Reading & writing text in Scala, getting the encoding right? - scala

I'm reading and writings some text files in Scala. As a complete beginner in the language, I wanted to make sure to find the right way to do it, e.g. get the encoding right.
So most of the stuff I found (also on SO ) recommends I use io.Source.fromFile.However, after trying it out like so, reading a UTF-8 file:
val user_list = Source.fromFile("usernames.txt").getLines.toList
val user_list = Source.fromFile("usernames.txt", enc="UTF8").getLines.toList
I looked at the docs but was left with some questions.
Get the encoding right:
the docs show that I can set an encoding in Source.fromFile as I tried above. Looking at the man on Codec and the types listed there, I was wondering if those are all my codec options - is there e.g. no Utf-16, Big-Endian vs Little-Endian, etc.?
I am slightly obsessed with this since it used to trip me up in Python a lot. Is this less of concern with Scala for some reason?
Get the reading in right:
All the examples I looked at used the getLines method and postprocessed it with MkString or List, etc. Is there any advantage to that over just reading in the entire file (my files are small) in one go?
Get the writing out right:
Every source I could find tells me that Scala has no file writing function and to use the Java FileWriter. I was surprised by this - is this still accurate?
Looking at it I feel the question might be a little broad for SO, so I'd be happy to take it back if it does not meet the requirements. At this point, I'm not struggling with specific examples but rather trying to set things up in a way I don't get in trouble later.

Scala only has a basic IO api in the standard library. For the most part you just use the java apis. The fact that a decent api from java exists is probably why the Scala team is not prioritizing having a robust and fully featured IO api.
There are also third party scala libraries you could use as well however. Better Files I've never used but heard good things about as a Scala file api. As well as fs2 which provides functional, streaming IO. I'm sure there are others out there as well.
For encoding, there are many possible encoding available. It's just that only a couple of the most common ones are available as static fields, the rest you typically access through Codec("Encoding Name"). Most apis will also let you just enter a String directly instead of needing to get a Codec instance first. The codec is really just a wrapper over java.nio.charset.Charset. You can run java.nio.charset.Charset.availableCharsets() to see all of the encodings available on your system.
As far as reading, if the files are small you can load them fully into memory if you prefer that. The only reason not to do so is if you want to avoid the extra memory use of loading the entire file at once if reading through line by line is enough. You may want to use Vector instead of List for efficiency reasons (Vector is better in many cases and should probably be preferred as a default collection, but tradition and old habits die hard and most people/guides seem to default to List, but this is a whole other topic)


Consume Scala syntax-trees from external tool

I would like to develop a tool that would consume scala syntax-trees (as the title suggests). More specifically it would be great if I could consume the trees after each compilation phase.
My research led me to Dotty's TASTY interchange format which seemed to be what I was looking for. Perhaps it is.
However, I was not able to find adequate documentation on-line to figure out how to extract it and consume it.
I also looked at dotc compiler flags and couldn't figure out an obvious approach.
I noticed the option : "-print-tasty" but I couldn't verify the expected output or perhaps I am missing something ?
Of course I can always print the AST after each phase using the scala printer (i.e., -Yshow-trees etc.). Is this my only option ? If it is, then fine.
Ideally, it would be great if I could consume the ASTs in a more "machine-friendly" format if you will. TASTY seems to be what I want in theory, i.e., a serialization of the AST, but I am not sure how to extract this after each phase.
I do apologize if my question is too trivial or has already been addressed. Any feedback would be highly appreciated ! Thanks !
P.S.: What if the ASTs were encoded in a JSON format ? Would a scala tool like that make sense, (i.e., a tool that converts Scala ASTs to JSON and back) ?

