paypal sandbox: auto return not working - paypal

breaking our heads over how to get autoreturn to work in sandbox.
We have enabled the auto return feature in the sandbox account
associated with the APP we use:
2. We have entered the return URL in in the APPs settings:
3. And still. We are not returned back to our URL provided:
note also that we have waited several hours between changing something and testing it as instructed. Any help highly appreciated.

Try turning Payment Data Transfer on in Sandbox account (next section down in Website Payment Preferences).

answer found. according to paypal support auto-return does not work with the paypal invoicing API, which we use, just express checkout etc.


Testing Paypal Credit with Express Checkout

I'm implementing PayPal Express Checkout and I'm having trouble testing out PayPal Credit as the payment method. When I choose it as the method of payment, the response comes back as ERRORCODE0=10486 which means "This transaction couldn't be completed. Please redirect your customer to PayPal." It works fine when using other methods of payment.
Does anyone know if it's possible to make test transactions with PayPal Credit? I haven't been able to find anything in the docs or google about it so hoping someone on here knows!
You have two options for testing.
You can test it with the PayPal Demo site, which not only demos from start to finish paying with PayPal Credit. It also has working sample code available.
I found that you can simulate a PayPal Credit transaction in a sandbox account. I tested it on one of my sandbox accounts. You have to login in to one of your sandbox accounts that is not the merchant account that you are testing. I put in demo info when it asked me to apply for the product. My sandbox account was approved.
So I was able to get it to kind of work (at least in the sandbox). The issue was that it seems like it didn't like me passing in:
"USERSELECTEDFUNDINGSOURCE" => "BML" (old version) or "USERSELECTEDFUNDINGSOURCE" => "Finance" (new version)
When I used this option it sent me to a page that looked like this:
Which is what I wanted as we mainly wanted to focus on offering customers PayPal Credit.
When you remove the USERSELECTEDFUNDINGSOURCE option it takes you to a page like this:
If you choose change payment source on this page and choose PayPal Credit, the transaction goes through successfully.
It's not exactly a solution to the problem but hopefully this helps anyone who was also having a similar issue.

How to test Enhanced Recurring Payments Standard on the new Paypal Sandbox?

I have a test environment for my website that I normally use the Paypal Sandbox on to test transactions before going live. I would like to test the Enhanced Recurring Payments feature, but I can't find the option to do so (the links to add more features direct me to the live site), and nothing I've found on Google has given an answer on how to test Enhanced Recurring Payments on Paypal Sandbox since it's been changed.
Is ERP supported on Paypal Sandbox, or do I just not know how to access this option? Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Sign up in the sandbox here:
(for the curious, I got this URL by going to and then adding "sandbox." in front of the resulting URL's
Log in with your test account email/password (something like )
If it says "Please login to use the PayPal Sandbox features.", that's an issue with the new sandbox that's being worked on--for now, clear all your cookies , log in to again, and then visit the above URL again

Setting up Zencart with Paypal

To begin: I am trying to setup Zencart with Paypal. I have followed all of Paypal and Zencart's instructions:
Putting in Paypal's API username, password and signature code into Zencart's Payment Module section. Checked the "live" environment.
I then tried buying a product on the website and got the following error message:
Zen Cart message: We are sorry for the inconvenience. The PayPal account
authentication settings are not yet set up, or the API security information
is incorrect.
Security error
Security header is not valid
I have tried looking up the answer but everything I see says to make sure the environment is not in sandbox and that everything is typed in correctly. I have tripled checked and the API is typed in correctly and it is set to live.... what else can I do?
Moving on, I have tried to setup the sandbox but am unfamiliar with how to use Paypal's sandbox. So I reconfigured Zencart to "sandbox mode" with the appropriate sandbox API and I set up box a sandbox account for a merchant and private buyer but I don't know how to use them. Should I go back to the Zencart store and register with my new "Paypal sandbox private buyer email"? And will checking out using this email they gave me work as just a test... I don't want to go through with the checkout if I'm going to get billed...
Thank you for any help:)
The best place to get support on Zen Cart issues is directly on the Zen Cart support forum at
Further, an existing article already explains the basics of the problem you describe:
It is absolutely critical that the THREE parts of your API settings (username, password, signature) be copied EXACTLY from PayPal's site into your store's admin settings screen.
There's no need to use sandbox unless you're a programmer writing new features for payment processing. So be sure to check the "Live" radio-button. (I realize you already mentioned that. Just adding this for clarity.)
You can also get more details on exactly what is coming back from PayPal by turning on debug logging in the module's settings.
PayPal tech support is available at - they can look at your actual transmissions and at your account, and sort out a problem if there's something wrong with the API signature details.

Getting Paypal to do an immediate redirect?

When the PayPal transaction is complete, PayPal shows this:
Thanks for your order
Your payment of $XXXX.XX USD is complete.
You're now going back to MYSITE.
If you are not redirected within 10 seconds, click here.
I don't want the client to even see this page. Is there any way to either avoid it completely, or set the redirect time to 0?
You will also need a Website Payments Pro subscription for that.
Once you have it, get the API signature, API username & API password from the My Profile area of your paypal account.
Then, use the Direct Payment method as described in the following manual
As mentioned by Watermark, you might need to review PCI requirements and at least have SSL on your site before you can do this.
Check out You can build your own interface using PayPal's API. The user will never know that PayPal handled the transaction.
Be sure to review PCI-DSS requirements when using this approach.
What you ask is achievable with PayPal Payments Standard, but the seller account receiving the payment needs to be a PayPal Business/Premier account (a free upgrade), and they need to enable Auto Return and provide a Return URL in their PayPal account > Profile > Profile & Settings > My Selling Tools > Website Preferences.
You can also pass a return URL variable to checkout for each order, which would override any Return URL (or lack thereof) in the seller's PayPal account profile; however, if Auto Return is not also enabled in the seller's account, the buyer would need to click past the end of checkout manually in order to be redirected to that URL.

PayPal sandbox recurring payment error: The link you have used to enter the PayPal system is invalid. Please review the link and try again

I have paypal sandbox account. Everything works fine for single payments - I set and make a payment using account which was created under "Test Accounts" menu of the sandbox. However when I try to do the same for recurring payments, I get an error. At first everything looks fine - I get redirected to paypal where I can see the detail of subscription but when I try to sign in with, it redirects me to a page that says: The link you have used to enter the PayPal system is invalid. Please review the link and try again.
Thanks ahead!
Well, I am not fully sure what exactly was wrong but in case someone else has the same problem and stumbles on this question: all I had to do is re-create both seller and buyer test accounts from under my main sandbox account. The accounts that I tested on seemed valid but they were created many months (if not years) ago so probably paypal had some wrong (i.e. old) configs associated with them. The newly created accounts work just fine.