Delphi remove form shadow - forms

I use delphi berlin, I have a main form and I open other forms from the main menu on my main form, I don't use MDI forms
I want to disable form's shadow on the child forms (which I open from the menu on the main form so i call them child formals but they are not MDI Childs)
Can I disable/remove shadow from the form/forms that I choose to remove/disable shadow
I found and have tried removing shadows by using system info API but then I realize what it did was to disable shadows on all windows which are not useful for me, I want to be able to remove/hide shadow from the forms I chose in my application


How to make a SAPUI5 Custom Control accessible (focus handling)?

I am searching for a way to make a SAPUI5 custom control accessible. I build a kind of tile (based on a VBox control) and try to get this custom control accessible over keyboard (tab) or by clicking the mouse.
My idea was to implement sap.ui.core.Control#getAccessibilityInfo in my control, but this seems never be called. Currently I am trying to debug how other stuff is doing it like but I can't find a way that works.
My control is currently placed inside a table, if I click on it the focus will be set to the table column. If I press tab-key it jumps to an input control inside my control.
My assumption, I miss something so that the control would be considered as focusable somehow.
I think that you are looking for ItemNavigation. VBox wasn't design to support keyboard navigation on it's content, but you could add a hook to onAfterRendering of your custom control, collect all dom refs you need to navigate on and pass them to ItemNavigation.setItemDomRefs.
If you need an inspiration you can have a look at sap.m.List implementation.
The important thing is to add oRM.writeAttribute("tabindex", "0"); // allows selection into the renderer of my own control. That allows to use the tab handling. Full code in a different question: How to copy&paste SAPUI5 controls by pressing Ctrl+C and Ctrl.V?
With this the control can be selected.
Also notice the this._bExcludeFromTabChain = false; in init section.

LibreOffice: How to create popup menu in a form?

I design an application in LibreOffice Base 5.3 using forms and Star Basic macros.
Is it possible to create a custom context menu which popups on right mouse button click and is bound to datagrid in a form?

can't make child form stay on top in MS access

I have a full-screen form (using popup) which contains a button that launches a child form. I read that I have to set the child form as popup to make it stay on top. I've done that, but it is still not working. After more googling around, I found out that it's not working because the parent form is also set to popup. How to solve this problem with maintaining the parent form in full screen mode?
As I understood, you need to open child form and it should stay above main form. Both forms should be popup, but if the size of child form will be less than main form, user can click on main form and child form disappears under main one even if child form has Modal property. If you don't want this, just open child form with acDialog WindowMode parameter.

forms showing in runtime as soon as they are created

In runtime when the forms are being created, 2 forms constantly keep appearing when I haven't programmed them to show as soon as they are created, and my system runs. I was wondering why this happened and whether there is anything to solve this? I don't think I need to show my code here since it's pretty basic and there is none for the OnCreate event.
From the main menu, use Project->Options->Forms, and remove the forms you don't want to see from the Auto-create list. (Click the >> button to move them from the left side to the right side.)
(It's worth mentioning that you can also affect the order in which any autocreated forms or datamodules are created from that dialog by just dragging them up or down in the list. Note that the first form to be created becomes the application main form, so when it is closed the application will close as well; this means that the only thing above your main form in the autocreate list should be datamodule(s) that are accessed by the main form.)
If you never want any forms auto-created, go to Tools->Options->Environment Options->Form Designer, and uncheck the very last item labeled Auto create forms & data modules at the bottom. Note that your main form will always be auto-created, as it's what controls the application's lifetime for form based applications.
By default delphi creates all the forms in the beginning. You can open the .dpr file and delete the ones that you don't need. You could also do that from the UI.
For the forms that you don't want to appear at the start of runtime, go to the properties of the form (lower left hand side) and uncheck Visible. This should do the trick

How to drag and drop a component over other components (other than parsys) in CQ5?

I have created a button component in CQ5 without inheriting existing button component. Now I want to
place this button component over another custom Banner component by drag and drop method from sidekick. I gave the banner comp as parent for my button and in banner I gave this button in allowed children and made it as container too. also I have created design dialog for the banner component where I added this button component in allowed components option. still I am not able to drag and drop this button over the banner, as its going either above or below this banner and the banner itself is inside parsys. if I include the component via jsp, its working fine. but I must do it by drag and drop.
I am new to CQ5, appreciate any help I can get. thanks in advance.
A parsys is the fundamental container component for composition. Applying this functionality manually into another component would require quite a bit of custom configuration.
If you look at the parsys at /libs/foundation/components/parsys, you will see that it is defined as a container by the property cq:isContainer - true, which instructs CQ to allow for drag and drop. There are multiple sub nodes that will need to be defined etc.
If you are trying to limit only a particular component to be dropped in, this may make sense, and yo should look at the image component, however, the best approach is to make a component that contains a parsys.
Remember that the author's should have the ability to add as much as they want to, and a single object does not allow for this flexibility. You should be handling bad author activity through a review process before the content is published, rather than enforcing it on a software level.
Hope that helps.
Drag and Drop feature is available on Parsys or IParsys only. So to achieve your requirement you need to include parsys in banner component.
If you want to restrict banner parsys to allow button component, please use design config and select button component in button's parsys