Red lines in Netbeans - netbeans

How can I remove the red lines in Netbeans, I've tried to use another dictionary but doesn't work.

This seems to be a behaviour caused by NetBeans Spellchecker. Pressing Tools > Options > Editor > Spellchecker you can mark/unmark what type of files you want to check spell for. By default the spellchecker is on for html files, so unmark HTML/XHTML there - to disable spellchecking for files of these types.


EPIC (Eclipse Perl) occurrence color poor visibility

I came to like eclipse as perl ide the last weeks.
But the occurrence-highlighting of the perl/EPIC plugin is bugging me, because I can't change the color or don't know how (and didn't found a solution anywhere).
I can't see a "color" option in the EPIC/perl configuration (see screenshot below)
I already changed all settings in "General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations > *...occurrence...*" to "dashed box" but in the perl-script still "highlighting" is used.
Question: How do I change the color settings in for perl syntax highlighting? Maybe there is a file to edit this?

Spellchecking doesn't work in eclipse with Texlipse

I have installed eclipse Kepler with Texlipse. However, the spellchecking doesn't seem to work. It doesn't mark any words.
I have already:
enabled spellchecking both in the general and the texlipse preferences
downloaded the dictionaries from and set their directory as the directory for both main and user dictionaries in the Texlipse-preferences
copied the wordlists from the eclipse installation and changed the extension to ".dic" and ".dict"
restarted eclipse several times
I am also unable to find an option to start a spellcheck for the whole document, like there usually is.
I had similar problems with the TeXlipse spellchecker. To fix it I followed the instructions from
Additionally, I set the language code to en in the project settings as described here:
However, spellchecking still did not work for me under Ubuntu 12.04.
I had to switch to a monospaced font to get it working.
Also make sure that the dictionaries are uncompressed.
Check that all dictionary files are readable and that you have write access to the user-defined dictionary.
The one thing that did the trick for me was, after having done the same as you did, to go to
Project > Properties > Latex Project Properties
and set the language setting (last entry on the right) to `en' (or whatever language you need).
The interesting thing is that in my case everything worked fine until one day, and suddenly, the project stopped doing the spelling, until I set this value, which turned it on again. I am quite sure that I did not remove this property in the last few days unless there is a secrete short-cut that I mistakenly pressed. So, very weird.
I had a similar problem. I was using Inconsolata font (that I find awesome) and spell check didn't underline wrong words. I then changed font to Dejavu Sans Mono and the underline appeared.
For me changing the font worked, but I found another solution changing the markup type in Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations > Spelling errors
There, you can check the Text as checkbox, select a different option (e.g. highlighted) and click apply to see the changes.
For some reason, in my case, some options are not displaying and some others yes.

.scss.erb extension syntax highlighting for scss in aptana/eclipse

If I have some eRuby in a scss file, I need to make the extension *.scss.erb. However, doing so causes the sytax highlighting for *.erb rather than *.scss. Is there any way to get eclipse to determine the syntax highlighting more intelligently or at least allow manual syntax assignment like in notepad++?
The only workaround I've found so far is to rename the file *.scss, open it, then rename it back to *.erb so it gets processed correctly later on.
There should be.
What you would do is go to Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations and set the default editor for your *.scss.erb extensions, however there's a bug in Eclipse that prevents file associations with more than one period:
The way I get around the issue is by right clicking the source file in Project Explorer and going to Open With > Other... and selecting Sass Source Editor from there.

