I try to run a code, I get an error:
Please don't add haxe/std to your classpath, instead set HAXE_STD_PATH env var.
I tried to find a solution - according to multiple sites, I'm supposed to change the environment variable HAXE_LIBRARY_PATH to HAXE_STD_PATH and set the value to actual path to the std file in my haxe folder. In my case, there was no such variable among my env vars, so I made HAXE_STD_PATH as a new one - and I still get the same error.
I'm using FlashDevelop and when I try to search for any class that would reference std, I can see in Type Explorer that there is a classpath that leads straight to haxe/std, which should not happen IMO. I looked at classpaths in Properties and the path to std was not listed, so I could not change it.
So problem could be in the classpath or in FlashDevelop settings.
Did anyone have the same problem?
Oh, and BTW I'm using Windows - and yes, restarting did not help.
I removed all: FD including program settings and HaxeToolkit (the whole map).
Then I reinstalled FD, Haxe (using the apps window from FD), Lime and openFL (from command window).
Now I don't get this error anymore.

something wrong with environment variables, won't build: using Netbeans writing C/C++

there's definitely something wrong with setting up my environment variables.
I had messed around with it when I was trying to do an android app.
now i'm trying to set up netbeans, but it won't build.
when I first tried to build, tool selection came out, and it had looked for cygwin bin files in D: instead of C:, so I manually browsed for each file.
i found g++ make etc. however, I couldn't find gfortran.exe.
now, a message says that it can't find shell, and asks me to install cygwin.
this is what i have in my path:
D:\DAC driver and stuff\;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;
and yes, cygwin is in C:\cygwin64
this is a picture of everything i have in my environment variables:
edit: i think i deleted something from 'path'! should there be something infront of what i currently have??
%JAVA_HOME%\bin is no legit. Everything after it doesn't count, fix is in link.

DFS locations in Eclipse Europa after accessing Hadoop in a VM

I am very new to hadoop. I need to install it and play around with samples.
SO i referred this tutorial . I have installed Sandbox given in that tutorial. I need to configure ECLIPSE in windows mentioning VM location as specified in the image below, which is given in the tutorial.
I have installed eclipse europa and hadoop plugin.
Then in Map/Reduce Locations i gave VM Ip for host name, Linux user name in UserName and 9001 in Map/Reduce port and 9000 in DFS port.
In Advanced Tab I have set value to the mapred.system.dir as /hadoop/mapred/system
and there is no hadoop.job.ugi to give username.
After i click ok, I couldn't get HDFS file system under my DFS locations in ECLIPSE.
Please help me on this
I also got the same problem. The problem here is not related to hadoop configuration but eclipse. To fix this, go to "\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.apache.hadoop.eclipse\locations". Here open the XML file and just add the property "hadoop.job.ugi" with value "hadoop-user,ABC" and then restart your eclipse. It worked for me.
I tried by giving just one value i.e. without ABC but it dint work and I dont know the significance of this comma separated value but since I have just started the tutorial I hope to get this answer soon :)
I too ran into the same issue. I installed RedHad cgywin (openssh and openssl packages) and updated the "Path" environment variable with a path to cgywin/bin (c:\rhcygwin\bin). Then my Eclipse DFS location was able to connect to Hadoop on the Virtual Machine. Once that was successful I saw the option "hadoop.job.ugi".
http://v-lad.org/Tutorials/Hadoop/00%20-%20Intro.html describes installing cgywin.
Note: I am running the Hadoop VM on Windows Vista.
I spawned Eclipse from within Cygwin and it worked fine for me (i.e. I could see the "hadoop.job.ugi" parameter). Also, I didn't make any changes to my PATH environment variable.