Spellchecking doesn't work in eclipse with Texlipse - eclipse

I have installed eclipse Kepler with Texlipse. However, the spellchecking doesn't seem to work. It doesn't mark any words.
I have already:
enabled spellchecking both in the general and the texlipse preferences
downloaded the dictionaries from http://sourceforge.net/projects/texlipse/files/dictionaries/ and set their directory as the directory for both main and user dictionaries in the Texlipse-preferences
copied the wordlists from the eclipse installation and changed the extension to ".dic" and ".dict"
restarted eclipse several times
I am also unable to find an option to start a spellcheck for the whole document, like there usually is.

I had similar problems with the TeXlipse spellchecker. To fix it I followed the instructions from https://stackoverflow.com/a/5736974/2920749
Additionally, I set the language code to en in the project settings as described here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7064110/2920749.
However, spellchecking still did not work for me under Ubuntu 12.04.
I had to switch to a monospaced font to get it working.
Also make sure that the dictionaries are uncompressed.
Check that all dictionary files are readable and that you have write access to the user-defined dictionary.

The one thing that did the trick for me was, after having done the same as you did, to go to
Project > Properties > Latex Project Properties
and set the language setting (last entry on the right) to `en' (or whatever language you need).
The interesting thing is that in my case everything worked fine until one day, and suddenly, the project stopped doing the spelling, until I set this value, which turned it on again. I am quite sure that I did not remove this property in the last few days unless there is a secrete short-cut that I mistakenly pressed. So, very weird.

I had a similar problem. I was using Inconsolata font (that I find awesome) and spell check didn't underline wrong words. I then changed font to Dejavu Sans Mono and the underline appeared.

For me changing the font worked, but I found another solution changing the markup type in Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations > Spelling errors
There, you can check the Text as checkbox, select a different option (e.g. highlighted) and click apply to see the changes.
For some reason, in my case, some options are not displaying and some others yes.


How can I keep Eclipse from filling in auto-completions when I type an opening parenthesis ('(')?

So, on Eclipse Luna, I often encounter the situation where I'm typing a method name, but the first autocomplete suggestion is not the method I am looking for but something that is prefix-equivalent but longer, as in this example:
In the example, I just wanted the element(String name) method, so instead of hitting Return, I type ( instead. The result, quite annoyingly, is this:
This is clearly not what I was looking for. Is there a way to prevent Eclipse from performing auto-complete when I hit open-parenthesis (()?
These are my content assist settings (aparrently, I don't have code recommenders installed at all in this eclipse installation):
In Eclipse 4.11 (2019-03), and possibly earlier, the answer to this is under Preferences → Java → Editor → Content Assist → Disable insertion triggers except 'Enter'. After I checked that box, editing became a lot less annoying.
I have no idea why Eclipse doesn't do it by default. Who types map.put( and wants that to autocomplete to map.compute()?
A hack for this is to change the way Eclipse sorts the proposals.
You can go to Preferences menu and then go to the section for which you want to edit sorting. Then to de Editor section and Content Assist.
For example, for Java editor, it will be Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist.
There you will see, more or less in the middle of the window, a section called Sorting and filtering. Inside there is an option called Sort proposalswhich you can change from by relevance to alphabetically. Save an close.
With this you will get the proposals list order alphabetically and element() will be before other methods starting by element.
Tested in Eclipse Luna running in Ubuntu 14.04 and it works. You'll still get your code completed when writing ( but it will be completed with the shorter option available in the proposals list. If you want to use another method, you can continue writing some letters and the shortest option will disapear of proposals as it doesn't match what you are writing.
I guess your problem is the substring matches.
Go Window->Preferences->Java->Editor>Content Assist.
In Sort proposals section uncheck Show substring matches.
I found By relevance more useful then Alphabetically.
I have usually checked hidden Hide proposals not visible in the invocation target, and Hide deprecated references, too.
I hope it help.
The feature you're fighting with is the new "Intelligent code completion" which orders methods based on average usage count. Don't ask me where they get the data. See also here:
To disable the feature go to the preferences page Code Recommenders|Completions and uncheck "Enable intelligent code completion".
Another issue which might negatively affect code completions appears to be 'Java Proposals (Task-Focused)'. For example, it causes map.put() to be replaced with map.compute().
You can disable these from Preferences | Java | Editor | Content Assist | Advanced.
See also: http://literatejava.com/eclipse/bad-auto-completions-in-eclipse/