Eclipse highlighting the same occurrence of the word

In Notepad++, it has a very nice feature that if I select a word, it will highlight all the same words throughout the text. I can also set the hot-keys to highlight up to five different words with different styles (See the effect below) .
Is there any ways to get this similar effect in eclipse? I know when editing Java, it will highlight all the same variables, but it will not work when I highlight the comments and editing other files type (e.g. xml, html, js, css and etc).
I've been working with Eclipse for quite a while and I'm pretty certain that there is no canonical way of doing this.
In Eclipse these things are managed on a per-editor basis and the Java editor does not support what your looking for for all I know. At least for the Java editor you can do some minor configuration in what is highlighted and how (Preferences > Java > Editor > Mark Occurrences), but I guess you already know that.
As for plugins, I'm not aware of any plugin that achieves what you're looking for. As a matter of fact I'd be surprised if there really was a plugin which achieves what you're looking for.
If something comes up I'd much appreciate you sharing it here, I've been trying to get decent highlighting into Eclipse for years unsuccessfully... :)
Here is a plugin for eclipse:
It highlights all occurrences as with notepad++ upon hitting Ctrl + Alt + F.
Below is what I found works for me but you can also assign a key shortcut to 'Find Text in File':
Select the word or section of text
Press CTR+3 to activate 'Quick Access' search
Type 'Find Text in File'
As mentioned by #Kislingk you can modify how the words are highlighted/marked in 'Preferences > General >Editors>Text Editors > Annotations'.
Here is the closest solution I have found:
Create a shortcut in Preferences/General/Keys
type in the search field: "Find Text in File"
By default it has nothing assigned so just assign your key binding to it.
Annotations can help with displaying it in the sidebar
If you enable "Mark Occurrences" (Alt + Shift + O), then all words that are the same as the one you have marked will be highlighted.
Well if you're searching in the currently open file only (via CTRL-F) then no, you can't have everything highlighted.
However if you use the advanced search (CTRL-H, then go to "File search" tab) there you can input the search pattern, as well as the file-name pattern for the file(s) where it should search, and when the search is done, the search terms are highlighted in each file where they were found:
Use file search to search selected resource can highlight same word in single file.
Another useful eclipse plugin is eclipse instasearch. It has extensive feature set. This is also available in eclipse marketplace.
There are other options needed to enable.(Preferences > General >Editors>Text Editors > Annotations). Find Occurrences and WriteOccurrences and enable Text as 'Hightlight'
Have tried all of the above answer, but all not working. At the end, i found that it's due to i have accidentally remove some of the JRE System Library, after add back, it's work correctly
Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Mark Occurrences

disable eclipse auto completion

I love Eclipse but I HATE auto-completion with a vengeance! I swear though, no matter how hard I look in prefs or Google I can't find where I turn this off!
I'm having the problem with both CFEclipse and the PHP editor.
How do I completely disable all "smart" quotes/tags/braces auto-inserting. Not some of it.. ALL of it. No matter how many options I untick both editors keep trying to finish my code for me.. usually with irritating results. Like this one (PHP editor):
<img alt="banner" src="/images/banner.jpg"></img>
This is HTML, not XHTML - I don't want, or need, my img tags closed.
Anyway this is still happening after I've gone to Preferences | PHP | Editor | Typing and Preferences | PHP | Editor | Code Assist and unchecked every option.
I can't be the only one having this issue but I can't find any howtos or help on this.
Well I found how to stop the tags auto-closing. For some reason it's under the Web | HTML Files preferences (even for a PHP file). I realise PHP is embedded in HTML but it seems odd the way the Editor options cross over like this. You need to restart Eclipse for this change to work.
I don't know how to find the Web | HTML Files Preferences section of cfeclipse configuration. The best I could find for this utterly infuriating so-called feature is this:
Go to Window -> Preferences -> CFEclipse -> Editor Then set Insight Delay to 9999. This won't turn it off but as good as. (Thank you House of Fusion for confirming my action).
You can find the HTML content assist in:
Window > Preferences > Web > HTML Files > Editor > Content Assist
and uncheck the "Automatically Make Suggestions" checkbox in the "Auto Activation" Panel
(used Linux Version of Eclipse Juno)
Found it (it IS hard to find, I know). It's:
Window > Preferences > Web > HTML Files > Editor > Typing (a LOT of steps, I know), then you can uncheck the boxes :).
Same issue, a slightly different location : looks like this is to be unplugged for each different programming language we use.
For Java, I had to look in :
(window / preferences) Java > Editor > Content Assist, frame "Auto Activation", uncheck "Enable auto activation"
For Linux version of Eclipse Juno, find it in:
Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist. then uncheck "Enable auto activation" from the "Auto Activation" Panel
Then Eclipse and I can work together...
Yes, code completion and it's family are VERY irritating and it's hard to find the right checkbox.
Windows->Preferences. And then look at all the choices for editors. You will find the place.
I'm using Flash Builder and encounter the same annoyance with the Actionscript editor.
I was trying to disable this for Javascript, and my environment was not set up the way the other answers were describing. I had to go to:
Window > Preferences > Aptana Studio > Editors > JavaScript > Content Assist
There I had to empty the textboxes for:
display proposals
display contextual info
insert proposal
Now it shows me suggestions, which is great, but no longer forces its favorite suggestion on me when it thinks it's appropriate. It was turning:
THISTORY? What on earth is THISTORY? I'm glad that annoyance is over.
To disable autoclosing for brackets and HTML tags you shall go:
Preferences -> PHP / Web -> Editor -> Typing
then unchek all you need :)
I tried unchecking AutoActivation in ContentAssist for the Java Editor in hopes of disabling SmartInsert. But that failed. Best I could do was to go to Windows>Preferences>Java>Editor>Typing. Then uncheck both the Indentation boxes and Adjust Indentation in When pasting. That disabled the parts of SmartInsert that annoyed me the most. Should work the same for other editors. It is a shame there seems to be no way to disable it altogether.