Text Preprocessing in Spark-Scala

I want to apply preprocessing phase on a large amount of text data in Spark-Scala such as Lemmatization - Remove Stop Words(using Tf-Idf) - POS tagging , there is any way to implement them in Spark - Scala ?
for example here is one sample of my data:
The perfect fit for my iPod photo. Great sound for a great price. I use it everywhere. it is very usefulness for me.
after preprocessing:
perfect fit iPod photo great sound great price use everywhere very useful
and they have POS tags e.g (iPod,NN) (photo,NN)
there is a POS tagging (sister.arizona) is it applicable in Spark?
Anything is possible. The question is what YOUR preferred way of doing this would be.
For example, do you have a stop word dictionary that works for you (it could just simply be a Set), or would you want to run TF-IDF to automatically pick the stop words (note that this would require some supervision, such as picking the threshold at which the word would be considered a stop word). You can provide the dictionary, and Spark's MLLib already comes with TF-IDF.
The POS tags step is tricky. Most NLP libraries on the JVM (e.g. Stanford CoreNLP) don't implement, but you can perform the map step using them, e.g.
On the other hand, don't emit an RDD that contains non-serializable classes from that NLP library, since steps such as collect(), saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile, etc. will fail. Also to reduce headaches with serialization, use Kryo instead of the default Java serialization. There are numerous posts about this issue if you google around, but see here and here.
Once you figure out the serialization issues, you need to figure out which NLP library to use to generate the POS tags. There are plenty of those, e.g. Stanford CoreNLP, LingPipe and Mallet for Java, Epic for Scala, etc. Note that you can of course use the Java NLP libraries with Scala, including with wrappers such as the University of Arizona's Sista wrapper around Stanford CoreNLP, etc.
Also, why didn't your example lower-case the processed text? That's pretty much the first thing I would do. If you have special cases such as iPod, you could apply the lower-casing except in those cases. In general, though, I would lower-case everything. If you're removing punctuation, you should probably first split the text into sentences (split on the period using regex, etc.). If you're removing punctuation in general, that can of course be done using regex.
How deeply do you want to stem? For example, the Porter stemmer (there are implementations in every NLP library) stems so deeply that "universe" and "university" become the same resulting stem. Do you really want that? There are less aggressive stemmers out there, depending on your use case. Also, why use stemming if you can use lemmatization, i.e. splitting the word into the grammatical prefix, root and suffix (e.g. walked = walk (root) + ed (suffix)). The roots would then give you better results than stems in most cases. Most NLP libraries that I mentioned above do that.
Also, what's your distinction between a stop word and a non-useful word? For example, you removed the pronoun in the subject form "I" and the possessive form "my," but not the object form "me." I recommend picking up an NLP textbook like "Speech and Language Processing" by Jurafsky and Martin (for the ambitious), or just reading the one of the engineering-centered books about NLP tools such as LingPipe for Java, NLTK for Python, etc., to get a good overview of the terminology, the steps in an NLP pipeline, etc.
There is no built-in NLP capability in Apache Spark. You would have to implement it for yourself, perhaps based on a non-distributed NLP library, as described in marekinfo's excellent answer.
I would suggest you to take a look in spark's ml pipeline. You may not get everything out of the box yet, but you can build your capabililties and use pipeline as a framework..