Eclipse indents new line with tabs instead of spaces

I've followed all the suggestions here.
When I press return, I get a new line that is indented with tabs instead of spaces.
If I backspace to clear the tabs, and then press TAB a series of times, it correctly indents with spaces.
I'm pretty sure I have all my settings set up correctly. I created a new Code Style > Formatter policy for every language in the project, and specified to always use spaces. It seems as though these settings are partially active (ex: when I press tab), but inactive when I use return. I tried restarting Eclipse. I'll try restarting the computer now...
I'm using Mac OS X 10.9.2 and a Liferay Developer Studio (1.6.3.v201312111844) version of Eclipse (not sure which Eclipse build its based on though).
Can anyone think of another setting/solution to ensure that newlines are created with spaces instead of tabs? I recently saw http://editorconfig.org/, and I'm wondering if there's some interference.
Thanks for any suggestions
If the file has existing lines that are using tabs, then Enter will respect that and try to create new lines in a similar way (see this comment by topchef for a solution). Also, it could be something in Liferay Studio's proprietary settings is overriding Eclipse standard preferences (as suggested by user John).
Keep in mind that each type of editor in Eclipse can have its own preferences and perhaps that's what you're running into here. You can try to find them all by opening Preferences and searching for "indent" in the search field. That will show all the preferences pages where indentation can be configured.
Also note that the Formatter settings don't have any affect on as-you-type formatting; that's for when you select a file or group of files or part of a file and choose Source > Format from the menu.

Eclipse treating file as plain text

I've got a small homework project, and for whatever reason Eclipse has decided to stop highlighting syntax or allowing intellisense or goto definitions or anything in this Main.java file. I've tried rebooting it, and the computer, but had no luck.
The thing that really has me confused is that it's still compiling and running the code correctly (eg, changes I make in Main.java are compiled and run - it's not running old Main.class files), so it's still in the build path ... right?
Any ideas?
Right click on the file in the Package Explorer and choose the Open With menu. You will probably find that Text Editor is selected, choose Java Editor to open the file with the correct editor.
The Open With menu selection is remembered so you should get the Java Editor in future, but equally if you choose the plain text editor that is also remembered.
I suggest finding a way to reset any setting you might have set by accident. Not saying that you did it. But just to make sure, just try it out. If you customized the preferences already, you could make some kind of note of the settings, then change it. If that doesn't work, let me know. Good Luck!
Copy the text somewhere, delete the file, and then add a new class (of the same name) and paste the text back.

How do I specify my whitespace style in Eclipse and reformat an offending document?

I have a document that is mixed HTML, JavaScript, and PHP. I edit it in Eclipse.
I am not the original author of the document, I am modifying it.
When modifying it, Eclipse's TAB and SHIFT+TAB (Indent and Unindent) do not function as expected.
Any indentation I insert by pressing TAB can be undone with SHIFT+TAB, but the indentation already in the document cannot be undone the same way. Pressing SHIFT+TAB in this case does nothing.
It seems the whitespacing in this file is different than what Eclipse expects.
My natural coding style (which came from customizing VIM) is spaces-only, with my TAB and SHIFT+TAB inserting and removing four spaces at a time.
How do I reprogram Eclipse for this, and then get Eclipse to restyle this document of unknown formatting to restore my keyboard shortcuts to normal behavior?
I understand that [Window] -> [Preferences] -> (language) -> [Code Style] contains a lot of options, but that's more than I was looking to do right now, plus I commonly find myself working in a lot of different Eclipse installations. Are there predefined Code Styles I can find somewhere for this particular style and import? I would imagine it is a relatively common style.
As far as I know there is no way no import a particular set of preferences, which seems what you are looking for. You import and export them as a whole (and it doesn't work very well, by the way).
I am afraid what you have to do is to configure them yourself in the preferences and edit the code more or less manually.

SVN Export in Eclipse removes labels on tabs

I have a very strange effect when using subclipse with eclipse. Whenever I use Team->Export to export a file from the editor the export works fine, but the label of the tab of the file is removed.
Effect can be seen here: http://www.daspferd.de/img/tabs.png
Strangely enough it happens with php-files, css-files, html-files but NOT with javascript-files. So I'm assuming it's some kind of setting that I haven't found yet and not a bug in subclipse.
Anyone know where I can shut down this behaviour?
It could be a bug in the editors. If eclipse opens an editor on the exported file, it might not open it as an IFileEditorInput, and the editors therefore do not set the title correctly (that's the job of each individual editor implementation).
This is just a guess, but it would be consistent with some editors behaving ok and some not. It would basically be a missing feature in some of your editors.