LibreOffice: How to create popup menu in a form? - libreoffice

I design an application in LibreOffice Base 5.3 using forms and Star Basic macros.
Is it possible to create a custom context menu which popups on right mouse button click and is bound to datagrid in a form?


In Orbeon forms, how do I add a sidebar page navigator for multi-page forms?

I am trying to find documentation to duplicate the following Left-Hand-Side-Bar menu found in the link below, but am having no luck:
What you are seeing there is what is called the wizard view. In essence, it transforms the top-level sections of your form into sections of a "wizard".
You can enable this in the Form Settings dialog (in Form Builder, click on the gear icon at the top left of the page), in the View Options tab.

Delphi remove form shadow

I use delphi berlin, I have a main form and I open other forms from the main menu on my main form, I don't use MDI forms
I want to disable form's shadow on the child forms (which I open from the menu on the main form so i call them child formals but they are not MDI Childs)
Can I disable/remove shadow from the form/forms that I choose to remove/disable shadow
I found and have tried removing shadows by using system info API but then I realize what it did was to disable shadows on all windows which are not useful for me, I want to be able to remove/hide shadow from the forms I chose in my application

How to add sub menus into context menu in Nattable?

I am using Nattable in my application. I have built a context menu which popups on right click on any row in the nattable.Now I would like to add sub menu items for one of the menu item in the context menu. Is it possible to add sub menus into context menu in Nattable ?
This is how I have constructed context menu,
Creating context menu using PopupMenuBuilder class and Binding context menu into Nattable by extending AbstractUiBindingConfiguration class.
Thanks in Advance! :)
There is no build-in support for sub-menus. But as you basically create the menus programmatically by using the AbstractUiBindingConfiguration you can also programmatically add the sub-menu items this way. Typically by using the SWT.CASCADE style bit on the MenuItem and setting a Menu to that MenuItem.
Creating sub-menus programmatically is shown in this SWT Snippet

Create JavaFx Combobox and hide the dropdown arrow without using css

How to create a JavaFx ComboBox and hide the dropdown arrow, it should show the list only when mouse is clicked on combobox. Note- we must not use CSS

Inno Setup: how to create a page with radio buttons and forms

How can I put radio buttons and forms on the same Inno Setup page?
I currently have 3 fields:
I would like a radio button over the first field (Company / Name) and the third field (Customer Code).
Once a radio button is clicked, it disables the fields that aren't related to it (meaning making them a little grayish and unclickable).
So is there a way to put radio buttons and fields on the same page?
Inno Setup is flexible enough to allow what you need. But to have such a complicated GUI, you have to program this completely, you cannot do with simple utility functions like you are using atm probably (like CreateInputQueryPage).
You need to create:
a new blank page using CreateCustomPage
add radio buttons (TRadioButton)
add input controls for all three forms
handle TRadioButton.OnClick event and enable/disable respective forms based on selected button.
For a general introduction, see Pascal Scripting: Using Custom Wizard Pages.
Though for a faster start, you can actually start with CreateInputQueryPage, and only add your radio buttons and layout the text boxes correctly. To access individual edit boxes and their labels, use TInputQueryWizardPage.Edits and TInputQueryWizardPage.PromptLabels.
For some examples, see:
Select image file on custom layout page and and copy the file to installation folder
Inno Setup: Combo box on TInputQueryWizardPage