How to localize CPAN module and dependencies

I am trying to localize a CPAN module MooX::Options using Locale::TextDomain after having read "On the state of I18N in perl".
In the discussion in the pull request the question came up how to deal with messages not originating in the module itself, but in a dependency. In this specific case, when you specify an option on the command line which is not defined anywhere in the code, you'll get the warning:
Unknown option: xyz
originating in the module Getopt::Long, which in itself is not localized yet.
The question is how to deal with these. I see basically three strategies:
Ignore them, which I find dissatisfactory.
Try to someway or other catch all the corner cases and messages in the module I'm currently localizing (in this case MooX::Options), and this way working around the missing localization in the dependent modules. This option seems brittle, as I'd have to constantly adapt to changes in the base modules. Sometimes, it might by next to impossible to catch messages, as they're written to output streams directly by the modules (as is the case in this example).
Try to localize the dependent modules themselves. This option seems hard to achieve, as different projects might use different I18N tools and strategies themselves and the dependency graph might be huge.
All in all, I think this problem is more general and not that specific to perl and cpan modules. So, I'm interessted in your thoughts, strategies and approaches.
I have rather strong opionions on the idea of translating computing terms, and most people disagree with my views, so take what I am saying with a grain of salt.
I do not understand the point of internationalizing a library for parsing command line options unless you want to further ghettoize what is already a small group of users of said library.
Would wget be more useful to Turkish users if instead it was called wal or wgetir? Or, instead of wget --mirror, should Turkish users write getir --ayna? What about that w?
If you just translate the messages, what is the point of outputting a help message in response to wget -h when the Turkish equivalent would be wget -y?
The fact is, almost all attempts at translating programming related terms I have seen are simply awful. The people who are most eager to translate are usually not in command of either human language — Nor do they seem to understand what they are translating.
However, as a result of these eager people, I find that at least the Turkish translations of pretty much any software I touch is just awful. Whatever Danish translations I have seen did not fare much better, but, at least, they were tolerable owing to the greater commonality of structure between Danish and English.
I think everyone's energy is better spent on actually making sure their programs handle content, including names of external resources/references, in different languages well, rather than giving me error messages in some Frankenstein language, or letting me specify command line options whose mnemonics do not match their descriptions etc, or presenting menus that contain of strings of words that really do not convey any meaning.
I have felt this way for the last for many decades now ... Even when I was patching IBM PC keyboard drivers with hex editors so people at various places could type reports in WordStar, and create charts in Harvard Graphics.
So, my unpopular advice is to put your energy elsewhere ...
For example, use exception objects so the user of your library (who is likely a programmer and will understand "Directory not found" much more readily than "Kütük bulunamadı") can deduce in a human-language independent way what happened, and what message to show the user. I haven't looked closely at MooX::Options, but I notice there is at least one string croak.
Here is an actual error message from an IBM product:
Belirtilen kütük örüntüsüyle eşleşen hiçbir kütük bulunamadı
You can ask every one of the almost 200 million Turkic people on earth what a "kütük örüntüsü" is, and only the person who actually came up with this non-sensical string of characters will be able to tell you that it corresponds to "file pattern". What, then, do they gain by using the phrase "kütük örüntüsü" versus "file pattern"? Nothing.
However, they lose the ability to communicate with, and, also, compete with, programmers in the English speaking world.
PS: Apologies for all Turkish examples, but I feel most comfortable drawing abominable examples based on my native language.

Does Scala offer functionality similar to Pretty Print in Python?

Does Scala offer functionality similar to Pretty Print pprint in Python?
No, it doesn't. Except for XML, that is -- there's a pretty printer for that, which generates interpreter-readable data.
In fact, it doesn't even have a way to print interpreter-readable data, mainly because of how strings are represented when converted to string. For instance, List("abc").toString is List(abc).
Add to that, there's no facility at all that will break them based on width, or ident nested collections.
That said, it is doable, within the same limits as pprint.

Is there a way in scala to convert from any Map to java.util.Map?

I use a lot of scala maps, occasionally I want to pass them in as a map to a legacy java api which wants a java.util.Map (and I don't care if it throws away any changes).
An excellent library I have found that does a better job of this:
(bad name, awesome library). You explicitly invoke .asJava or .asScala depending on what direction you want to go. No surprises.
Scala provides wrappers for Java collections so that they can be used as Scala collections but not the other way around. That being said it probably wouldn't be hard to write your own wrapper and I'm sure it would be useful for the community. This question comes up on a regular basis.
This question and answer discuss this exact problem and the possible solutions. It advises against transparent conversions as they can have very strange side-effects. It advocates using scala-javautils instead. I've been using them in a large project for a few months now and have found them to be very reliable and easy to use.